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Homeschool Organizations

  • http://www.hslda.org/ - HSLDA - Home School Legal Defense Association - has all the answers you need from a legal standpoint. Check out the menu in the left hand corner. Under " Statelaws" you will find a summary of the legal options for homeschooling in every state . Check out Organizations for homeschool organizations in your neighborhood or across the world. You may also become a member of this organization - for a fee, of course. (It is not necessary to become a member in any of these organizations just because you homeschool. Learn your rights and find out all the various organizations out there first. There are quite a few. Find out which one best suits your needs if any.)

  • http://www.home-school.com/groups/ - Homeschool Organizations - A list of state, national and foreign organizations to contact.

  • http://www.nhen.org/support/groups/browse.htm - The National Home Education Network with legal andlegislative information, homeschool articles and support groups.

  • Homeschool Resource Sites

  • http://www.homeschoolmedia.com/register/index.phtml - Homeschool Social Register - Properly introduce yourself to other homeschoolers in your area. Covers the U.S. and Canada. This is a great resource - Become part of the register!

  • http://eho.org/ - Eclectic Homeschool Onlines - This is a very lengthy, but worthwhile and informative site. It has state resources, support groups and legal issues under support. In academics you can find links to curriculum and software (for $$$) or free downloads and resources (always a favorite) and, of course, weblinks to various sites for all subjects. For those of you who are new to homeschooling, beginning is a good place to start.

  • http://www.midnightbeach.com/hs/ - Jon's Homeschool Resource Site has information on where to begin with homeschooling, FAQ's, list of local support groups, homeschool mailing lists to subscribe to. This site also has a resource page of All Homeschool Pages , General resource pages and a list of Homeschool Organizations.

  • http://www.gomilpitas.com/homeschooling/ -AtoZ's Home's Cool has featured pages on homeschool guide, where to begin, study materials (curriculum) and much more.

  • http://www.webschooling.com/school_home.html - Webschooling - For even more links on homeschooling resources. If you haven't found what you're looking for, try here!

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