Page Last Updated: Saturday February 01, 2003

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Jim Sucks

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Last Updated Saturday, February 01, 2003 07:37 PM -0800

Monday, December 30, 2002
I put up some new content on the Thingies page. You'll find some new links to some of my favorite places, along with Photoshop Phun. Hopefully I don't get burned out on this section, as it is a lot of fun. I also added a new item on the Dark Entries page. So, until next time...


Sunday, December 22, 2002
I spent some time creating some more content for the  I Hate Zjimbo Fanclub page. I also fixed some broken links and did some other tweaking here and there. Mainly updating the Thingies page to the new format and adding some links there. I'm on vacation until after the New Year so I'm hoping to get a few more things done on the site. Look for more updates this week than normal. Unless I get lazy about it. So, until next time...


Sunday, December 15, 2002
Not much going on over here lately. I got some inspiration from Digital Video God to create a new item for the I Hate Zjimbo Fanclub page. I also took the opportunity to update that page to the new format. Other than that, I haven't done jack sh*t! So, until next time...


Sunday, November 10, 2002
So I'm messing around in Photoshop and I decided to tweak my logo. That little space marine was a bitch to cut out of the initial screenshot! I don't really have much else to add today. I spent so much time trying to get those DoomIII shots uploaded that I don't feel like doing much else. So, until next time...

So, I added another Photoshop project on the index page. No big deal. I also added links to some Dark Entries that I almost totally forgot about. So, until next time...


Saturday, November 9, 2002
Got some more work done on the new site design. I'm going to actually roll this out as the new index page today. Sure it has some flaws still, but it's better than what I had before I think. Shoot me an e-mail if you have any problems with the new site. Don't fret, I haven't completely toasted the old site. It's still laying around in archive form. In fact, some of the links might still take you back there! So, until next time...


Saturday, October 12, 2002
So, I finally got some work done on the new site design. You can check it out here. So, until next time...


Saturday, September 21, 2002
Ahh crap, it's already Saturday. Only one more day left of freedom! Expect another update later on today. So, until next time...

I had the strangest damn dream the night before last. In the first part of the dream I was underwater, watching this freakish event. It was Jim Carrey, in his cop-character outfit from Me, Myself, and Irene. He was being bitten on the a$$ by a giant Oscar-type fish. This thing was at least two feet high and about 3 feet long. It was trying to swallow him, a$$ first. Of course, Jim Carrey was trying to get away, but first he tried to swim backward. This just allowed the fish to take a larger bite of his a$$. The strange part is that I could hear the thoughts of the fish, and it was saying things like "Come on f*cker, I got an extra half-inch there buddy. Come on, keep trying!" Oh, I almost forgot to mention that the fish thoughts were coming to me in the voice of the late great Sam Kinison. Part two of the dream had me on a bicycle trying to ride it across a thin railing over a body of water. Every time I got halfway across, the board would sag into the water, I'd lose my momentum, and have to backup before falling in. I don't know why I didn't just use the boardwalk that was right next to me. Last but not least, I'm in my own twisted version of The Patriot with Mel Gibson. We're setting off some kind of weird cannon that shoots fire into the woods. We use a nearby river as a kind of water slide to outrun the flames as they consume the forest in hyper speed around us. When we get to the lake at the end of the river, we're hiding so we don't get shot by the enemy who has survived the fire. Strange stuff. Added a new one under the Dark Entries page. So, until next time...


Tuesday, September 17, 2002
Removed some dead links and replaced them with links to Matt Brown's website. You'll find the new link to his site as part of the text navigation at the bottom of each page. Look for DV GOD. That's as in Digital Video GOD. That's all for now, I've been busy back at work so haven't had much time to do any redesign work as of yet. So, until next time...


Sunday, September 15, 2002
Had to get rid of the DHTML stuff to see if AOHELL users could view the page. Got some reports that after the DHTML was added, they couldn't return to the page without WAOL errors. Oh well. I added an update to the Friday news. So, until next time...


Friday, September 13, 2002
Friday the thirteenth. Who gives a crap? Anyway, I added another entry under the Dark Entries page. I started re-thinking my site layout. I'm considering ditching the whole Hell thing altogether. I like the idea of using a blue chrome look and am considering changing the site to Dr. Kevorkian's Death Ward. We'll have to see how everything pans out. In the meantime, get used to the same old crap for a while as my  vacation is almost over and it'll be back to the grind come Sunday. So, until next time...

My ex-best friend showed up at my house tonight. I kicked him out which was the right thing to do. You see, some people begin to think only of themselves and never about others. What if you had to have major surgery and the guy who was the best man at your wedding didn't even visit you in the hospital? Call me selfish if you want, but I don't think that's right. And when he put his tail between his legs and said "I had no idea you felt that way." I should've said, "That's because you never ask!"  I'd write more about it, but it's not worth my time. So, until next time...


Monday, September 9, 2002
I put a new entry on the Dark Entries page. No other real updates. I'm taking a few days off this week so I might have more time to mess with this site. So, until next time...


Sunday, September 8, 2002
Cat problems extremus abnormalus. Yes I was one of the biggest dicks of the year. And you know what? I didn't care! Until I came back to reality. Yes cats are expensive. Cats that work are free, but they aren't your cats. Hired pussy is lame. Can you get a tax break for busted pussy? What is a pussy without a place to pee? How many pussies must a man walk down? I pay and pay and pay, but the pussy can't play.  I put a new one on the Dark Entries page. It's darker than you might want, but I like you better that way. So, until next time...


Tuesday, September 3, 2002
No real updates at this time. I started adding some DHTML, but not sure if I'm even going to be keeping any of these old pages so it seemed like a waste. I'm thinking that once I get a new site design drawn up, I'll just have a keep a link to these archived pages. Some of the content may live to see the light of day under the new design, but probably not all of it. I've already done at least three ma$$ive site conversions, but it's time to start fresh. Maybe next time around, I'll use some kind of actual theme that can be changed apropos. Until then, you'll just have to live with the site the way it is. So, until next time...


Sunday, September 1, 2002
Added some new content under the Dark Entries page. I'd add more, but I'm not in the mood so there! I've hit a brick wall with my redesign ideas. I'm probably going to have to do some more research on XML before I go forward with it. I want to create another section on here for PC Tips and Tricks. Sure, there's a ton of other resources out there, but I want to make my own. I'm not sure how detailed I'm going to get with it, nor when I'm actually going to start it. It's just an idea in my head at the moment. We'll see what happens. So, until next time...


Saturday, August 31, 2002
Wow, what a week. This is the most I've worked on this old dusty site for quite some time. I've begun to add some content to the Dark Entries page which I've placed a link to under the Thingies page. I've started some work on a new design for the site, which promises to be more in line with modern web design. I'm also thinking about adding some DHTML effects here and there. Probably nothing more than some mouseovers for the hyperlinks. The new site will probably go back to a similar design this site had when I first started it. I'm thinking of replacing the horizontal navigation at the bottom of the page with vertical links on the left-hand side. The color scheme will probably change as well. I'm thinking of a hell frozen over type of blue chrome look. This will mean that I'll finally have a reason to ditch the black background and skip to using black text, which is easier on the eyes. On the same note, I may ditch the entire Hell theme to begin with. Maybe I'll just refer to this as Dr. Kevorkian's House of Love or something. I'm open to suggestions, feel free to e-mail some site-name ideas to me! Almost forgot to mention that I finally ditched the Infoseek links for the much preferred Google links. I also fixed the link to Zjimbo's Juju site. So, until next time...


Friday, August 30, 2002
This is unusual for me to have this many updates in such a short amount of time, but here goes. I totally forgot to mention the hilarious thing that happened Wednesday night of this week. Henry, one of our cats, had been acting very peculiar recently with leaving little wet spots where he wasn't supposed to. Mainly clothing. Well, after I unwound from a grueling day at work I went to go to sleep. Her Royal Highness stirred, as did Henry and our other cat Needy. After hearing the cats leave the room, as is the norm, we heard one of them jump up onto the toilet. Not an unusual sound as they love to play in the sink. Anywho, shortly thereafter we hear what sounds like someone urinating in the toilet. Her Royal Highness went to check on the noise, and found Henry squatting on the toilet to take a leak! He's never been shown how to do this, and has never done it before as far as we know. To say the least, I wish there'd been a camera handy for a snapshot of that one! I always wondered why they looked so interested when we used the toilet, maybe it just took this long for one of them to figure it out! I just thought I'd share that totally bizarre instance with you all. I made a couple of small updates to the site tonight. Nothing major, just corrected some old e-mail addresses and broken links. I'm in the process of creating a new section with the working title of Dark Entries. This will feature various material I've written over the course of my life. It should be a rather wild trip into the mind of one strange individual. That would be me! So, until next time...


Thursday, August 29, 2002
Okay, so I'm finally going to start making some updates to this pile. I'm starting a new feature that's really small right now and is dedicated to Grand Theft Auto 3. GTA3 has been my pa$$ion lately as far as computer gaming goes, so check it out! Not much else to announce here. I have plans to revamp this site at some point in the future. I'm not sure if I'll totally ditch all of the old content, leave it as is and link to it from the new site, or bring everything up under the new style all at once. I'm thinking about having archive links throughout the site so that I have much less to convert over to the new format. I'll probably convert some of it, but not all of it. You'll just have to wait and see. So, until next time...


Sunday, July 28, 2002
Man, has it been forever or what? I have some ideas for major changes to this old dog of a site. I'd like to make it look a little more like something from this century. I'm thinking something chrome-like but still reddish and evil-looking. I also have developed a new hobby. Case Mods have been done, and they've been done my way. I have pics, tips, and tricks to publish soon. So, until next time...

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