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  Dating the Nativity: Was Jesus a Sagittarian?

25th of December is celebrated as Christmas, or the day that Jesus Christ, the Messiah of the Jews, was born so many centuries ago. Was Jesus really a Sagittarius? For those who are familiar with the Bible, you would have read of the shepherds herding the sheep at the time of Jesus' birth. Since December is the time of winter, how then, is it possible for the shepherds to be herding their sheep in he frost? Also, 25th of December was not celebrated as Christmas day until 4 AD.

There are many reasoning by experts that it was not possible for Jesus to be born in December of 1 AD. The Bible states that Jesus was born in the time of King Herod's reign, yet Herod is believed to have died in 4 BC. Loopholes, loopholes. According to the Bible, 2 years after Christ was born, Herod, fearing a rival to his throne, ordered the bloody massacre of all children who were 2 years old or younger in Bethlehem and its vicinity. Herod died that same year. Thus, it is hypothesized that Jesus was born in 6 BC.

Now that we have a year to work with, the next step is to look for a date. The first people in the bible to receive news of the birth of Christ are the 3 magi, who saw and followed the Star of Bethlehem. The Magi were astrologers, so the Star they saw would have great astrological significance regarding the prophesized birth of the messiah. Computer-generated results have revealed an occultation between the Moon and Jupiter in the constellation Aries on 20 March 6 BC, and once again on 17 April 6 BC. Astronomer Michael R. Molnar believes that this is the messianic Star of Bethlehem that we have been searching for generations.

According to the Tetrabiblios, the bible of ancient astrology by Ptolemy, Judea was said to be ruled by the zodiacal constellation Aries and the planet Mars. Coincidentally, Mars was also present in Aries on both occultations. Ptolemy had also described lunar conjunctions to be the most powerful configuration of the various occultations. They are believed to magnify the astrological significance. The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter, the planet of kings, represents power, success, and dominion. Being occulted by the moon, it promises to bring mighty leaders with worldwide power.

Thus, on 20 March 6 BC, a minute after the sun had set, Jupiter and the Moon occulted in Aries, heralding the birth of the Messiah. The Magi saw this phenomenon, convinced that the King of Judea had been born, and left to seek more information from King Herod in Jerusalem. Herod's advisors, citing from an ancient Hebrew prophesy, recommended the direction of Bethlehem. When the Magi set out again on 17 April 6 BC, our Moon once again occulted the heliacally rising Jupiter in the constellation Aries. The Magi followed the denotation of this astronomical event and found Jesus Christ at Bethlehem.

And so, it makes perfect sense here that Jesus was Pisces instead of Sagittarius.





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October 2001, Issue 1


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