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History of this site


April 30, 2001 @ 12.:47am - BORED BORED BORED, but thats cuz i dont wanna do n e work rite now..... good news, planning on entering a paintball tournment for Best in the West on May 19th. 5 man team... n e one else interested? bad news, besides lack of money, friend tells others about an upcoming plan, bad michelle. dunno if plan will continue or not, but n e ways. gonna upload a madpok video hopefully.... we'll see. 

April 10, 2001 @ 9:47pm - recent files added: Star Wars Episode 2 movie trailer in misc. Audiotistic is coming up this saturday, gonna be fun. no new info to add about n e thing else.

April 3, 2001 @ 3:28am - damn nap is keeping me up, got class at 7am.... talkin to cheeks and listenin to music... damn i'm bored. didn't get around to updating my site in a while... finals and spring break. going paintballing this weekend wit people, n e one is welcome to come, just call for info. major plans for my webpage. plan on a complete makeover.. but until i learn..... yea. 

March 7, 2001 @7:03pm - found out my roommate is moving out... not like hes been around, but still, i dunno if they are gonna move n e one else in... hmmm. oh well, oh kk, guess wat, my rooms cleaned... people were surprised... bet u would be too... but then u dont know how it was... oh well

March 6, 2001 @ 4:07pm - wow, pulled two all nighters in a row... omg, i'm so dead tired... dont plan to do much updating this week...  

March 2, 2001 @ 1:30pm - ........................................ 

February 27, 2001 @ 9:03pm - this morning after my calc discussion, i went to Commons and played TTT. I finished the game without putting n e extra quarters in... lost once in rounds 4 and 6... used paul and law.... time was 10:41.01.... not bad.... found out about my ticket... i missed the court date... OYE... rushed out to the court back home and got lucky... got an extension... well, other than that... my day is alrite.... 

February 26, 2001 @ 10:58pm - kinda blind rite now after taking off my contacts..... and i thought i should be seeing better without them(contacts are retainers) oh well. got alot of hw tonight... calc and a ton of reading. watched my last movie for my conflicts class.. they could have at least saved the best movie for last. dang it. hmm xAi vs HMC... yum, gonna be a tasty battle, haha. well, nothin new to add to my site... i will soon though.. YUP.... oh yea... and i watched Saving the Last Dance... it was alrite... i got that movie and alot more... ask me if u need/want something. i'll list the movies i got or can get easily someday....

February 26, 2001 @1:46am - I'm gonna be writing this when i'm tired... i had a can of raviolis and a can of clam chowder... and i'm still hungry, maybe i should have made that food run. oh well. went home this weekend (wats new about that) and had to clean out my room so my parents can put in new furniture. i guess it looks nice, but dang, i got a a lot of stuff to move, and most is now in a big black bag that i gotta sort through... thats wat i'm doing next weekend. just finish talkin to michelle.. and kk stayed up till 1:30am.. WOW... i'm spending alot of time on ebay.. not a good thing. oh, last friday, went to a key club thing with soap, and that was pretty much a bust.. spent 10 per ticket, and ended early cuz there was a fight and someone smoking weed. but made up by "taking over the world" so yup. then went to a friends house at 5am and slept.. thats it...

February 20, 2001 - I will start with doing these entries when ever i can. More pixs have been updated and info of xai people are partically done. Karen, i'm gonna leave u as a pimpette =) cuz u dont wanna be called one. haha. I'll change it one day, but for now, yea. I'm waiting for Jon to make a page of the LAN we just had last weekend @ adam's house. if u guys want me to do n e thing or changes (no kk, not now) let me know. alrite. latez. BTW, u might need to hit Refresh if the site has been updated recently so it loads the new page... yea.

Site birth February 15 2001 @4am  Thanks TalonFyre.



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