New Members
First of all let me congratulate you on enlisting with {SCO}.  There are a few things that you must know now that you are a member of {SCO}.
1) You MUST post a new messange in the "New Members" area of the forum as well as register.
2) Your beginning rank will be Private and if you recruiter has not yet told you your name tag will look like this {SCO}Pvt_YourName.
3) You are now a member of the elite coop clan {SCO} we will expect you to conduct yourself professionally at all times form this moment on.
4) Last but not least, once again Welcome to {SCO}!
Join {SCO}
New Members
Now you'll need to familurize yourself with all of the other {SCO} members. 
You'll also need to make sure that you pick a designated Speciality as well, such as Rifleman, Demo...
Also make sure you get to know the members of your Squad esspecially.  These members will be responsible for your cover and safety while in game.  Your Squad leader will also be there to answer ANY questions you may have.

Also make sure you visit the
Ranks page and make yourself familiar  with all the ranks so that you completely understand our ranking system.

Also make sure that your on enough so that we know that you are still an active member.  It is very important that we know this, if you are going to be away for an extended period of time there is a section of the forum available for such a circumstance.

Ranks Page
Screen Shots
{SCO} Forum
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