"The killer cycles, the killer hertz, the passage of my life is measured out in shirts......"

Welcome to Livewire's page of Wonder

Well like ya know theres not any more reason for me to have a web page than the next guy, but in life people find me funny and interesting on a regular basis, so if these are not prerequisite enough, then......."The story so far...."

When I decided to make a web page, I considered ...... "What is it that I appreciate in a web page?". Pix of cute girls, an attractive layout, not confusing, the creativly unusual, and if it takes a long time to load, better not be a bunch of ads!!!. These qualitys I have tried and shall try to incorporate here. Perhaps I can make this a sight that I would bookmark myself, out of sheer curiosity to see how it will change. So it is with this intent that I submit this page for your consideration. Hope you like it........

"...Time and motion, time and tide, all I know is all I have is time and time and tide are on my side...."

grey back ��������������������������You are not visitor number... ��������������� brown back ���������������



�����������������������������������������������������A waste��������������Music

Whats�Here??? Candles�����������������Pix

�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Pressing news

"I am on an open sea, just drifting as the hours go slowly by....."

Favorite links.......:)

��Spice Slap! ���where you can slap a spice girl!!

Hubble space telescope

That's all for now folks.......... be irie.......

Wonder why you ever came in

[email protected]�������������������Comments

����Download Netscape because it kicks ass!!!

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1997 Irie computers