LINKS to places on my site:


About Me Pixs of my buds
My Comp Pixs of my pimpettes
Misc Links to Sites
Clan xAi  History
Dragon Boat  

My POS Comp

lets see, if u are lookin this site, u must be bored... but i'll just tell u want i got....

-Enlight case wit a 92mm intake fan(glued)

-P3 700 cb0 @938mhz cooled by a Golden Orb for $13

-256 megs NEC ram

-40 gigs Maxtor HD

-Hercules 3D Peophet II GTS Pro

-SB platinum, could have gotta a value, but oh well

-other stuff that u would need.. mouse, key, monitor(ouch)





About Me

Pixs of my buds

Pixs of my pimpettes

My Comp


Links to Sites

Clan xAi

Dragon Boat


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