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Guest Reviews

Here you'll find reviews of many different shoujo manga, written by fans, for fans. Here are the reviews we currently have. Why don't you write one as well? Just go to the bottom of this page to see the Guest Review Form.

Currently, there are no reviews. Why don't YOU write one?

Guest Review Form

So do you have a manga series (shoujo of course) that want other people to know about? Know an unappreciated series? Or one that you just think is great? Fill out the following form and email it to [email protected] with the subject as "Guest Review Form".

Note: Not all reviews submitted will be put up on this site. For your review to be put up, the form must have all the parts filled out. There should be good reasoning in your arguments and you opinion should be thoroughly explained. Expect to receive an answer 1 � 2 weeks after submitting your review.

Name of Reviewer:

Title of Series:
Manga-ka (author):
Length of Series:
Amount of series you've read so far:

Please write a brief summary of the story.

Plot � the general, main idea of the story (out of 5)
Plot Development � how well the plot progressed over time (out of 10)
Uniqueness of Characters (out of 5)
Character Development (out of 10)
Relationships Development � how well relationships between characters progressed over time (out of 5)
Ending of the Series (if available, out of 5)
Your Interest Level for this Series (out of 5)
Artwork (out of 5)

Please explain how you rated the series with the above criteria. Feel free to express your opinions on this series, making sure you back up your arguments. Suggest improvements for the series: What should the manga-ka do more? What should they add? What should they take away? What should they do a bit differently? Also include how these improvements would benefit the series. Feel free to write anything else about the series that you think is important.


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