Updated: 19 july 1998
Unknown Generation Bâtard
Deceased: 21 March 1996




Age: 29 (At Final Death) Hair: Brown Height: 1m74
Apparent Age: 17 Eyes: Blue-Green Weight: 65 Kg
Date of Birth: 1967 Race: Caucasian Sex: Male
RIP: Embrace: 1984
Nationality: French Esprit:

Role Playing:


Actual Aim:

Actual Aim:


Caitiff VAMPIRE: The Masquerade v3 Caitiff
Name: Daniel Nature: Cavalier Gen./Blood: 15/1
Player: Raoul Demeanor: Loner Haven: RIP in the Père
Lachaise Cemetary
Chronicle: Paris, la nuit... Clan: Bâtard Concept: Student
App. Age: 17 Sire: Solomon Birth/RIP/F.Death: 1967/1980/1996
Physical Social Mental
Strength *** Charisma **** Perception ***
Dexterity *** Manipulation ** Intelligence **
Stamina ** Appearance **** Wits **
Talents Skills Knowledges
Alertness ** Animal Ken Academics *
Athletics ** Crafts Computer *
Brawl *** Drive * Finance
Dodge Etiquette * Investigation *
Empathy ** Firearms * Law
Expression Melee ** Linguistics *
Intimidation * Performance * Medicine
Leadership Security * Occult *
Streetwise * Stealth * Politics
Subterfuge * Survival * Science *
Intrigue Lore, Kindred
Lore, Camarilla
Clan Knowl.
Paris Knowl.
Disciplines Backgrounds Virtues
Obfuscate ** Status Conscience **
Potence ** Elder Status Self-Control ***
Presence ** Prestige Courage ***
Allies ****
Contacts **
Herd **
Mentor (Lazlo) ****

Other Traits Humanity Health Levels
**** Bruised
Hurt -1
Willpower Injured -1
***** Wounded -2
Mauled -2
Blood Pool Crippled -5
ooooo ooooo Incapacited

Daniel is my second character. As for Cath, I didn't knew what Clan I would choose. I remember that if Yannick had let me 5 minutes more, I would have changed for Toreador. Anyway, At first, I hated this character: Yannick had put Daniel 15th Generation because he thought it was better, without letting me the choice (the choice of changing Clan to have a suitable Gen).

Then I started to like this young egoistical male who changed his principles with the coming of if cruel Embrace (Solomon was a Panders who wanted to teach Daniel a lesson by Embracing him and killing his parents in front of him the night of Christmas...)

I remember it was a cause of great discussion: At the time, Daniel had an Humanity rating of 5. And when something happened to others (like thefts, etc.), Yannick acted as if Daniel didn't care. I always answered ''Daniel DO care!''. Start of a neverending discussion about Humanity... And so on...

In the end, I believe Yannick understood (too late) that the Generation of my character had been a bad move, and he tried to make up for this: When Daniel finally discovered his Sire, and succeeded in having him staked, he went proudly to the Louvre with the body, telling everyone he was Ventrue! (Okay, Ventrue Antitribu, but anyway...). The Ventrue of our group, François Hubert even thought about teaching him the ways of his Clan...

It didn't went as I thought (I thought I would won my first point of Status). Villon new about Salomon, and Daniel only uncovered Salomon fragile standing in the Camarilla and Sabbat. So Villon decided Salomon had to die. Ivan decided it was fitting the Sire to be killed by his ungrateful Childe. So he Dominated Daniel to do it.

The surprise was total for Yannick: We went together through the Diablerie Rules of the Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand and the Roll decided 7 points of Willpower from Salomon survived in the mind of Daniel (who had only 5). I won't talk about the failed Conscience Roll...

Anyway, Yannick never believed I would ''suicide'' my character. He wondered at what I was doing until I said that I tied me up on one tombstone of a cemetary with a very long and very strong cord, and that I used every Bloodpoint I had on my stamina to use Daniel's Blood Pool, and that I would way for the sunrise...

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