Eric Forman

Eric Forman is a seventeen year old man who goes to high school and lives with his parents. His girlfriend lives next door and they hang out in his basement with his other friends.

His dad, Red, is a real hardass and apparently has been making him do chores since age one. Eric said "Try living with him for 16 years" and since he is 17 I guess that is what that means. Man, what a hardass.

Eric is Kitty's little baby but Laurie is Red's favorite. Red thinks Eric is too twitchy to be friends with but they are slowly moving in that direction.

Instead of dealing with his feelings, Eric prefers to drink beer (So this is beer...) and act out violently.

Eric does pretty well in school. He got a B on one test but when his Coach gave him a D he paid him back by ordering manuer to be dumped on his front porch. I guess that's what you get for waiting to do your homework on a crappy Sunday.

He's not a bad kid but he may be responsible for Hyde's bad reputation. Watch Halloween for information about that one. He gets into trouble a lot with his friends. Some of the worse things he has done is dropping a bowling ball into a TV, painting a pot leaf on the water tower, haggling with Smokey the Bear, cutting class, stealing beer and his dad's tap, and killing a guy in algebra. He got a scratch on the car when Kelso gave him a purple nurple.

My favourite scene :
I love every scene Eric is in. I have a new favorite everyday. I know that's a cop out answer but if you've been to the post board you'd know I'm not lying.

Forman's favorite sayings :

"Yes, Yes"

"The Kid is in."

"Red is going to kill me."

Topher Grace on That '70s Show :

"I was an awkward teenage guy for years. I know how they act!"

"I wind up doing a lot of timeless stuff. What [gives] it a '70s thing is that today there's always something to do - play video games, watch TV or get on the Internet. What's great about these kids is they have absolutely nothing to do [in suburban Wisconsin], and that's what creates such a strong bond between them. The gimmick is that it has to do with the '70s, and the truth is that it has a lot to do with timeless emotions."

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About the character

Name :
Eric Forman

Parents : Red and Kitty Forman

Sibilings : Laurie. Hyde is sorta like his new brother. He loved him when he offered to mow the lawn but was later jealous.

Other relatives : Granda Forman and Uncle Marty.

Age : 17

Occupation : He is a high school student and had a job at Fatso Burger for a while.

Relationships : He is dating pal and next door neighbor Donna Pinciotti.

Friends : Donna, Hyde, Fez, Kelso and Jackie. He says he is still friends with Buddy though we never see him except for one episode.

Nicknames : Snickelfritz, Scrawny Neighbor Boy, Killer, Forplay & Opie. He calls himself 'The kid'.

Hangouts : His basement, The Hub & the Reservoir

Music : Kiss, Alice Cooper, and lots of other bands. He likes the song 'Undun' by The Guess Who.

Talents : Swinging on a garden hose and stuffing an entire twinkie into his mouth at one time.

Traumatic Experiences : Catching his parents having sex, sorta 'causing his Grandma's death and having to bury the dog in the back yard.

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