Page Last Updated: Saturday February 01, 2003

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Hell News
Jim Sucks

Join The I Hate ZJIMBO Fan-Club !!!


Join the fight against Zjimbo. This rat-bastard has been plaguing society for 34 years. He is poisoning your children with his lies and his incessant rantings. He uses the devil's music to get inside the mind of his enemies, where he plants his demon-seed.

Did I ever tell you that Zjimbo was in a gay-a$$ band?

How gay is this?

I always knew Zjimbo was a dickhead. This condom on his head just makes the point for me.

Here's a shot of Zjimbo during his "Weighty" years. Some people have no shame.

Sure Zjimbo sucks a$$ but what a rack! You don't wanna know what's under that dress though... Yikes!

Here's a new photo of this slimeball. Nice hat a$$hole!

Look at those crazy eyes of his. Don't
they suck?

jim belly

Doesn't this picture make
you want to hate this guy even more?

jim drink

Look at how much Zjimbo Sucks! The shirt is fitting!!! Just look at Zjimbo and his friggin sacks. He's always saying that he can't help you cuz, "I've got these sacks!" He really can be irritating with that line too. Every ten seconds, that's all he says. And he ALWAYS has the same friggin sacks! The boy
can't even start carrying
around new friggin sacks! I tell you, and look at that  bald pate on his melon... That bullseye I drew on there is to let you know where to aim your crosshairs if you come across this guy.


Things I hate aboout Zjimbo that irritate us all:

  • He won't let me touch his bountiful breasts
  • Claims to be a musician, even though all evidence points to the contrary
  • He sucks at games like Quake, Quake2, Quake 3 Arena, Half-Life, and Unreal
  • Won't admit that he sucks
  • Has a bad hair day EVERYDAY
  • Insists on waking up everyday
  • Smells like Rotten Butt Steak

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Proud Recipient of the first ever "3 Fingers...Way Up Award"

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