I've been him in 1997 when I started this Web-Site This is how I look like nowadays

Let's get acquaintance!

Name: Vyatcheslav Pavlovitch Smirnov
Born: 22 November 1973, 16:00, Khabarovsk, Russia
Baptized: 27 February 1994

I attend to Khabarovsk Baptist Church of the World Mission

Last Summer there came American believers sent by Send International mission to build a new church building for us. We've done great job!
Learned: 1981-91: Khabarovsk secondary school #40

1991-96: Khabarovsk polytechnic institute (Khabarovsk State technical university), Automobile faculty, profession - "Internal combustion engines", qualification - an engineer-mechanic

1996-99: KhSTU, past-graduate school, profession - "Heat  engines". The title of my thesis was "The improving of inlet ports of turbocharged diesel"

Job title: Nov.1999-Oct.2000: University teacher

s. Oct.2000: Russian language teacher, English-Russian translator

Married: Not yet but looking for

5'10" (177cm)

Weight: 120 lbs (55kg)
Eyes: gray
Hair: brown
Blood type: 0 (I) Rh +

Special for American spies:

Don't even bother, I don't have any access to secret files of nuclear reactor!

My name is Vyatcheslav, but friends call me Slavik. SmallStar is a nickname that I have for comparison with my friend BigStar (AKA Videoguy) ;-)

I was born in 1973, 22nd of November in Khabarovsk , where I still live. Khabarovsk is situated in the Far East of Russia, on a shore of Amur-river. The population is above 610,000. If you are interesting about life in Russia, read my note. See some pics of Khabarovsk.

In 1991 I left school and went to Polytechnic Institute (since 1992 - Khabarovsk State Technical University ). I graduated from University in 1996. I'm specialist in internal combustion engines. Sub-faculty Internal Combustion Engine (that is, gasoline and diesel motors). I was university teacher for 1 year but now I retired.

I am on the Net since November 96. It helps me to study English very well (at least I think so).

I interested about:

Formula One Automobiles Modelling




Web design:

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I also like swimming, ice-skating, to play chess and ping-pong, etc.

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