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How to contact Tia and Tamera:

I'm often asked how to get it touch with Tia and Tamera.
This is not as easy as it used to be. When they were featured at Celebrity Sightings we had means to communicate with them, but as you all know that is not the case anymore.
Unfortunately I do not know the girls e-mail addresses (if any exists) - that would have been the obvious choice - so you may want to try the good old snail-mail method.

It's currently unknown which addresses to use. Be aware that the two addresses below might not work anymore since the girls stopped taping 'Sister Sister'.

The search for a new contact address is currently ongoing.

Formerly used addresses:

Tia & Tamera Mowry
C/O Sister, Sister
WB Network
3701 Oak Street
Burbank, CA 91505

Tia and Tamera Mowry
5555 Melrose Ave
Hollywood, Ca. 90028


How to contact the webmaster:

I'm not associated with Tia and Tamera or the producers of Sister Sister in any way! For that reason I'm not capable of relaying any messages you might have for them.

However - feel free to contact me with anything regarding Tia and Tamera or this site.


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