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No.29 Episode 2-19:
"Playing Hooky"



Original Airdate
07. April 1995
Directed by
David Blackwell
Written by
Josh Goldstein
The roof is leaking. Ray and Roger are busy putting pots everywhere in the living room to collect the dripping rainwater. Roger thinks the drips sounds like music and before they know it the two of them dances around - making a fool of themselves as Lisa and the twins enter...
Lisa is busting the girls out of a history test. She thinks they need some fun, so they cut school and the three of them take a joyride, spending the day together. When Ray finds out, he gets furious and forbids Lisa to interfere with the upbringing of Tamera. Lisa is hurt by that and the mood around the house gets very uncomfortable. Meanwhile the roof is leaking and Roger helps Ray fixing it - not very successfully, though. As a result, a section of the roof crashes down on Lisa as she manages to push Tamera into safety. As a result Ray reconsiders Lisa's role as mother for Tamera.
Guest stars
Edwina Moore
Bobby McGee
Frederick Dawson
... Mrs. Williams
Mr. Vernon











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