
Kelso is an eighteen year old dumbass from a family of seven kids. He is very loyal to his good buddy Eric but not his girlfriend Jackie. He used to always say he was going to break up with her because his friends hated her. Now they prove their love to each other all of the time so I don't see them splitting up for very long. She has him totally whipped but he still cheats on her with Laurie Forman.

His father concatonates the verse satistical information to maximize the potential utilization of data for his job. With a dad like that it's really not surprising that Kelso is so stupid. His dad might be 43 but he could have been lying. He wasn't 25 after all. His parents wouldn't even notice if he was gone according to Eric. Who is his mother?

Kelso was left back in the first grade and repeated it in Point Place. He does better in school than Hyde which is just sad. His friends didn't know he was really 18 and were mad because he could have been buying them beer all along.

He sees himself as either a rock star or movie star. I see him in a cheesy 80's band called 'The High School Horndogs'.

My favourite scene :
In The Keg when he tried to buy beer. "Hi, I'm 25. I know I look young but my dad asked me to come pick up a tap for his new keg. He's 43 so we're both legal, no problem there."
And in Ski Trip when he was with Gus.

Kelso's Favorite Sayings:

"I'm breaking up with Jackie."
"Where do you even get that stuff?"

Ashton Kutcher on That '70s Show :

Kelso is a friggin' idiot! He comes from a large family and has lots of brothers and sisters, but he came last, so by then his parents were tired of answering all their kids' questions. He's very book smart, but a little lacking in common sense."

Like Kelso, Kutcher gets plenty of ass he told Link Magazine.

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About the character

Name :
Michael Kelso.

Parents : John Kelso is his dad. No mention of his mother.

Sibilings : He has six sibilings.

From : Point Place, Wisconsin

Age : He is 18. He had to repeat the first grade. Finger paints are sooo hard.

Occupation : He didn't get the Fatso Burger job so none.

Relationships : He dates Jackie and she has him totally whipped. He has cheated on her with Pam Macy and Laurie Forman.

Friends : Eric, Donna, Hyde, Fez and Jackie.

Hangouts : Eric's basement, The Hub, and the Reservoir.

Music : He likes lots of stuff like Frampton, Todd Rundgren, and other songs played on the show. He has an 8-track funk tape that turns on chicks.

Talents : He's great looking but people are jealous. He is really great at Pong and figured out how to make the paddles smaller. He is good at lite brite stuff since he has a fetish for it.

Weaknesses : Um...

Future? : He'll be a Rock star.

Nicknames : Kelsmo, Lassie, and Lover

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