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Join the Staff

Want to become a member of the staff? If you do, then I'll greatly appreciate your help! But first, here are some rules and expectations that you should consider before you apply for a position.


For anyone applying:
- You should be at LEAST 13 years old. This is for responsibility issues, but I can always make exceptions.
- Some knowledge of shoujo manga is required. You have to at least know some of the basic stuff.
- Some knowledge of website builind is required. I may ask for your help if needed.
- You must have an active email account. How else will we communicate with each other?
- Having MSN is not neccessary, but it's good to have because I have it as well. another communication thing.
Good grammar and spelling are essential.
- You must be a responsible, polite, patient, and trustworthy individual.
- You must have an interest in shoujo manga. That's why your applying for a position, right?


If you recieve a position at this site, you'll be expected to:
- Help out with the site at least once every week.
- Finish your assignments on time.
- Complete your assignments to your fullest capabilities.
Put effort into your work. Sloppiness is not appreciated!
- Contribute ideas and improvements to make the site better and more interesting. I can't do everything myself you know, that's why I'm hiring you!
- Be respectful to the webmistress (me!) and the other staff members.

Now that you've, hopefully, read all the rules and expectations. If you still wan to apply for a position, please fill out this form and email to [email protected] with the subject as "Application Form".

Please try to fill out everything on the form. If you don't, you'll have a lesser chance of getting hired. Please answer everything truthfully as well.

Application Form

Gender: (F/M)
Email Address:
Do you have MSN?: (Yes/No)
Do you know how to make any kind of graphics? (link buttons, avatars, banners, etc): (Y/M)
If yes, would you willing to make any for this site?: (Y/N)

Do you have an interest in shoujo manga?: (Y/N)
Do you know what "shoujo" means?: (Y/N)
If yes, please explain:
Do you own any manga?: (Y/N)
If yes, name a few shoujo ones you have, if any:

Do you enjoy reading shoujo manga?: (Y/N)
If yes, name a few that you have finished reading:
Name a few that you are currently reading:

Do you know what monthly/bi-monthly shoujo magazines like Hana to Yume, Sho-comi, Nakayosi are?: (Y/N)
If yes, name a few ones that you are familiar with:
Name a few that you own or have read, if any:

Do you any "lesser known" shoujo manga titles? Name a few:

Do you have any knowledge of website builing? Please specify:

Do you have a website/personal page>: (Y/N)
URL of your site:

List any skills you have (academic, computer related):

Write a few lines about how you could be a useful member of the staff here:

Write a few lines about anything else you want to say:

Thank you for taking your time to fill out this form. Remember to email it to the webmistress at the above email address.

Note: Not everyone applying will be hired. I will only hire as many staff as I need, which will picked from the best application forms I recieve. If you submit an application form, please be expected to wait around 2 weeks or more (sooner if I have time) to recieve an answer. If you are picked (1st cut), you will not become a member of the staff immediately. You will be given a few small assignments to complete so I can test out your skills. After that, you will recieve an email (in about a week or so from completing your given assignments) which will tell you if you are officially hired (2nd cut).

If you do not make the 1st or 2nd cut, your application will still be kept for future reference. You may be hired in the future if have we have an opening. So if you don't get hired the first time around, you might be considered for a position in the future if you are still interested.


Copyright � 2003 Susan Lee.
Layout design © 2003 Layout image courtesy of Boy's Wallpaper Studio.

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