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There was this lady who was visiting a church one Sunday. The sermon seemed to go on forever, and many in the congregation fell asleep. After the service, to be social, she walked up to a very sleepy looking gentleman, extended her hand in greeting, and said, "Hello, I'm Gladys Dunn."

And the gentleman replied, " You're not the only one ma'am, I'm glad it's done too!!!"

The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.

"Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grown up and say, 'There's Jennifer; she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael, he's a doctor.'"

A small voice, Leroy's, at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher . . . she's dead."

Ol' Fred had been a faithful Christian and was in the hospital, near death. The family called their preacher to stand with them.

As the preacher stood next to the bed, Ol' Fred's condition appeared to deteriorate and he motioned frantically for something to write on.

The pastor lovingly handed him a pen and a piece of paper, and Ol' Fred used his last bit of energy to scribble a note, then suddenly died.

The preacher thought it best not to look at the note at that time, so he placed it in his jacket pocket.

At the funeral, as he was finishing the message, he realized that he was wearing the same jacket that he was wearing when Ol' Fred died. He said, "You know, Ol' Fred handed me a note just before he died.  I haven't looked at it, but knowing Fred, I'm sure there's a word of inspiration there for us all."

He opened the note, and read, "Please step to your left--you're standing on my oxygen tube!"

A man got a call from his doctor who said
"I have some bad news and some terrible news, which would you rather hear first?"

The man says "The bad news."

The doctor says "The lab messed up your tests and when they re-did them, they found out you only have 48 hours to live!"

The man exclaimed "What could be more terrible than that!!??"

The doctor replied "we tried all day yesterday to get hold of you but your phone was busy!"

A rabbi, a priest and a pastor were all in a boat together fishing. The pastor said to the others, "I think I am going to go over to that shore and sit down."

So, he gets out of the boat, walks across the water and sits down on the shore.

Then, the priest says to the rabbi, "I think I going to go over there to join him."

So, he does the same as the pastor and sits next to him on the shore. The rabbi thinks to himself, "Well, if they can do it, so can I!"

So, he climbs out of the boat, but he falls in the water.

The pastor says to the priest, "Do you think we should've told him where the rocks were?"

A father is in church with three of his young children, including his five year old daughter.  As was customary, he sat in the very front row so that the children could properly witness the service.

During this particular service, the minister was performing the baptism of a tiny infant.  The little five year old girl was taken by this, observing that he was saying something and pouring water over the infant's head.

With a quizzical look on her face, the little girl turned to her father and asked: "Daddy, why is he brainwashing that baby??"

A young boy had just got his driver's permit and inquired of his father, an evangelist, if they could  discuss the use of the car.  His father took him to the study and said to the boy, "I'll make a deal with you, son. You bring yourgrades up from a C to a B-average, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut and we'll talk about the car."

Well, the boy thought about that for a moment and decided that he'd best settle for the offer, and they  agreed.  After about six weeks the boy came back and again asked his father about the car.  Again they went to the study where his father said, "Son, I've been real proud of you. You've brought your grades up, and I've observed that you've been studying your Bible and participating a lot more in the Bible study class on Sunday morning. But I'm real disappointed since you haven't got your hair cut."

The young man paused a moment and then said,  "You know, Dad, I've been thinking about that, and I've noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, Moses had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, and there's even strong argument that Jesus Himself had long hair."

To which his father replied, "You're right, son.  Did you also notice that they all WALKED everywhere they went?"

Bob was in his usual place in the morning sitting at the table, reading the paper after breakfast. He came across an article about a beautiful actress that was about to marry a football player who was known primarily for his lack of IQ and common knowledge.
He turned to his wife Marlene with a look of question on his face. "I'll never understand why the biggest jerks get the most attractive wives."
Marlene replies, "Why thank you, dear!"

A businessman is flying to a very important meeting in another city on a four engine airplane. About 15 minutes into the flight one of the engines malfunctions and the pilot informs the passengers of the problem and assures them they can continue to fly, but there will be a 20 minute delay in their arrival schedule. The businessman looks at his watch and figures he should make the meeting well in time. 10 minutes later another engine conks-out and the captain reassures the passengers that there is nothing to worry about - the plane can still fly but the arrival time will now be about an hour later than planned. The businessman looks at his watch and calculates that he will still make the meeting on-time but it will be close. Half an hour goes by and a third engine gives out. The captain tells the passengers to please remain calm the plane is fully capable of flying on a single engine but there will be a further 1 and a half hour delay. The businessman throws his arms up in the air in despair and exclaims - "If that last engine chokes we're going to be up here all day!"

Lady of the house:  "I want you to stand at the front door and call the guests' names as they arrive."

Butler:  "Very well, madam.  I've been wanting to do that for years."

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