Site and Show News

The Kids

"Well, excuse me, Donna for having a little morale fiber." - Eric

*Note This is not the entire site history

I demand service Burger Boy

2/18/00 - I added eighteen new photos to Gallery 19! Thanks to Eileen for the two Teen Tribute Kutcher photos! And thanks so much to Terpiscore for the Cosmo Kutcher pic and the Afterglow ad! You guys are the best!

There is a Laura Prepon photo in the new issue of Glamour. Kutcher is in the new Mademoiselle and Cosmopolitan. Stock up on those womens magazines!

Wilmer Valderrama did a ton of online chats this month. I wish he'd do one for my website! That would be a ton more fun for everybody. Still to come is the chat for Den at Tuesday February 22nd at 4 pm (PST). They have an episode of him for their celebrity interview show here. SonicNet will have him at their Doritos Live! Sonicnet Encore Audio Chat on Tuesday February 22, 9:00 PM ET, 6:00 PM PT.

I had to work and missed The First Time. I really, really need a copy so if you can help me out please email me. I'm going to miss Afterglow too.

Afterglow and Water Tower air Feb. 21st from 8-9 p.m.
Kitty and Eric's Night Out and Eric Gets Suspended air on the 28th of Feb.

2/6/00 - I added three pictures to Gallery 18.

Topher Grace is having an online chat at TV Guide on Feb. 7th at 7:00 p.m. (eastern). I'll be there as LadyFuchsia asking tons of questions about Timmy.

2/5/00 - I added four more new photos to Gallery 18.

2/3/00 - There are four new pictures in Gallery 18.

1/29/00 - I added 19 new pictures from Teen Style to Gallery 18!

Kutcher's Down To You is #1 at the box office.

That '70s Show will have a Q&A March 13th in Los Angeles, California. It will take place at the Directors Guild of America in West Hollywood at 7 p.m.; tickets are $15 per event and are on sale now. Thanks Rick!

Kutcher and Valderrama are in the new issue of Teen People with N Sync on the cover.

1/26/00- I added two new photos to Gallery 18.

Ashton Kutchers birthday is Feburary 7th. If you want to send him a birthday wish, All About Ashton will print it out and send it to him! The Wilmer Valderrama Shrine has one for Valderrama so if you want to send him one hurry because it ends soon.

1/24/00 - There are ten new pictures in Gallery 18. J-14 had his birthday in their calendar but not Kutcher?

Kutcher is in the Ben Affleck issue of Premire. It's a photo of him with the Down to You cast. Nothing much on him in the article though. Julia Stiles says the movie is not just for teens but I really doubt that.
The Affleck article kicks ass and talks about Reindeer Games. Nothing on Kutcher but it's a way cooler article than the Down to You stuff. Down to You is supposed to be playing everywhere now but it isn't where I live. Is it any good? Is it the usual Freddie Prince Jr. crap? Someone please email me and tell me how much Kutcher is really in the thing. Thanks.

Kutcher is in MXG.

1/22/00 - There are fourteen new pictures in Gallery 18. I updated the Episode Guide and the faq. I won an award! Yay.

That '70s Show moves to Mondays at 8:00 p.m. through the month of Feb.! Red Gets a Job airs Feb. 1st.

Lindsay Sloane will be making another appearance as Patty from 'Eric Gets Suspended'. This time she'll be dating Fez.

In the Jan. 17th chat for, Wilmer Valderrama said he liked this website!! Yay!!

1/13/00 - I added seven new pictures to Gallery 17!

There are a few mentions of That '70s Show in the Feb. issue of Teen. The guys are mentioned as guys we'd like if we are fans of some teen actors.

A little bit of news from PEOPLE : There will be a Feb. sweeps episode where Midge and Bob renew their wedding vows. Three Bond girls will gueststar as Midge's bridesmaids. Maud Adams, Kristina Wayborn, and Barbara Carrera.

There will be new summer episodes of That '70s Show this fall!! FOX ordered 25 episodes for season two so does this mean shelving some episodes or what? If anyone knows, please tell me. Thanks.

Hunting airs Jan. 18th and a repeat of Sleepover on the 25th. Both air at 8:00 p.m.

1/4/00 - There is a new photo in Gallery 17.

See Ashton Kutcher in Down To You on Jan. 21st! It stars Freddie Prince Jr., Julia Stiles and Selma Blair. There is an article on the movie in the new Teen People issue. There isn't any info on Kutcher though.

Topher Grace will be on Leno 1/12/00! I hate Leno. He'll probably be an annoying jerk and ask stupid questions about the '70s. The cast needs to go on Letterman. He is so awesome. And Craig Kilborn and Conan! Leno really is the only late night host that isn't awesome. Sooo not fair.

I have tons of articles to type up but still haven't had the time yet. Check back soon. I really mean that too. It's not like when sites say something will be up in the summer and two years later it still isn't.

1/1/00 - I added three new pictures to Gallery 17.

Laura Prepon is in the new issue of Glamour.

Check out Kurtwood Smith in Girl, Interrupted on Jan. 14th! Ryder is doing a lot of press for the movie. Check out her cover for Allure. She lists John Turturro as a fave actor of hers! He's the very best actor in my opinion. Anyone who likes him is cool. Anyway, great stuff about the movie in the issue and an article from the Girl, Interrupted author.
Prepon auditioned for Interrupted but did not get the part. She can't cry in auditions so this really wouldn't be the movie for her. Kurtwood Smith looks awesome in the trailer so they casted the right T7S actor. View the trailer at the official site.

12/23/99 - There are four new photos in Gallery 17.

12/22/99 - I added two new pictures to Gallery 17!

I have a few articles and info to add soon. Check back soon.

Timmy (Paul Connor) will be returning for two episodes!! He has four lines in Burning Down the House which airs 2/8/00!!! Thank-you to everyone who wrote letters begging for more Timmy!! You guys are the best!!

12/17/99 - There are three new pictures in Gallery 17.

I updated the links and episode guide.

12/12/99 - There is a new Mila Kunis photo in Gallery 17!

12/9/99 - The character pages are now up!!! They are here. Check them out and please email me to tell me what you think!

There are 2 new photos in Gallery 17 and I updated the Episode Guide, FAQ, and Links.

Laurie Moves Out airs December 14th instead of Hunting at 8:00 p.m. The ads say it is a special time so I don't know when they go back to 8:30 p.m. The Best Christmas Ever repeats Dec. 17th at 9:30 p.m.

12/5/99 - I added a new photo to Gallery 17. The picture is in the letters section of the January Teen issue. There are also rumor tidbits in the issue about Prepon and Valderrama if you are interested in that kind of stuff. Sarah Michelle Gellar is on the cover. Yay.

12/4/99 - There is a new photo in Gallery 17.

Wilmer Valderrama will be interviewed on CFRB 1010 AM, a Toronto radio station. Thanks L Jasinski.

12/2/99 - I added a new picture to Gallery 17.

12/1/99 - There are 3 new pictures in Gallery 17 and 1 new in the Danny Masterson cast page.
I updated the FAQ and Episode Guide.

11/25/99 - I updated the episode guide.

11/24/99 - FOX and Carsey-Werner have a two year contract for That '70s Show! It will last until at least 2002! Read more about it here!

Thanks to the whorish Terpiscore for the two new images in Gallery 17. I added 3 new articles.

11/22/99 - I added 15 new photos to Gallery 17! There are 2 new articles and I also updated the links and faq.

The Yahoo! Topher Grace chat from has been rescheduled to Monday November 29th at8PT/5ET! I'll be there as ladyfuchsia.

Scream airs on FOX Nov. 23rd instead of That '70s Show.

11/18/99 - There are 7 new pictures in the new Gallery 17.

11/16/99 - I added 4 new photos to Gallery 16.

11/15/99 - There are 2 new photos in Gallery 16!

11/14/99 - Thanks to the ever pimpish Eileen for 6 new Danny Masterson photos in Gallery 16! Thanks to the whorish Terpiscore for the Sleepover picture!

11/13/99 - I added 7 new Mila Kunis photos to Gallery 16.

11/12/99 - I added 2 new articles and 1 new photo to Gallery 16.

We get 2 That '70s Show episodes on Nov. 16th! Sleepover and a rerun of That Wrestling Show.

Win a trip to the set of That '70s Show at Paris Blues jeans company.

11/10/99 - There are 7 new photos in Gallery 16. Thanks to the whorish Eileen for the three Vanstock screencaps!! And many thanks to the oh so pimpish Terpiscore for the three pictures from Tv Guide!!
I updated the episode guide.

Eric Gets Suspended airs November 30th!

11/9/99 - I added another new photo to Gallery 16.

There are two new articles in the Articles, Interviews & Reviews section.

Wilmer Valderrama chats at MSN LIVE Monday, November 15 at 10pmET/ 7pmPT. Danny Masterson chats at TV Guide at 11pmET/ 8pmPT! Be sure to make it to the Topher Grace chats at Monday, November 15 at 8pmET/ 5pmPT. The last two are held at Yahoo! Chat so I'll be there as ladyfuchsia hopefully.

Danny Masterson appears in the new Len video, Feeling Alright. Check out a clip of the video at MTV's 120 Minutes site. Thanks Kitty!!

I Love Cake airs tonight at 8:30 p.m. (eastern) on FOX! Please stop by the chat afterwards for our weekly Groovy Whore fan chat!

The One & Only Eric and Fez site has moved. It's one of my favorite sites ever so you should check it out again at its new home.

11/8/99 - There is a new photo of Wilmer Valderrama and Danny Masterson in Gallery 16.

I updated the episode guide and links page.

11/7/99 - I added 10 new pictures to Gallery 16.

I updated the links page with the new url for Liquid Candy. Check that site out, it's even pimpier now.

I'm adding a lot more to the site tonight so check again please.

11/5/99 - There are 5 new photos in Gallery 14. Thanks to Terpiscore for the I Love Cake ad and the Hyde & Kelso pic!! I also updated the links page, Episode Guide, and the faq.

There is a chat with Topher Grace (Eric) at (a teenybopper rag) on Nov. 15 at 8pmET/5pmPT. Mila Kunis and Wilmer Valderrama chat at Moxie Monday, November 8th at 6PM PST.

The episode Sleepover airs November 16th! Eric (Topher Grace) is thrilled when Donna (Laura Prepon) sneaks over to his room for a sleepover; Hyde's (Danny Masterson) new boss (guest star Tommy Chong) at the photo shop is a dope.

10/30/99 - I added 2 new photos to Gallery 13.

10/28/99 - There are 5 new pictures in Gallery 15.

That '70s Show is #1 again in the demographics this week!

I Love Cake airs November 9th!

10/26/99 - I added five new pictures to Gallery 14. There are 4 new photos in Gallery 15. Thanks to Gleebs for the Garage Sale ad and thanks mucho to Terpiscore for the Batman pic of Fez !

I added four to articles to the Articles & Reviews section! I also updated the Episode Guide, FAQ, Links and more!

Halloween airs tonight! I don't have FOX at the moment so I'll be watching Buffy. I love Buffy. Why can't they cancel Hewitt's show and put T7S in that spot? It's not fair to us Buffy fans. Anyway... There is a Groovy Whore chat in the um chat room so everyone stop by!! It's after the show at 10:00 eastern but show up anytime you want.

I'll be adding a lot more stuff to the site tonight so please check back.

10/25/99 - Yay! I'm back and updating again!! I was gone visiting relatives in another state and then I moved to another town. If you wanted to know why there was a lack of updates... If not then nevermind. I didn't get T7S where I was visiting for three weeks and it was canceled where I live in Florida for a while so I desperately need The Velvet Rope and Laurie and the Professor on tape! Please please please help me out. My email is [email protected]. I don't have cable where I moved yet so I also need the upcoming episodes for several weeks. Please? I never ask you guys for anything. Okay, I do. So what's one more thing? I just had a birthday and I only got one scented candle and no 8-track players.

I have over 100 emails to answer back so if I haven't written you back yet I'll try to soon. I'm just trying to get caught up here.

There are 24 new photos in Gallery 14 and 22 new pictures in Gallery 15. My whorish and very malkish twin sister added some new pictures to Gallery 13 a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy all of those until I can add more articles, pictures, news, info and more this week. I have tons of stuff to add. I'm behind, I know. It's beyond my control.

Wilmer Valderrama is on the cover issue of Urban Latino (look in Gallery 14). Unfortuantly, the icky Jon Seda is on the cover with him. Yuck. If you're a real Homicide:Life on the Street fan, you'll understand how awful that is. Seda is the worst actor ever and he helped to ruin what used to be the best show on TV. I'm still bitter. The issue is filled with pictures of him. Ew. He's not on TV anymore! They ruined a perfectly good Valderrama picture with him when he shouldn't have even been there. Anyway...
Valderrama is also featured in the November issue of Twist Magazine and Kutcher is in Seventeen somewhere.

That '70s Show is doing wonderfully in the ratings! It wasn't at first but how could it when they leave it on its old night as well without promoting the move at all? Please.

That's it for now. I will be updating a lot more hopefully tonight or tomorrow.

9/22/99 - There is a new photo in Gallery 13. Thanks Jerri!

We now get That '70s Show three days a week!
The episode schedule for September 27th - October 5th goes as follows :
September 27th - Grandma's Dead and Disco Episode
September 28th - Garage Sale
October 4th - Punk Chick and Drive-in
October 5th - Red's Last Day

Don't forget that Danny Masterson is chatting tonight at Lycos Chat at 9PM ET/6PM PT. I'll be there as MaxwellLizard if anyone is interested.

I changed the banner for Fez the Lizard King on the main page. Yay.

That might be Mila Kunis in the Eminem video for "Role Model". If you have any concrete info on this, please email me.

9/20/99 - Thanks to Jill for the alternate TV Guide picture in Gallery 13!

I added new photos to the Trip Photos page thanks to Monica!! There are 6 pictures from her July, 1999 visit to the show.

I added pictures to the Mila Kunis cast page from her Lisa Frank commercial.

That Disco Episode airs Sept. 27th!

9/19/99 - There are 12 new photos in Gallery 13. Thanks to Jill for the two Laura Prepon photos from PEOPLE Weekly!

I added a new article and updated the Ashton Kutcher cast page with a Texas Rangers photo.

9/18/99 - There are 9 new pictures in Gallery 12.

If you don't want to wait until Sept. 28th to view the That '70s Show music video with Cheap Trick, you can download it at this Cheap Trick site. There is a live mp3 version of the song here. The sound on my computer isn't working so I haven't heard the song yet.

Laura Prepon is featured in the new PEOPLE Weekly.

9/17/99 - There are 13 new photos in Gallery 12. I added three new Articles.

In the Wilmer Valderrama interview in TEEN, he says that Fez will get a love interest played by an actress famous for TV and movies. I'm scared that that means Jennifer Love Hewitt. I guess it's too late to plead for no Hewitt eh? Damn.

Danny Masterson chats at Lycos Chat Wednesday, September 22nd 9PM ET/6PM PT.

Jungle Boogie

9/16/99 - I joined the Lizard King webring and updated the Wilmer Valderrama cast page.

9/12/99 - I made a banner for the main page of the site.

I learned some very important information during the Wilmer Valderrama chat at Yahoo. He's right handed (Oooh just like me. Heh) and if he was kidnapped and forced to be king of the Lizards, his name would be Fez. Oh, and how can I forget the best of them all? When dreaming he doesn't dream in English or Spanish. He dreams in the universal language... the body. Alright, I'm lying. He said he dreamed in both. Okay, now I can get that job at Tigerbeat that I always dreamed of.
Seriously, he answered my question about TV appearances (That is always the only question of mine that they answer in these things). He will be doing a lot of radio interviews in L.A. I'm not from L.A. but for those of you who are, keep a look out for that.

I haven't seen the new GAP commerical featuring the cast with them dancing to Jungle Boogie yet. But it's airing on TV now.

9/9/99 - There are four new photos in Gallery 12.

Ashton Kutcher is on the cover of Teen Magazine and there is a two page article inside!

9/8/99 - I added three new photos to Gallery 12. Thanks to Eileen for the Danny Masterson screencap!

9/7/99 - I added two new photos to Gallery 12! Thanks to Terpiscore for the new TV Guide picture of Eric & Donna! Whores rule!

Congratulations to Melinda Root of That '70s Show for winning best "COSTUME DESIGN FOR A SERIES" for That Disco Episode!

Mila Kunis is nominated for the category "BEST YOUNG ACTRESS / PERFORMANCE IN A COMEDY TV SERIES" for the Young Star Awards! Congratulations to Kunis!

9/5/99 - There are four new photos in Gallery 12 and two new articles. I also updated the Episode Guide.

There is even more press in Seventeen and Teen Celebrity. I am far too poor to get everything so any help would be greatly appreciated.

9/3/99 - There are two new photos in Gallery 12!

I finally did the Tanya Roberts cast page. I'm sorry it took me this long.

A single of the new "That '70s Show" theme will be sent to radio Sept. 14th. Volcano does not plan to release it commercially so you cannot buy it apart from the soundtrack.
The video for the new Cheap Trick theme song filmed in Los Angeles and was directed by Jim Yukich.

I added a new article from Teen People thanks to Monica!! Check out her way pimpish site The One & Only Eric and Fez today!

Wilmer Valderrama and Ashton Kutcher are featured in the newest issue of Seventeen Magazine.

The Teen Choice Awards reairs tonight on FOX at 8:00 p.m.! I missed it the first time around myself.

I changed the format of the Links page with summaries of all of the sites. It's better to not send people blindly to other sites.

I changed the questions in the Guestbook so please sign it!

9/1/99 - Okay, here is the song listing for the two upcoming That '70s Show soundtracks.

Cheap Trick                       "That `70's Song"
Cheap Trick                       "I Want You To Want Me"
Ram Jam                           "Black Betty"
Golden Earring                    "Radar Love"
The James Gang                    "Funk No. 49"
Lynyrd Skynyrd                    "Saturday Night Special"
Bachman Turner Overdrive          "Let It Ride"
Argent                            "Hold Your Head Up"
Montrose                          "Rock Candy"
Blue Oyster Cult                  "Cities On Flame With Rock and Roll"
Ted Nugent                        "Hey Baby"
Alice Cooper                      "Under My Wheels"
The Kinks                         "Celluloid Heroes"
10cc                              "Wall Street Shuffle"
Big Star                          "September Gurls"

That `70s Show Presents That `70s Album (Jammin') Track Listing:

KC and The Sunshine Band          "Get Down Tonight"
Rufus                             "Tell Me Something Good"
James Brown                       "Hot Pants" (Part 1)
Parliament                        "Tear the Roof Off the Sucker
                                   (Give Up the Funk)"
Ohio Players                      "Fire"
Kool & The Gang                   "Jungle Boogie"
Wild Cherry                       "Play That Funky Music"
The Isley Brothers                "Fight The Power"
Brick                             "Dazz"
Average White Band                "Pick Up the Pieces"
The Staple Singers                "Respect Yourself"
The Hues Corporation              "Rock the Boat"
The Three Degrees                 "When Will I See You Again"
Tower of Power                    "So Very Hard to Go"
The Spinners                      "The Rubberband Man"

8/31/99 - There are three new pictures in Gallery 12 and three new articles.

The Good Son airs September 6th.
Wilmer Valderrama chats at Yahoo/TeenHollywood September 12 at 10pET/7pPT.

The season premiere has been changed to Garage Sale!

It's the season for Fall TV Preview issues so please email me if you see any That '70s Show mention in the press. I'd be really grateful. Topher Grace is in Rolling Stones and there is an article with Laura Prepon in Glamour.

We get not one but two That '70s Show soundtracks September 28th! Read all about it here.

8/25/99 - I added two new photos to Gallery 7. There is now a Gallery 12 with five new photos.

I changed the poll on the main page. I'm working on the character pages now. I have most of them finished so they will be up on the site soon.

8/23/99 - CHEAP TRICK have recorded the theme song for the Fox-TV comedy hit "That 70s Show." The song, entitled "In the Street" will tentatively be released around September 28. The band will also shoot a video with the cast members which will be broadcast at a later date. Stay tuned for more details. From Cheap Trick Sounds. Thanks Steve!

8/21/99 - I've added 6 new pictures to gallery one.

8/18/99 - I added one new picture to Gallery 11 and updated the FAQ and Episode Guide.

8/16/99 - The scavenger hunt contest was a huge dud and no one won. That was fun.

8/14/99 - I added 3 new photos in Gallery 4. Thanks to The Mila Kunis Appreciation Page for two of them!

I updated the FAQ.

That Wrestling Episode and Career Day air August 30th!

8/11/99 - There are two new photos in Gallery 1 and one new in Gallery 5.

Mila Kunis is in the newest issue of Seventeen and Lisa Robin Kelly is featured in Jane with Bruno Campos.

8/9/99 - There are 4 new photos in Gallery 2 and 4 more in Gallery 7. Thanks so much to my buddy Samantha!

The cast are in the September issue of J-14 magazine and they are also in the YM school issue.

The Pill and Prom Night air August 16th.

8/7/99 - There is a new photo in Gallery 6 and two more in Gallery 10.

Mila Kunis is on the September cover of Young & Modern magazine.

There is a blurb about Wilmer Valderrama in Entertainment Weekly. It's about how he danced with Jennifer Love Hewitt at a FOX party. Boring, really.

Danny Masterson did a public service announcement for FOX against violence. It airs on TV but if you don't want to watch a lot of TV to catch it, go here.

Ashton Kutcher will be appearing on the Teen Choice Awards on August 12th on FOX. That '70s Show was nominated along with Topher Grace and Laura Prepon.

8/3/99 - There is a new photo in Gallery 3. I changed the webcards to new photos.

That '70s Page now has a contest section here where you can win a copy of the That '70s Show theme single and more! Check it out!

8/1/99 - I added the Canadian TV Guide article and Lisa Robin Kelly chat transcript to the Articles & Reviews page.
I updated the Episode Guide, Keeper's List and Links page. There are new photos in the Lisa Robin Kelly cast page too.

I added three new photos to Gallery 11. Thanks to The Mila Kunis Appreciation Page for the two new Mila photos!

There is a new section in the gallery called Trip Photos with photos from Heather Logan's 1998 trip to the set. Thanks a million to the oh so pimpish Heather aka Gershwin!

The first episode of Season 2 is called Red's Last Day.

7/28/99 - There are 3 new photos in Gallery 11.

Stolen Car and First Date air August 9th!

7/27/99 - There are 2 new photos in Gallery 11. I also updated the Episodes, Laurie Forman Tribute, FAQ, Wallpaper, and Links.

Season 2 of That '70s Show begins September 28th!!!

Danny Masterson and Wilmer Valderrama appear on Woodstock '99 on FOX August 3rd.

Congratulations to That '70s Show for garnering two Emmy nominations!! Costuming for That Disco Episode and hair for Prom Night! It's too bad they didn't get anything bigger but it's one of the rare years they nominated anything good. The Soprano's received 16 nominations! They probably won't win though 'cause the Emmy's still suck. They did take 6 years to finally award the amazing Andre Braugher.

7/22/99 - There are 4 new pictures in Gallery 11. I added a new Articles.

Wilmer Valderrama attended the premiere of Dick, a comedy set in the 1970's with Kirsten Dunst.

Valderrama appears on Happy Hour Sat, Jul 24 8:59 PM.

Episodes Ski Trip and Drive-in air August 2nd!

I updated the FAQ and awards page.

7/19/99 - I added three new photos to Gallery 11 thanks so much to Monica!

Topher Grace is chatting tonight at E! Online.

7/18/99 - I changed the post board again to a server that isn't always down. It's here.

The new ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY mentions That '70s Show in article about the Showtime show Rude Awakenings. They said that anyone who was inspired to do drugs after watching T7S lived a sheltered life. It also includes a very common pic of the cast.

7/17/99 - There is a new feature on the site for T7S desktop wallpaper. I made 5 different images to use. They are here. Let me know if you like them.

7/16/99 - I added a new article.
Topher Grace chats at E! Online Monday at 6 eastern!

There are new photos in Gallery 11 and I updated a bit in the sections FAQ, Chat, Mailing List, and Keepers List.

I'm hard at work on the character profiles so check back soon for them!

Mila Kunis will be appearing in fall issues of Teen, Seventeen and Nylon magazines.

7/15/99 - I redesigned the Articles and added a couple more articles to it as well.

There is a new picture in Gallery 11. I also updated the FAQ, Site Awards and Tales From a Kewpie Doll.

Episodes The Good Son and Eric's Burger Job air July 26th! Mitch Pileggi gueststars.

7/11/99 - I redesigned the frames section again and did something cool to the FAQ. I also made a new banner and a banner page for anyone that wants to link this site.

7/9/99 - I updated the Lisa Robin Kelly cast page.

7/8/99 - I redesigned the frames section of the site.

I added a new feature to the site. Now you can sign up for a free That '70s Show email! Sign up here.

7/7/99 - There are 4 new photos in Gallery 11. I added a new Mila Kunis interview to the Articles page and updated an older Laura Prepon article. Thanks Vincent!

Thanks to Jon for all of the new lyrics in the Songs page!

Episodes The Battle of the Sexists and Hyde Moves In air July 19th!

Mila Kunis voices the character Meg in the new season of Family Guy this fall!

7/4/99 - I changed the post board to a new server. The new board is here. Please check it out!

I updated the links and songs page. Thanks to Terpiscore for pointing out that I left the song Night Moves out from Punk Chick.

I changed the poll on the main page. Please check it out and vote.

7/2/99 - Laura Prepon will be in the film 'The Pornographer: A Love Story' with Irene Jacob, Martin Donovan, and directed by Alan Wade.

There are three new images in Gallery 11.

Tanya Roberts will be appearing on Happy Hour Saturday evening on the USA Network. Check local listings for times.

7/1/99 - I updated the songs page. I also updated the FAQ and Tales From a Kewpie Doll : The Laurie Forman Tribute.

6/30/99 - Thanks so much to Eileen for the seven new images in Gallery 11!

Episodes A New Hope and Grandma's Dead air July 12th!

6/29/99 - I updated the Links, Episode Guide, Articles & Reviews, Keeper's List and the cast pages.

Mila Kunis is having a chat at Yahoo! Thursday at 8PM ET.

Mila Kunis will be lending her voice to another FOX show Family Guy.

6/27/99 - There is a new article on Laura Prepon from Ultimate TV in the Articles & Reviews.
Thanks to Fez for the new image in Gallery 4!

Danny Masterson was a panelist on Mtv's program Say What?. He was judging fashion. I didn't see it but I heard that he was really funny.

I changed the poll on the main page. Please check it out and vote!
The Timmy Crusade is still going on so please help! Timmy needs you.

Episodes Thanksgiving and The Best Christmas Ever air on July 5th. They must be airing all of the episodes with Grandma to prepare for Grandma's Dead?

6/24/99 - I added a new image to Gallery 1. Thanks so very much to Eileen for the 3 new pictures in Gallery 5 and the 3 new in Gallery 8!

I also updated the Articles with the Mila Kunis Seventeen story.

Episodes That Disco Episode and Sunday, Bloody, Sunday air this Monday.

6/21/99 - There is a new article in the Articles & Reviews. I also updated the FAQ and changed the poll on the main page.

6/19/99 - I updated the Episode Guide, the FAQ and the Laurie Forman tribute.

Mila Kunis is in the new issue of SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE. Brandy is on the cover.

Monica who runs the oh so groovy The One & Only Eric & Fez site has set up a Topher Grace Birthday Project Guestbook where you can sign birthday wishes for Topher. It's at!

6/16/99 - There are 5 new pictures in Gallery 7, 6 new pics in Gallery 6, and 1 new in Gallery 3.
Thanks to Jon for the new picture in Gallery 4!

Laura Prepon is featured in the new Hairstyles magazine.

The new TV Guide cover with Prepon, Masterson and Grace on the cover should be hard to find. Where I live it's Sable. The same article is inside and all but I really want the cover. The cast picture of them in a car also varies with issues. If someone could help me out here I would be really, really grateful. Please email me at [email protected].

This is really important! We all need to take part in the Get Timmy back on the show campaign!! You must help!

I changed the Lunchtime Poll topic.

6/15/99 - I added 2 new pictures to Gallery 9!

Next Monday, episodes Punk Chick and Eric's Buddy air.

There are 2 new articles on the site now. Thanks to the very groovelicious Maranie for the article 'Fox show rises from near death'.

Monday's E! News Daily had a behind-the-scenes segment on the shooting of the "Water Tower" episode. They had short interview clips of everyone except Danny. It repeats Tues. at 6 a.m. and 12 p.m. (ET) Thanks Ann!!!

6/14/99 - I added 7 new photos to Gallery 9.

Thanks to Ann for two new articles!

The cast are on the cover of the new TV Guide! It's the June 19-25 issue. This is really cool.
There is also a small article in the new PEOPLE Weekly on Wilmer Valderrama.

There is an article in the July issue of US Magazine that talks about the popularity of '60s and '70s station wagons. Vista Cruisers are listed as a popular model. This article did not mention That '70s Show but I'm sure the show has had to contribute to this. I know I want a Vista Cruiser just like Eric has.

6-12-99 - I've added the Topher Grace interview from Entertainment Weekly to the articles page!

Topher Grace is also featured in Teen People and Teen Celebrity with Wilmer Valderamma!

6/11/99 - There is a fantastic Topher Grace article in the new ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY! Adam Sandler is on the cover. The picture is full page. It's in Gallery 8.

6/10/99 - I added a new article from TV Guide to the Articles and Reviews part of the site.

There are 3 new images in Gallery 4 and 4 new images in Gallery 10.

Laura Prepon will be chatting at TV Guide on the 21st of June at 7:00 p.m. eastern.

6/9/99 - I updated the Laurie Forman page! It's much better now I think. There are tons of new quotes of evil and more info.

There is a little article in the new TV Guide about T7S. It's the issue with the varying Star Wars covers.

The episodes Water Tower and The Pilot air this Monday! If you want to read a plot summary (Courtesy of Mr. Showbiz)for Water Tower, highlight the following text with your mouse :
Kelso (Ashton Kutcher) takes a dive while the guys are painting a pot leaf on the water tower; Eric (Topher Grace) barges in on his parents' (Debra Jo Rupp, Kurtwood Smith) lovemaking. .

There will be a That '70s Show soundtrack coming out in the near future. That should be great. I hope it's not just the same popular songs available on every compilation disc out there.

6/7/99 - I finally updated the Episode Guide after all of this time.

6/6/99 - The kids are on the cover of the Canadian TV Guide for the week of 6/12/99. I'm not Canadian so if someone would be so kind as to send me a copy for cheap or possibly free I would be really grateful.
"You guys ask me for everything!" - Eric
"So what's one more thing?" - Kelso

6/4/99 - I updated the songs page with tons of new lyrics and info.

Danny Masterson will be chatting at TV Guide on June 14th at 7.00 p.m.

Thanks to Elizabeth for two new images in Gallery 6!

6/3/99 - I updated the Songs page.

6/2/99 - The Laurie Forman tribute is up now as well as the Songs page and Hyde's Afro.

6/1/99 - There is a Wilmer Valderrama article and picture in the new issue of Latingirl. It is in the articles. Thanks Monica!

I updated the webcards. There is a new format with different images and midis.

That '70s Show will be back on the air in 14 days! To pass the time you should watch Ewan Mcgregor movies and listen to the Manic Street Preachers.

I changed my email address. It's now [email protected].

5/23/99 Well, the new fall schedule has been announced and it is not pretty. T7S is slotted for 8:30 on Tuesdays starting in the fall. This means it's up against Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This seriously sucks! It gets worse...their lead-in is no other than a clip show of Ally Mcbeal. What a nightmare.

I updated the links page. Yay.

5/19/99 - I added 4 new articles/interviews on Laura Prepon to the Articles section.

5/17/99 - There are 3 new images in Gallery 1, 3 new in Gallery 2, and 5 more in Gallery 3.

I updated the Laura Prepon biography page.

5/16/99 - Mila Kunis is hosting the benefit premiere of "Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace" with Ben Savage for It's a charity benefit for the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. You can download Real Player for free to view this at the site. Kunis will be making commentary on the event with Savage.

5/10/99 - There are 2 new pics in Gallery 6.

5/9/99 - Thanks so much to Liz and Pinanta for the Wilmer pic in Gallery 7 and the new interview with him in the Articles.

5/8/99 - There are 2 new images in Gallery 9.
The rest of the All-Stars cast interviews are up thanks so much to Monica!!

The Hollywood Reporter er reported that Ashton Kutcher will be in "Texas Rangers" with James Van Der Beek and Dylan McDermott and that he will play Jim Morrison in Down To You. This movie also stars Freddy Prince Jr. and Julia Stiles. Thanks so much to Chris!

5/7/99 - There is a new image in Gallery 8.

Get the new Teen People and Seventeen issues for stuff on the show! Teen People names Ashton Kutcher as one of 21 hottest stars. Seventeen has a short article on Wilmer Valderrama.

Ashton Kutcher will be in a TV special on ABC about young stars. It airs May 21st.

Debra Jo Rupp was named best tv mom by the Boston Herald.

Please vote for That '70s Show and Topher Grace or Laura Prepon at

Debra Jo Rupp will be on future shows of Rosie O'donnel, Regis and Kathy Lee and Fox Family News!

5/6/99 - I added 3 new images to Gallery 3.
The All-Stars Magazine cast interviews are in the Articles. Thanks to the Groovy Monica!

In the newest issue of Twist, there is a photo of Ashton Kutcher hugging Debra Jo Rupp.

Debra Jo Rupp is a guest on todays Donny and Marie. Check local listings for times.

FOX will air back-to-back episodes of That '70s Show starting June 14th from 8-9 p.m.

5/4/99 - There is a new picture in Gallery 7.

5/3/99 - The show comes back on the air June 14th!! It will now be on Mondays at 8:00 p.m. eastern.

There are 2 new pictures in Gallery 6.
I updated the FAQ and there is a new interview with Mila Kunis in the Articles.

5/2/99 - I added Trivia Quiz 2 and Trivia Quiz 3! Thanks to Bargain Bob for your help with the questions in 2.

Topher Grace presented at Nickelodean's Kids Choice Awards

5/1/99 - There are 3 new pictures in Gallery 5

There is a DKNY image in the new Teen Magazine as well as a photo of Prepon at the TV GUIDE awards. Also, Ashton Kutcher is in Twist. It's just a photo towards the back of the issue.

Click here for old news 3/31/99 - 12/12/98

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