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full name:
Tamera Darvette Mowry.

time of birth:
July 6, 1978 at 4:30 pm.
favorite color:
Sky Blue.

Tamera started acting at age 12, and also did talent shows with Tia, but while Tia did the dancing, Tamera did the singing. Tamera has danced in music videos and appeared on an episode of "Flesh 'n' Blood". She also appeared as Emma C. Squared in "The Adventures of Hyperman".

Tamera describes herself as outgoing, but sensitive. Especially when it comes to meeting new people.
It takes a while for her to get to know people. Tia is more likely to walk up to a person and say "Hi". But once she gets to know somebody Tamera is all over the place "goofing" around. She says that's why everybody at college calls her "Goofy".

While Tia is the outgoing and sporty twin, Tamera is more conservative and laid-back. She likes her private time and enjoys reading.

Tamera is the jokester in the family. Her friends seem to think that she's the funniest of the two.

Favorite Valentine's date:
"My dream Valentine's date would be full of romantic surprises! The guy would have to first surprise me with long-stemmed Fire and Ice roses. Then, we would go for a long walk on the beach, and he would treat me to another surprise by going to a great restaurant!"
That could be a foreign restaurant, cause Tamera loves Chinese food.




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