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Who Died and How

Character[kill count]: Died:
Android #16 - Head is crushed by Cell
Android #17 [1] - When Cell self-destructs
- Killed in the future timeline by Trunks
Android #18 [1] - Killed in the future timeline by Trunks
Android #19 - Blasted by Vegeta's Big Bang Attack
- Killed by Trunks in GT
Android #20 (Dr. Gero) [1] - His head is stomped by #17
- Skull is crushed again in the Trunks timeline
- Killed by Super #17 under Dr. Miyu's control
Apple - Killed by Vegeta
Baata - When his neck is snapped by Vegeta's knee
Babidi [1] - Head blown off by Fat Buu
Bardock [Several thousand] - When Furiza pummels planet Vegeta with a massive energy attack
Bebi [1] - Destroyed by SSJ4 Goku
Bibidi - Killed by the East Kaioshin
Black Sousei [1] - Killed by Goku and Android #8
Blue Shogun - Killed by Tao Pie-Pie (with his tongue o_O)
Bora - Killed by Tao Pie-Pie
Boss Rabbit - Killed when Kame-sennin blows up the moon
Bubbles - When Cell self-destructs on Kaio's planetoid
Buruma - Turned into chocolate and eaten by Super Buu
Cell [Millions] - Vaporized by Gohan's Kame Hame Ha
- When Trunks returns to the future
Cell Jr.'s - Pulverized by SSJ2 Gohan
Chaozu - Blown away by Piccolo Daimao
- When he self-destructs in an attempt to kill Nappa
- When Kid Buu blew up the Earth
- In Future Trunks' timeline, he was killed by the Androids
Chi-Chi - Turned into an egg by Super Buu, then smashed
Cymbal - Sliced by Yajirobe
Dabura [1] - Turned into a cookie by Fat Buu
Dende - Killed by Furiza
Dodoria [Dozens] - Melted by Vegeta's attack
Drum - Decapitated by Goku
Everyone NOT on Kami's Look-out during the Buu saga - When Super Buu used his genocide attack
Furiza [Millions] - Sliced and diced by Trunks, then powderized
- Killed by Goku in Mirai Trunks' timline
Garlic - Destroyed by Kami-sama
Gerudo - Decapitated by Vegeta
Giran - Killed by Tambourine
Gohan [12] - When Kid Buu blew up the Earth
- In Mirai Trunks' timeline, he was killed by the Androids
Gohan (Goku's foster grandfather) - Stepped on by Oozaru Goku
Goku[100+] - Sacrificed his life to save the world from Raditsu (Piccolo killed him)
- Sacrificed his life again by teleporting with Cell when he was about to blow up
- In the Future Trunks timeline he died of a heart disease
Goten - When Kid Buu blew up the Earth
Great Elder - Dies of stress on Namek
- Dies of natural causes on Earth
Gregory - When Cell self-destructs on Kaio's planetoid
Gyuu Mao [Dozens] - Eaten by Super Buu after being turned into chocolate
Jisu - Vaporized by Vegeta
Kami-sama [1] - Dies when Nappa fries Piccolo
- Vanishes when Piccolo dies in the Trunks' timeline
Kame-Sennin [3] - Died trying the Mafuba attack on Piccolo Daimao
- Eaten by Super Buu after being turned into chocolate
Kargo - Killed by Dodoria
Karin - When Kid Buu blew up the Earth
Kibit - Beheaded by Dabura
Kid Buu [Billions] - Vaporized by Goku's Genki-dama
King Cold - Blasted by Trunks
- Killed by Goku in Mirai Trunks' timline
Kuririn [3] - Killed by Tambourine, one of Piccolo Daimao's minions
- Killed by Furiza, which causes Goku to go SSJ
- Turned into chocolate and eaten by Super Buu
- Killed by Android 17 in DBGT
- In Future Trunks' timeline, he was killed by the Androids
Kuwi - When Vegeta puffs him up like a balloon and explodes him
Dr. Miyu - Skull crushed by Bebi
- Destroyed by Super #17
Mustard - Killed by Gohan
Namu - Killed by Tambourine
Nappa [Several thousand] - Killed by Vegeta
- Killed by Vegeta AGAIN in GT
North Kaio - When Cell self-destructs on Kaio's planetoid
Oolong - Eaten by Super Buu after being turned into chocolate
Panbuukin - Killed by Dodoria
Piano - When his neck is broken by Piccolo falling on him
Piccolo [2] - When protecting Gohan from being killed by Nappa
- When Buu blew up the Earth
- When the Earth explodes in DBGT and he refuses to leave the Earth that he loves so much
- In Future Trunks' timeline, he was killed by the Androids
Piccolo Daimao [Several thousand] - When Goku rips through his chest with a flying headbutt
Mr. Popo - Eaten by Buu
Puar - Eaten by Super Buu after being turned into chocolate
Pui Pui [1] - Killed by Vegeta
Raditsu [Hundreds] - Skewered by Piccolo's Makankosappo
Red Ribbon Army - Wiped out by Goku
Red Sousei - Shot in the head by the Black Sousei
Rikum - When he is blasted by Vegeta
Rou Dai Kaioshin - When he offers his life to Son Goku
Salt - Killed by Gohan
Shen-lon - Killed by Piccolo Daimao
Seripa - Killed by Dodoria
Spice - Killed by Gohan
Super #17 [1] - Destroyed by Goku and Android #18
Supopovitch - Blown up by Babidi
Tambourine [3] - Killed by Goku
Tao Pie-Pie [2] - When his own grenade is kicked back to him
Tenshinhan [1] - Killed himself with a Kikouhou when trying to destroy Nappa
- When Buu blew up the Earth
- In Future Trunks' timeline, he was killed by the Androids
Tomar - Killed by Dodoria
Toteppo - Killed by Dodoria
Trunks [15+] - When Cell blows a hole in his chest
- Killed in Cell timeline
- When Buu blew up the Earth
Ubuu - Accidentally turns himself into chocolate, eaten by Bebi Vegeta
Vegeta [Hundreds of thousands] - When Furiza kills him on Namek
- When he sacrifices his life to destroy Buu
- In Future Trunks' timeline, he was killed by Android 17
Vegeta Ou - Assasinated by Furiza
Videl - Turned into chocolate and eaten by Super Buu
Villains of the movies - All killed in various ways
Vinegar - Killed by Gohan
Yajirobe [1] - When Kid Buu blew up the Earth
- In Future Trunks' timeline, he was killed by the Androids
Yakon - Overwhelmed by Goku's Ki
Yamcha - When a Saibaman self-destructs
- Turned into chocolate and eaten by Super Buu
- In Future Trunks' timeline, he was killed by the Androids
Yamuu - Killed by Pui-Pui
Zarbon [Dozens] - When Vegeta digs his arm into Zarbon's abdomen and fires a blast

Characters Who Never Died

Character[kill count]: Why They Didn't Died:
All who were born after the Buu saga - There was no mass-genocide after the Buu saga, thus few people died after that time period.
Enma-daiou - Gateskeeper and judge of the dead, he was never involved in any of the fights, nor was he close enough to any of the battles to get hurt. The only question is--can we truly consider this guy "alive"?
Fat Buu [Billions] - He was absorbed by Super Buu and kicked around a bit by Kid Buu, but never has died (He does explode when protecting Ubuu from Bebi Vegeta, but he's not technically "dead").
Garlic Jr. - Granted immortality from the Dragon balls, he never dies (Although he is trapped twice within his own Dead Zone).
Mr. Satan and Bee - Surprisingly, this arrogant (but lucky) fool survived through many amazingly powerful opponents. He nearly died when he was shot once (along with his dog), but was healed by Buu just in time.
All the Kaios (except North) - Nowhere near Cell's suicide blast, none of the other Kaios have ever been in much danger
Urunai Baba - Fortune teller, also Kame-sennin's older sister. She can travel safely between Earth (the living universe) and the gates to heaven & hell (the spirits realm). Apparently, she was in the spirits realm during dangerous times, as we see that when she brings Vegeta back for one day, she doesn't have a halo (a sign that one is dead).
East Kaioshin [1] - The only Kaioshin who survived an encounter with Majin Buu, he just got lucky. He also nearly died once, but was found and healed Kibit.



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