Support Expert
Rifleman are the backbone of any Squad and Platoon. Rifleman will also make up the bulk of {SCO} due to the numerous weapon choices and skill levels.
Support Experts have the strongest weapons and carry the most ammo.  Just as the name suggests as a Support Expert it is your job to provide the Squad with your support fire.
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Demolition Expert
Demolition Experts are in charge of carrying all the Demo equiptment such as Rockets, Demo charges and more.  They are Experts in that area.
Snipers jobs are obvious.  Snipers will provide cover for the rest of the squad/platoon when needed. They can take out threats from long distances to ensure the mission is a success.
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             Squad Leader
You will always obey your Squad leader. He is in complete control of the Squad at all times. He will lead and you will follow him. Never advance pass him unless he orders you to take point.
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Each sqaud will perform certain and different duties. There will be an assigned sqaud to take point and mostly assault all mission long. NOBODY is  to leave their squad for ANY reason at all. You will always listen to and obey your commander. When moving. You will move in a slow and steady way. We use two ways to advance. Standing and walking or running to a  certain point and then crouching down to cover when you get there. We will  also use slow stealth advancement, which will be staying crouched and advancing slowly. Nobody is to take a shot at a group of enemies unless being fired at without letting everyone know first. Let your leader know and he will set up for an ambush, with each member picking a target and ambushing them. If you are caught disobeying orders or leaving your squad without permission first. You will be placed on probation. (see rules page for probation)
Any other tactics will be discussed at the mission briefing by your Platoon leader.  He/She will explain your specific duties to you at that time.  One rule that is a sureity and will always stay the same is never get seperated from your squad, there is nothing more dangerous than being off on your own.  Remember that.
Rules of Engagement
Your ROE will be explained to you by your CO.  Not every mission has the same ROE.  So if you don't know, ask.
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