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Welcome to our Extra Curricular Activity page.�� We will continue adding more extra curricular activites over time.� So please continue to check back with us.�If you have an national organizations that would be appropriate for this page, please contact us at our Email address below.

  • http://www.nationalgeographic.com/geographybee/howto.html - Geography Bee - Find out information on registering for the Geography Bee, important dates and geography education.� Plus take an online quiz "play the game"which posts 5 new questions a day.
  • http://www.spellingbee.com/ - Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee - Learn about the organization, it's purpose and it's history.� Or find out about suggested rules for local spelling bees.� Contact Us � for information on how to participate and� check out the special section on homeschools and their eligibility for participation.
  • http://www.destinationimagination.org/ - Destination ImagiNation is an international organization for kindergarten through college students and community groups that teacheslife skills and expanding imagination through team-based creative problem solving.� Each team must obtain a passport license to participate.� All the information needed is on this site.
  • http://www.4-h.org/fourhweb/ - 4H� - If you would like to learn more about joining 4-H in your area go to your statepage and look for the county links.�� "I pledge my Head to clearer thinking, my Heart to greater loyalty, my Hands to larger service,� my Health to better living for my club, my community, my country and my world."

  • http://www.scouting.org/nav/signup.html - Boyscouts of America - Go to Starting a Unit �to learn how to start a unit of your own through your� school, community organization, or religious organization. Then go to Local Council Locator � where you can� locate a BSA council in your area.

  • http://jfg.girlscouts.org/jfgfunctions/cnclfind/cnclmap.htm - Girl Scouts - Locate a girl scout council in your area or just learn about the girlscouts in the USA.

  • http://www.lifesmarts.org/- Life Smarts is a group activity that teaches teens consumer knowledge:� personal finance, health and safety, environment, technology, and consumer rights and responsiblities.� It is open to teens in the 9th -12th grades and is available in various states.� (Each team must have an adult coach over the age of 18 years old).� To see if your state is involved go to http://www.lifesmarts.org/state.htm where you can contact the state corrdinator to learn more about state competitions, valuable community resources and information on how to begin a team. � For further information go to http://www.lifesmarts.org/ncce.htm for the FAQ's page.� For step by step directions on getting started, click on http://www.lifesmarts.org/game/index.html

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© 2002 Terri Ray
This page was last updated on Tuesday, June 18, 2002

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