"Don't you ever wonder why, nothing ever seems to change......"

Welcome to Livewire's page of Wonder

Well like ya know theres not any more reason for me to have a web page than the next guy, but in life people find me funny and interesting on a regular basis, so if these are not prerequisite enough, then......."The story so far...."

When I decided to make a web page, I considered ...... "What is it that I appriciate in a web page?". Pix of cute girls, an attractive layout, not confusing, the creativly unusual, and if it takes a long time to load, better not be a bunch of ads!!!. These qualitys i have tried and shall try to incorporate here. Perhaps I can make this a sight that I would bookmark myself, out of sheer curiosity to see how it will change. So it is with this intent that i submit this page for your consideration. Hope you like it........

"...if it does it's for the worse, seems its just a modern curse."

space back ��������������������������You are not visitor number... ��������������� grey back ���������������

So like whats here???


��������������������������A waste���������������Music


���������������������������������Pressing news�����������������

"it will shine and it will shudder as I guide it with my rudder....."

Favorite links.......:)

��Spice Slap! ���where you can slap a spice girl!!

Hubble space telescope

That's all for now folks.......... be irie.......

Wonder why you ever came in

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����Download Netscape because it kicks ass!!!

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