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Reviews of Hacker Movies
Tired of the same old hacker movies? Hopefully the reviews below will help you find new and interesting hacker and phone loser-related movies that you've never heard of. This is not a complete review of every hacker movie ever made so don't email us and tell us that we left a bunch out.




Electric Dreams

This is a must-see old 80's movie! It's actually a love story that goes something like this - a nerdy guy who knows nothing about computers buys himself a home computer. Within days he's hacking into his boss's computer and downloads everything from the massive system in just a few seconds on his speedy acoustic coupler modem. The download overloads his computer so he does what any ordinary man would do - he dumps a glass of champaigne into the keyboard.

So as you probably guessed, the computer isn't fried - instead it comes to life, starts talking to the nerdy guy and becomes jealous of his girlfriend. In no time, the movie goes into a plot similar to The Net where the computer is making the nerdy guy's life hell by calling the police on him, canceling his credit cards and locking him into his apartment.

Overall it's actually not a bad movie, it's been one of my personal favorites since the mid 80's. It's even got a catchy 80's soundtrack with music by Culture Club and a few other recognizible names which escape me at the moment.



War Games

What self-respecting hacker hasn't seen this movie?? Meet David Lightman, your ordinary average high school hacker. Searching for a company that makes computer games, David sets up a wardialer and accidentally finds a military computer which he mistakes for a new game. Of course this nearly causes World War III and only David Lightman can save the world by escaping from a military holding cell, tracking down the man who designed the military system and bringing him back to Norad to talk sense into everyone.

It sounds cheesey but it's actually a great movie and many of the techniques shown and described in the plot were very true to life in the 80's.




I originally intended to leave this movie off of my hacker movies list. But then I thought it would be best to warn everyone to stay far far away from it. I hate this movie and it disgusts me to no end. The acting is terrible and the plot is retarded. I got a few chuckles out of the part where they held a hacking contest to see who could do the best job at harassing a certain federal agent, but the rest of the movie was really really moronic.

There is nothing to be gained from watching this movie other than to laugh at it's stupidity. I understand that it's just a movie and that movies are fantasy and not all plots should be expected to be believable, but there's just no excuse for this piece of crap. Do not walk but RUN away from this movie.



The Corndog Man

Ace Barker is a bigoted good ol' boy boat salesman in Bougherville, SC. One day he receives an anonymous call from someone who initially claims he wants to buy a boat. But the mysterious caller keeps phoning every day, harassing Ace. The entire movie is based around these harassing phone calls which drive this old man crazy, as he spends all his time trying different ways to catch the prankster. The calls eventually cause the man to lose his home, his job and his dignity. It's a flick that any true phone loser can appreciate.



The Matrix


Imagine if life was a dream, and man was the dreamer. This is the concept that the Matrix takes to the maximum. On an Earth in the future all appears well and normal but to some, things are not right. To a handful it becomes apparent that the life that humanity knows is that of a computer simulation. The human mind is utilized as a generator of energy for a grand machine superstructure. Man is plugged in, sensations are projected in the mind in such a way as to make everything appear real. Every sensation, every lusting, every taste, every touch; its all made to feel real but in reality it isn't.

Keanu Reeves plays one man who wakes from this dream world. He is unplugged from his resting place where he was plugged into machine bred reality. But can anyone else wake from this false world of beauty rather than reality? Some the called "hackers" of humanity can break into this machine dream world at will. They can interact with men who are a part of this dream world. But lurking within the dream world are computer controlled "agents" that constantly monitor and eradicate the interventions of those that enter this world with the truth. Agents can do the impossible almost in this computer world. Their actions and abilities are only limited by the Matrix or the computer program that runs this dream state. Anyone absolutely at anytime can be converted into an agent as needed.

If someone dies in the dream world of the matrix then they die in reality as well. The body can not exist when the mind belives that it is dead. Keanu Reeves (who plays Neo, known to the machine agents as Mr Anderson) in one dramatic scene arives with a female who has hacked into the Matrix with him. They are in search of their former leader Morpheus who is in the Matrix as agents attempt to extract information from him.

The heros arrive at a major complex in the dream world of the Matrix. Guards are everywhere as are metal detectors. Guards run a metal detector over them and it goes off instantly. Keanu Reeves lifts his overcoat and reveals a multitude of weapons. Fighting his way in through hundreds of guards, kicking off walls and people. These real human beings in the Matrix have learned a bit about manipulating the programs the machines are controlled by.

In the movie's end agents are finally able to be killed and Keena Reeves realizes that he is the chosen one meant to awaken man from his dream state. Agents in the past attacked without fear, but now they run when the one they call "Mr Anderson" heads in their direction. The movie was rather cerebral but has a truly creative and unique storyline. The action sequences that defy gravity as well as the slow motion run sequences are cinematically spectacular. The movie does bear a slight resemblance to the animated anime movie Megazone 23 Part II, also known as Robotech the Movie. In this animated movie, a computer complex controls the earth which is in reality a giant spaceship. The people of this ship belive they are in deed on the Earth and that "aliens" are on their way to eradicate them. The aliens arriving are in fact the inhabitants of the actual Earth.






This is probably one of the most contraversial topics we have ever covered lol! Everyone has seen at least one hollywood movie that contains (or is about) hacking or hackers - but which one is best? which ones haven't you seen?

I know a lot of people have very strong opinions on this :) and some hackers/programmers absolutely despise the hollywood films because of how unrealistic they are.

Personally...i think they are great! Sure, they aren't all that realistic for the most part - but who cares? It's a film and it's meant to be entertaining! Who says films have to be realistic? (fiction anyone?).

This article is going to list the hacking/computer related films that i know of (in no particular order) and give you some idea of what the film is about + whether its worth seeing :) Please - feel free to add comments at the bottom of this article, and if you know of any films I have left out - let me know!

Right (deep breath) - lets go!


  • Hackers (1995)

    Plot Summary: A young boy is arrested by the Secret Service for writing a virus, and banned from using a computer until his 18th birthday. After his 18th, he joins up with a rival hacker, Kate Libby. Together they and their hacker friends battle against a master hacker to save the financial world from ruin.

    Comments: This is usually one of the first hacker films everyone thinks of when asked to name one! Along with "Wargames", it is probably the most classic hollywood hacker film. I know tons of people hate this movie - but just as many people love it too! It is one of the few totally hacking-related films that actually appeals to people who aren't into hacking themselves. Why? because it makes hackers and hacking look cool! (you know you would love it if you could do half the things they do in the film!)

    No matter how unrealistic this film is in places (some information is based on real hacking techniques of the time) makes up for it by being a movie that is fun to watch, makes hacking look cool, has a good cast, and a good soundtrack.

    Rating: 10/10

  • Sneakers (1992)

    Plot Summary: As college students in the 60s, Martin Bishop and his pal Cosmo were computer pranksters who wired donations from the Republican Party to the Black Panthers. Twenty-five years later they head a team of experts who are hired to penetrate systems and test their security. This movie follows the group of corporate security experts who get in over their heads when they accept an assignment poaching some hot hardware for the National Security Agency.

    Comments: This is a great film! A lot of people name this as their favourite hacking-related film because it has a strong storyline, a more realistic depiction of hacking/computer security that most movies, and a good cast. It is a good balance of tech, comedy, and action.

    Rating: 9/10

  • Wargames (1983)

    Plot Summary: A young man finds a back door into a military central computer in which reality is confused with game-playing, possibly starting World War III.

    Comments: What can I say - It's the Nostradamus of computer movies. It talks about hacking at a time where the internet was science fiction and the average computer was half as powerfull as a Game Boy. It has some old school phreaking (tampering phone lines) in there as well but all information is just of historical value.

    It's also the movie that inspired programmers to write War Dialers (well known type of software used to find phone lines connected to computers). It might be an old film now - but I think it stands up very well against todays movies. This is a classic and definately a must-see.

    Rating: 8/10

  • Anti-Trust (2001)

    Plot Summary: A computer programmer's dream job at a hot Portland-based firm turns nightmarish when he discovers his boss has a secret and ruthless means of dispatching anti-trust problems.

    Comments: The reviews of this film were very mixed - but I really liked it when I saw it. It has an interesting plot, and develops well across the course of the movie - often being ridiculous, but fun :) There are no flashy graphics when it comes to the computers, and things are kept fairly realistic. I guess you could describe this film as a suspense/thriller set in the world of IT. Honestly, I think it's amazing more films like this haven't been made.

    Rating: 8/10

  • SwordFish (2001)

    Plot Summary: The world's most dangerous spy is hired by the CIA to coerce a computer hacker recently released from prison to help steal billions in unused government funds.

    Comments: When I read about this film (before it's release) - I couldn't wait for it to come out! As you can tell, I am a fan of hollywood hacker films, and this movie sounded awesome! didn't live up to expectations :( This is really not a very good film...and is more of an action film than anything (a bad action film at that, with a couple of good scenes).

    The computer scenes are very very hollywood, and this is not a movie for those that like realistic depictions of hacking :) All in all - I would say its worth seeing because its nice to see hollywood at least trying to make a new computer/hacking film - but don't expect this to be anywhere near as good as hackers/sneakers etc.

    Rating: 6/10

  • Mission Impossible (1996)

    Plot Summary: A team of secret agents, on a mission, become a target for unknown assassins. The sole survivor of the team becomes chief suspect in the ensuing international manhunt. Now agent Ethan Hunt must clear his name in a seemingly impossible mission.

    Comments: Ok - so this is not strictly a computer/hacking film - but I want to include it because I think it is a very good film and there is a lot of IT used (and computers + some hacking is featured). This is an intelligent thriller, with a number of plot twists. It is really sad that Mission Impossible 2 (MI2) was completely different (a terrible film - as it lacked all the intelligence of the first one, and ended up as a bad action film).

    Rating: 8/10

  • The Thirteenth Floor (1999)

    Plot Summary: The concept of this film becomes closer to reality every day as games like The Sims let you live life for a computer character. A group of scientists have created a simulated world inside a computer. The inhabitants have a life of their own but people can plug in to take over a character and live their life. None of the characters in the world are aware it isn't real and life goes on for them even when there is no human intervention.

    One of the scientists makes a shocking discovery and manages to leave a message for his colleague with a simulation character before he is murdered and the colleague becomes the prime suspect.

    Comments: What starts out as questioning the use of virtual reality (Do virtual people have a soul?) becomes much more than that. This is very similar in some ways to The Matrix - yet came out before it! This film won't set the world on fire - but I enjoyed it and what it lacks in some areas, it makes up for in plot twists and concepts (this is quite a well thought out film).

    The Thirteenth Floor is a stylish film that raises questions about technology vs. reality, all the while wrapped up in a murder-mystery story line. Recommended. Oh, and there is one particularly cool twist :)

    Rating: 8/10

  • Code Hunter (2002)

    Plot Summary: America's best player is being pulled in to the ultimate cyber-terror. The game's mastermind has stolen his identity

    Comments: This film was originally titled "Storm Watch". It is not as well known as the other films mentioned in this article - but I found it about a year ago and decided to watch it. In a nut shell this is a cyber espionage story..with a few twists - and although its nowhere near the standard of Hackers - it is quite enjoyable and some bits are pretty good.

    Rating: 7/10

  • Enemy of the State (1998)

    Plot Summary: Robert Clayton Dean (Will Smith) is a lawyer with a wife and family whose happily normal life is turned upside down after a chance meeting with a college buddy (Jason Lee) at a lingerie shop. Unbeknownst to the lawyer, he's just been burdened with a videotape of a congressman's assassination. Hot on the tail of this tape is a ruthless group of National Security Agents commanded by a belligerently ambitious fed named Reynolds (Jon Voight).

    Using surveillance from satellites, bugs and other sophisticated snooping devices, the NSA infiltrates every facet of Dean's existence, tracing each physical and digital footprint he leaves. Driven by acute paranoia, Dean enlists the help of a clandestine former NSA operative named Brill (Gene Hackman) and Enemy of the State kicks into high-intensity hyperdrive

    Comments: I am including this because - it is a truly great film! It might not be strictly about hacking, but there is a lot of spy technology features and a lot about the NSA and big brother. This film has an excellent storyline and will keep you in suspense throughout. Fans of technology, intelligent thrillers, and action movies will love this film I think.

    Rating: 9/10

  • eXistenZ (1999)

    Plot Summary: Jennifer Jason Leigh is game designer Allegra Geller, responsible for the new state-of-the-art eXistenZ game system; along with PR newbie Ted Pikul (Jude Law), they take the beta version of the game for a test drive and are immersed in a dangerous alternate reality.

    The game isn't quite like PlayStation, though; it's a latexy pod made from the guts of mutant amphibians and plugs via an umbilical cord directly into the user's spinal column (through a BioPort). It powers up through the player's own nervous system and taps into the subconscious; with several players it networks their brains together.

    Comments: This is a clever film in some ways - and follows a similar style/concept to "The Thirteenth Floor" and "The Matrix". eXistenZ is a complicated sci-fi opus, often almost confusing due to the plot twists - but that is what keeps you interested and wanting more!

    The concept of mixing reality with a computer program (virtual reality) is a popular theme - but this is one film that does it well and keeps you guessing. I can't say too much about it - just watch it and see what you think :)

    Rating: 7/10

  • Lawnmower Man (1992)

    Plot Summary: Jobe, the church gardener known as the Lawnmower Man, is an adult with a six-year-old's mind. At Cybertech, a nearby research centre, Dr Angelo uses his technological breakthrough, an advanced virtual reality computer system, to accelerate the intelligence of laboratory chimps. Ater a chance meeting with Jobe, Dr Angelo begins experiments to advance Jobe's intelligence... with amazing and disturbing results. Based on a short story by Stephen King.

    Comments: For 1992, this is a very nicely made film delving into the world of virtual reality - at the time I hadn't seen anything like it before. The plot is good, and quite plausible as Sci-Fi goes and with a neat twist at the end.

    Rating: 7/10

  • The Net (1995)

    Plot Summary: Her driver's license. Her credit cards. Her bank accounts. Her identity. DELETED. A freelance computer systems analyst is plunged into a web of corruption and murder when she stumbles onto a computer program she was never meant to see.

    Comments: I know people hate this film with a passion lol :) Although some of the suspense contrivances may seem simplistically predictable, there's an undeniable fascination in the theme of losing one's identity. Everywhere Bullock turns she's faced with either a bald reflection or mirroring metaphor of how the computer age strips us of individuality. And, indeed, privacy. This film is very hollywood and quite cheesy - but for all that, its quite good fun.

    Rating: 7/10

  • Track Down (Takedown) (2000)

    Plot Summary: This film is based on the story of the capture of computer hacker "Kevin Mitnick".

    Comments: This film goes under many names! A lot of people on the Internet refer to it as "Hackers 2" - which is nonsense, since it is nothing to do with the film "Hackers". I have seen this film called "Cybertraque" (french version), "Manhunt", "Takedown", and more recently (for DVD release) "Track Down".

    When I first heard about this film, it was not released on DVD and was very hard to get - but I managed to buy it from Amazon France :) Basically, this is based on the true story of Kevin Mitnick - but it is done in a near-fictional way (i.e. they have added stuff that never happened in real life). People who know the true story of Mitnick will be horrified by this film as it does not portray Mitnick in a good light or give an accurate representation of what happened. However, if you just watch it for entertainment value and forget its meant to be based on a true story - it is actually quite watchable.

    If you want to know the true story of Kevin Mitnick - watch "Freedom Downtime" (linked to at the bottom of this article).

    Rating: 7/10

  • Tron (1982)

    Plot Summary: A hacker is literally abducted into the world of a computer and forced to participate in gladiatorial games where his only chance of escape is with the help of a heroic security program.

    Comments: Made in 1982 - wow :) Even though the effects in this movie are somewhat 'dated', they are still unique - and this movie is an important piece of cinema history. The fact is, this is where the modern Computer graphic effects industry began. This is a must-see for sure.

    Rating: 7/10

  • Netforce (1999)

    Plot Summary: The future finds information to be power and controlling the Internet the greatest power of all. The commander of Net Force, a division of the FBI whose sole purpose is to protect the Net from Corruption, is assigned the job of tracking down a top assassin.

    Comments: It sounds so good - and it really is a great premise for a film...the problem is, the movie is awful. It's really a made-for-tv movie, and has a very low budget. However, its not the budget that lets the movie down...its everything! predictable, boring, badly acted...avoid.

    Rating: 2/10

  • 23 - Nichts ist so wie es Scheint (1998)

    Plot Summary: "Nothing is as it seems". The movie's plot is based on the true story of a group of young computer hackers from Hannover, Germany...

    Comments: An intriguing portrait of a young man (a famous hacker with an unhealthy interest in conspiracies) drifting away from reality. This movie is quite difficult to find - and it is in German. However, I did find a site which has englush subtitles for it
    here. If you can find it - it is well worth watching (check out the link for more information).

    Rating: 7/10

  • The Matrix (1999)

    Plot Summary: Slam-bang cyber-actioner stars Keanu Reeves as a computer hacker told by rebels Laurence Fishburne and Carrie-Anne Moss that the world, as he knows it, is actually a form of virtual reality. Reeves is enlisted to use his intelligence and strength to topple the oppressive computer-fueled powers that control the world.

    Comments: What can I say :) you are bound to have already seen this film hehe. The concept that the whole world is a computer program...thats enough for me :) Also, I better mention (because everyone always seems to bring this up) - in The Matrix Reloaded there is a scene where Trinity uses Nmap then runs sshnuke to exploit SSHv1 CRC32. This doesn't make the film as realistic as some of the other films here ;) - but its nice to see a hollywood movie including some "realistic" computer exploits.

    Rating: 8/10

  • Jumpin' Jack Flash (1986)

    Plot Summary: The story of a computer operator who becomes involved in international espionage when a desperate message from a British Intelligence officer appears on her computer terminal. Needless to say, she sets off to rescue him from behind the Iron Curtain...

    Comments: I apologise for including this one lol. This is a comedy film with Whoopi Goldberg - and is not usually regarded as a hacker film hehe - but it does center around computer use, and for all that...its not bad :)

    Rating: 6/10

  • Johnny Mnemonic (1995)

    Plot Summary: In the 21st Century valuable information is carried in the minds of specialist couriers. The best in the business, Johnny, is assigned the task of carrying the most sensitive information of the century. Failure to deliver this time could mean the loss of his head. Based on the short story by 'cyberpunk' author William Gibson.

    Comments: Johnny is used to carrying around large chunks of information by downloading it straight into his brain and is well paid for it, but this time he has downloaded too much data and his brain will turn to mush unless he can get it out soon. Our hero ends up in a race against time and whilst he tries to save himself he encounters a resistance movement who have their own interest in the information he carries.

    There are some interesting ideas (as you would expect from cyber-punk author turned screenwriter William Gibson) and they are well executed. The story itself is a bit daft but watchable and the actors do a fine job.

    Rating: 7/10

  • Ghost In the Machine (1993)

    Plot Summary: The soul of a dead serial killer is captured inside a computer network from a surge of lighting; he begins to ply a killing spree through the electrical grid and appliances on a Cleveland single mother's friends, using pages from her lost address book.

    Comments: To be honest - I haven't seen this film, and will probably check it out soon (even though the reviews are not good lol). The reviews say: "The concept of a serial killer's soul living inside a computer is a frightening and interesting theme. However, director Rachel Talalay doesn't infuse this movie with enough tension and surprises."

    Rating: Unrated

  • Ghost In the Shell (1995)

    Plot Summary: A female cyborg cop and her partner hunt a mysterious and powerful hacker called the Puppet Master.

    Comments: Overall, I think the film is worth watching. It tackles some of the same issues as Blade Runner. It is an anime film which is often also compared to The Matrix. If you don't like anime, then don't bother - but otherwise - check this out!

    Rating: 6/10







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