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         When an actress is just an actress, she is someone who portrays a character in a film, television series or live production. But when an actress isn't just acting; when she BECOMES that character, she isn't just an actress anymore. She is a *star*. When I think of *star* actresses, one stands out in my mind. And that is, Mariska Hargitay. She doesn't have an "acting gene" that makes her as talented as she is (although she is the daughter of Jayne Mansfield and Mickey Hargitay; two extremely talented individuals). She's as talented as she is because she takes her character and molds them into an entity, and it comes to life. She has a charisma; an intensity about her, and she brings that into her work. Not many actresses out there are *real*, but Mariska is. She truly is a *star*.
         This webpage is dedicated to the beautiful and talented Mariska Magdolina Hargitay. It was created to solidify in our minds the impact she has had, and the talent she wields. Each page was put together scrupulously and with extreme attention to detail; just like she does with her characters. If you have any questions, comments, corrections or anything you would like to submit to the site email me anytime:
[email protected]
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� Nikayla, 2005
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