March 2003

Quoted in American Baby

During the Summer of 2002, Eric was interviewed briefly on the phone about the family's experiences with the arrival of the two new babies. The interviewer was interested in how other family members have helped the older sibling (Jake) deal with the adjustment. A quote from that interview ended up in the March 2003 issue of American Baby.
(click on the circle to see)


February 2003

Jake plays dress-up

He's a soldier, a construction worker, a fireman, and a cowboy!
(click on the circle at the far right to enlarge)


They're all over the place!

Emma and Abby are crawling now and nothing is safe anymore. Barriers and gates have been put up all over the Kauppila house. Eric and Michelle are kept on their toes. (Click on the image below to see the short video clip. You will need a Quicktime player to view it.)

No more diapers

Jake has been out of diapers ever since his birthday (see below) and is doing quite well. Eric and Michelle are very relieved. He loves wearing underpants and shows them off whenever he gets the chance.


Jake's 4th birthday party

Many friends and family members were there to celebrate. There was cake, rides, and lots of presents.
(click on the circles to enlarge)


January 2003

Squeaky clean

It's Abby and Emma in the bathtub!
(click on the circle at the far right to enlarge)

#1 Babysitter

Ever since Abby and Emma were born, Dinah has been a weekly visitor to the Kauppila house – whether it be to stay home during the day and help take care of a sick child, or just to visit and play after a long day of work. She has been a great help.
(click on the circle to enlarge)



What was new not too long ago...

Go back to the most recent "What's New?" page

  • January through early April 2004 - Michelle accepts a job at a small law firm, the whole family packs up and moves to Michigan, Jake turns five and the girls turn two
  • September through December 2003 - The kids dress up again for Halloween, dance in colored light, and Jake is inspired by the buildings in Chicago
  • July and August 2003 - It's a good time of year for a dip in the kiddie pool...also, Abby and Emma climb the stairs, Jake rides the train, and the driveway is drawn on
  • April, May, and June 2003 - The kids are swinging, Michelle graduates from law school, Abby and Emma turn one, Eric is written up in a local newspaper
  • January, February, and March 2003 - Eric is quoted in American Baby, Jake plays dressup, Emma and Abby are crawling (see a video clip), Jake celebrates his 4th birthday
  • October, November, and December 2002 - Buzz Lightyear rescues two peapods on Halloween, Abby speaks for the first time on video, and Jake makes an observation about one of his Christmas gifts
  • August and September 2002 - See photos from a trip to Toronto for a family wedding, and video clips of Emma laughing
  • June and July 2002 - See what the Kauppila Family looks like in the morning, and the Post family (Chris, Maria and Ben) visits
  • April and May 2002 - Read the story of how Emma and Abigail were born and see photos from the first two months of their life







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