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full name:
Tia Dashon Mowry.
time of birth:
July 6, 1978 at 4:32 pm
favorite color:

Tia was born just two minutes after Tamera - that makes her the younger twin. When watching 'Sister Sister' you often get the impression that it's the other way around. Tia usually seems a tiny bit more mature or serious than Tamera.

Tia is 5' 5" and have black hair and brown eyes. In 1988 she won the 'Little Miss Texas'. She started her career dancing at talent shows and doing commercials. Tia first got interested in acting when she visited her brother Tahj on the set of 'Full House'. After that some serious auditioning began and she once played Judith Ann in 'Dangerous Women'. It all paid off when she and her sister were discovered and 'Sister Sister' was created.

Tia describes herself as a neat freak. One example is her closet. Reliable sources report that while Tia's closet is the very picture of neatness, while Tamera's closet is somewhat less organized. Tia simply has to be organized with the things she do.

Favorite Valentine's date:
"My favorite Valentine's Day was two years ago. Marques Houston, who plays Roger on the show, found out I had never gotten a Valentine before then. On February 14th, he gave me flowers and a cute teddy bear that said 'I love you!' It was so sweet!"
Tia's favorite food is Italian.




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