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High Risk
From the MCI Center,
Washington, D.C.
September 23, 2002

Nightstalker (6/10B) defeats Dave Destruction (Default)
Myles Van Hugenstein (4/10B) defeats "Cold Stone" Lance Ausstin (Default)
RobZone (Default) draws Mike Da Bomb (Default)

(Pyros go off from the stage area as "Natural High" by Union Underground begins to play. The camera pans around showing the packed MCI Center, with fans holding signs such as "Zoning Out, No Not Cool", "There's Only One Sensational Shooter", and "Unleash The Fury!" before focusing on the announcers table)

Clark Addison: Hello all and welcome to SCW High Risk! I'm Clark Addison and with me my spaced out partner, Johnny Roxbury...

Johnny Roxbury: Sup?

Clark Addison: Lots of things went down on last week's show, and many questions need to be answered. Hopefully, we'll be getting some of them tonight!

Johnny Roxbury: The bouncers never let you in the clubs, do they Clark?

Clark Addison: What?

Johnny Roxbury: Is that the question you're looking to answer?

Clark Addison: Not quite. Questions like what is up with this alliance between Fatal Fury, R-Dog, and Bone Breaker? What was Bill Davies doing on High Risk last week? And what is this big surprise "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins is promising?

Johnny Roxbury: What is love? That's a good question to think about Clark.

Clark Addison: Apparently so, Johnny. But other then that, we have some great matches tonight. Dead Guy McGee will be taking on Bone Breaker for #1 contendership to the US Title. Kid Mayhem and Shot Caller will finally face each other, each putting their own respective title on the line. Shake, Rattle, & Roll taking on this new alliance of Fatal Fury and R-Dog for the #1 World Tag contendership, and the main event of the night, Shane Montez taking on Cruncher.

Johnny Roxbury: Snickers?

Clark Addison: What?

Johnny Roxbury: I'm hungry.

Clark Addison: That's nice...

Johnny Roxbury: Snickers Cruncher rules.

Clark Addison: Right. But let's get on with the first match of the night, as the two newcomers, Sugar Shane & Tony Pajamas take on "The New HBK" Tom Dinardi & Alex Hart!

(Camera cuts backstage showing Fatal Fury, Bone Breaker, and R-Dog all beating down on Sugar Shane and Tony Pajamas)

Clark Addison: What's going on!

Johnny Roxbury: Not much, yourself?

Clark Addison: This new alliance is attacking Sugar Shane and Tony Pajamas! They've been laid out! And it looks like they're heading this way....

"The New HBK"
Tom Dinardi
Alex Hart

Sugar Shane
Tony Pajamas

(Fatal Fury, Bone Breaker, and R-Dog all come down to the ring and attack Tom Dinardi and Alex Hart)

Clark Addison: What's the purpose of this? They're ruining our opening match!

Johnny Roxbury: Who cares?

Clark Addison: Bone Breaker throws Tom Dinardi over the top rope! R-Dog picking up Alex Hart, what a powerbomb! Fatal Fury going to the top rope...Furysault! They're laying out everyone in their path! Bone Breaker rolling Alex Hart out of the ring with his foot. It seems Fatal Fury is asking for a mic...

(A ringside crew member gives Fury a mic)

Fatal Fury: You probably are wondering what the hell was last week about? Bone Breaker and I double teaming Nightstalker and help R Dog in his match against Mayhem because we are SCW's new stable, we are U.T.F which stands for Unleash The Fury! Even though we didn't get the job down, we still sent a message thaat we're not playing around here in SCW. We will Unleash The Fury on anybody who gets in our path. Tonight we have two number one contender matches and we are ready to kick some ass so you better get ready!

(They leave as the music hits)

Clark Addison: Unleash The Fury? Well they seem to mean business!

Dead Guy McGee

Bone Breaker

Clark Addison: What a victory for Dead Guy McGee!

(Fatal Fury runs down to the ring)

Clark Addison: But wait a minute, here comes Fatal Fury! He's in the ring and is double teaming Dead Guy McGee! Johnny Roxbury: But he's dead...

Clark Addison: Fury Factor to Dead Guy McGee! And they're leaving the ring together! Regardless of what they just did, Dead Guy McGee is the one getting the shot next week at the US Champion.

Johnny Roxbury: How did a dead guy win?

Clark Addison: He'll be facing whoever walks away with the US Title tonight, between Shot Caller and Kid Mayhem, definately a lot of bad blood between these two...

(Kid Mayhem starts making his way down to the announce table with a dented chair in his hand. He tosses down the chair and approaches Clark and Johnny.)

Kid Mayhem: Listen you idiot! It's the SCW STA Heavyweight Title NOT the US Title! You better start getting it right before I break your scrawny neck!

(Kid Mayhem looks into the camera)

Kid Mayhem: And listen Kooch, Seth and Kronic....You better start billing my matches as SCW STA Heavyweight title matches too or we are gonna have some problems! I also want to address all the Kid Mayhem haters out there. All of you have been opening your big, fat mouths......and when you realize I'm not going to stick my dick in there like you want me to, you start talking shit about me...I mean I can't listen to one single interview or promo without hearing my name. It's pathetic! Boys, carve your own niche in SCW and stop trying to drop my name to get attention.

(Kid Mayhem throws down the mic and raises his hand at Roxbury like he is gonna slap him and he falls out of his chair. Kid Mayhem walks away laughing)

Clark Addison: That was uncalled for!

Johnny Roxbury: Yeah, I was this close to smacking him.

Clark Addison: Kid Mayhem really heated up tonight...

Johnny Roxbury: He doesn't want any of this.

(Camera cuts backstage showing Fatal Fury and Bone Breaker standing over a fallen R-Dog. He seems to be bleeding badly from the head)

Clark Addison: Someone has attacked R-Dog! Well I guess it's pretty obvious, with Kid Mayhem coming down here with a dented chair...

Johnny Roxbury: Egg rolls suck.

Clark Addison: Fury and R-Dog are supposed to be competing later tonight for contendership to the Tag Titles! Doesn't look like that's going to happen.

Veesh Man


1/2 of World Tag
Team Champions

Lou Saunders

After Eliminating

Dark Scorpion

(Camera cuts backstage)

Candy Cox: I'm standing back here with The Shot Caller. Shot Caller, tonight you face Kid Mayhem one on one for the first time in SCW history, you two have quite a little fued brewing between you, how do you feel?

Shot Caller: I feel just like I always do, I feel confident, and I feel ready to kick the everloving shit out of Kid Mayhem's gay ass. He sits around all day talking about how great he is, and how he's the United States Champion, he claims his title is the most important in SCW... I've never heard anything funnier. Oh yea, and what type of girls go after a 5'0 slanty eyed bitch? Do you agree with me Candy, I mean could you ever get with a piece like that?

Candy Cox: Probably not.

Shot Caller: Yea, no real lady would want to get with Kid Mayhem. Mayhem, the truth is, your ladies are all beat, we seldom ever see their faces because they all have horse teeth... they're what I like to call butterfaces. Cause everything is nice... but her face. But that's besides the point, tonight, Kid Mayhem, the talk stops, all the trash talk that has taken place between you and I for the last month.. it all comes to an end tonight. You and I square off and two titles will be on the line, one man will walk out of this match carrying two titles, one man will walk out empty hand. I hate to be the bearer of bad news Kid Mayhem, but when this match is over, YOU will be the man walking out of this arena with no titles around your waist. All of your trash talk and all of your meaningless banter will be for nothing. Tonight, when you feel "The Fine Line" and I pin you 1-2-3, I'll talk your title, I'll take your pride... and I'll take everything that brings you those ugly ass ladies... which is your title. Tonight Kid Mayhem, I bring you back down to earth and I end your little "high" here in SCW, and I kill your hopes of EVER getting a shot at the SCW World Heavywight Title again.

Candy Cox: One last question, if you win tonight... what's next?

Shot Caller: Shane Montez.

(The Shot Caller Walks Away)

Candy Cox: Back to you Clark?

El Niggo del Santo

Rod Cummings

(Shane Montez and Ryan Wilder are walking down the hall. They stop and see Kid Mayhem and his hoes of the day at the end of the hall getting a bite to eat)

Ryan Wilder: Look at that little fruitcake. He actually thinks he is a bigger playa then you. Let's go show him what's what. (They walk down to the end of the hall. Montez stands right behind Mayhem. Mayhem turns around and a stare down begins)

Ryan Wilder: So, this is the best Otisco, Indiana has to offer. It's funny, damn near every time we hear you running your mouth the champs name pops out. You know Shane really doesn't have much spare time these days. You know being the Undisputed SCW World Champion and all. Haha, well I guess you really wouldn't know about that now would you. All you have is that little STD title of yours. You can try and tell yourself that your piece of tin is the most sought after title all you want. The fact of the matter is everyone knows 5 pounds of gold Shane carries around is what all of boys in the back want. Now, I think we're done here. Let's go champ.

(Shane looks at Wilder and shakes his head no. Shane then moves over and looks at the hoes. He makes eye contact with them and motions for them to come with him. Shane Walks away with Mayhem's hoes of the day)

Ryan Wilder: Damn, how's it feel to know you're not even half the man Shane is? If you know what I mean.

Intercontinental Champion

Shake, Rattle, & Roll


Fatal Fury
Bone Breaker

Clark Addison: Well it appears tonight is not a good night for U.T.F., and Shake, Rattle, & Roll will be going on to meet the World Tag Team Champions! A very talented team these two are, with Emilio ALI already the SCW Intercontinental Champion.

Johnny Roxbury: He wishes he could dance like me, but he can't. He has nothing on me.

Clark Addison: Right...whatever happend to your show, "The Dancing Floor".

Johnny Roxbury: Kooch cancelled it, something that it wasn't about wrestling.

Clark Addison: Well it wasn't...

Johnny Roxbury: Who cares, it was the highest rated segment ever.

Clark Addison: Anyway, next we have Kinnes taking on "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins. Spike has promised us a big surprise tonight...and Kinnes has been waiting for a long time to get his hands on Spike.

("Downfall" by TRUST Company hits as "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins comes down and gets into the ring)

Spike Jenkins: Now I know all of you are looking forward to my surprise. All week I've been hearing, "What is it Spike?" "Can you please tell me?" "I will bow before you and kiss your feet if you tell me!". But I haven't told anyone, and you know what. After looking through this crowd, you're all not worthy of hearing it either!

(Crowd boos)

Spike Jenkins: Maybe if you weren't a whole bunch of welfare leeches, I'd tell you, or even show you! But it's not going to happen now, you all can go back and keep watching SCW on your lil 6" portable TV's picking up all 4 channels in your trailers!

(Kinnes rushes down to the ring)

"The Jock Scrap"


Spike Jenkins


("Crown Royal" by Starchile begins to play. Out from the back walks Ryan Wilder followed by The SCW Undisputed World Champion Shane Montez. Who is followed by the 2 hoes he took from Mayhem. They all walk down and get in the ring. Candy Cox gets in the ring with a mic)

Candy Cox: First of all if you pull any of that shit you have pulled before I�m out of here.

Ryan Wilder: Oh we wouldn�t dream of it Candy.

Candy Cox: Last week Shane had a successful title defense against Veesh Man.

Ryan Wilder: Was there any doubt? But I�m glad you brought up Veesh. You see the champ has a new T-shirt he would like to debut to you all right now.

(Shane takes off his Sensational Shooter� shirt revealing a shirt that reads "Veesh is my bitch" on the front and on the back has a picture of Shane spiking Veesh)

Ryan Wilder: This shirt is now available at the souvenir stands.

Candy Cox: OK, I�m sure there will be a huge rush to get one of those.

Ryan Wilder: I�m sure there will. You better hurry and get one.

Candy Cox: The real story happened after the match last week. Shane and Bill Davies getting in to it.

Ryan Wilder: Shane and who?

Candy Cox: Bill Davies, the WWTA World Champion.

Ryan Wilder: That was Bill Davies? Are you sure?

Candy Cox: Well, yeah. Are you trying to tell us that Shane didn�t know who that was?

Ryan Wilder: Shane, did you know that was Bill Davies?

(Shane shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head)

Candy Cox: Then why did you start fighting with him?

Ryan Wilder: Shane didn�t start anything. He thought a fan wanted his autograph and Bill Davies, is that his name? Yeah Bill Davies punched him. Shane was simply defending himself. So that was Bill Davies. Well then I think for once Kid Mayhem might be right. Kid Mayhem and Bill Davies should fight. I mean they both have meaningless titles that they think make them Shane. And the both lack the wrestling skills to get in the ring with Shane.

Candy Cox: Speaking of Kid Mayhem, what�s up with his hoes out here with you guys?

Ryan Wilder: You see, Kid Mayhem thinks he is Seths� gift to women. But everyone knows the Shane is Seths� gift to women.

Candy Cox: What are you talking about? The phrase is Gods gift to women.

Ryan Wilder: That�s what I said. Anyway, Shane was just proving a point. Without saying a word he stole 2 hoes. Oh and girls, Shane would like me to inform you that he will no longer be needing your STD riddled asses. As a matter of fact he never needed you. Shane has more hoes then New York has potholes. You can leave now.

Candy Cox: Well, that was kind of rude.

Ryan Wilder: They are cheap sluts that have been infected by the STD champion Kid Mayhem.

Candy Cox: OK, what about this weeks match. Shane has to face Cruncher. I hear Shane has a problem with Cruncher. What is that all about?

Ryan Wilder: I don�t really think this is the time or place to air out dirty laundry. Let�s just say that Shane will get something he has wanted for a long time now. Shane gets to step in the ring with Cruncher and tear him apart. Now that�s all I am going to say about that. So if there are no other questions I think this interview is over.

(Bonecracker by Shocore starts to play this time. As Shane and Ryan leave the ring)

U.S. Champion

Kid Mayhem
1/2 of World Tag
Team Champions

The Shot Caller

(During Caller/Mayhem match)

Clark Addison: It looks like Shot Caller is setting Kid Mayhem up for the Fine Line! We could have a new US Champion if he hits this!

Johnny Roxbury: Good.

("Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats hits as Emilio ALI and Smokey McPothead start walking down to the ring)

Clark Addison: What are they doing out here!

(Shot Caller lets go of Kid Mayhem and goes over and is telling Shake, Rattle, & Roll to leave)

Johnny Roxbury: What is love?

Clark Addison: Kid Mayhem starting to get up...Shot Caller turns around, what a kick to the face! Kid Mayhem picking up Shot...Mayhem Driver! Mayhem Driver!

Johnny Roxbury: Baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

Clark Addison: Kid Mayhem slides out onto the apron, Kamakazie Splash! Kid Mayhem with the cover...1..2...3! Kid Mayhem has just beat Shot Caller! He's now one half of the World Tag Team Champions! SCW's first double gold holder!

Johnny Roxbury: Silver is better than gold.

Clark Addison: But Shake, Rattle, & Roll are into the ring....Electric Slide to Kid Mayhem! Smokey picking up Kid Mayhem...Bong Hit! They're leaving the ring now, with men laid out.

Johnny Roxbury: EMILIO!

Clark Addison: Well it's time for our main event, as "Sensational Shooter" Shane Montez takes on Cruncher! Two of SCW's greatest competitors!

Johnny Roxbury: I'm going to challenge Emilio to a dance off.

Clark Addison: That's wonderful, Johnny. Apparently Shane Montez has also been having some legal troubles, as others claim that they are the "Sensational Shooter".

Johnny Roxbury: They're a bunch of liars.

Clark Addison: I agree. There's only one "Sensational Shooter", and that's the SCW World Champion, Shane Montez.

World Champion

"Sensational Shooter"
Shane Montez

w/ Ryan Wilder


(During Shane/Cruncher match)

Clark Addison: Shane Montez with the Sensational Spike! It's all over for Cruncher now! Wait a minute! Someone just jumped the barricade and is into the ring! He blind sides Shane Montez!

Johnny Roxbury: Stupid fans can never stay in their seats.

Clark Addison: I don't think that's a fan! He's taking off the glasses and baseball's Bill Davies! He's picking up Shane Montez...Shane fighting back! Shane with a knee drive to the stomach of Davies, he drives him back in the corner and is throwing rights and lefts!

Johnny Roxbury: Shane is beating the hell out of that fan.

Clark Addison: Here comes someone running out from the back! It's the newcomer El Niggo del Santo!

(El Niggo del Santo runs down to the ring and slides in)

Clark Addison: Davies is getting the upperhand...del Santo into the ring...Wait! He's attacking Shane Montez! Why is El Niggo del Santo helping Davies?!

Johnny Roxbury: Maybe Shane stole his taco, those mexicans like their tacos.

Clark Addison: He's picking up Shane Montez....what a Crucifix Powerbomb! Actually, that move seems famaliar...Davies now picking up Shane....Wolf Driver! Security needs to get down here and stop this!

Johnny Roxbury: I'm telling you, don't take their tacos.

Clark Addison: Bill Davies is motioning towards El Niggo del Santo to pull off the mask...MY GOD! It's Jobbercho! One of WWTA's top stars! And he weasled his way into SCW!

Johnny Roxbury: Yeah, damn those mexicans, weasling their way across the border.

Clark Addison: We're out of time folks! This is Clark Addison, with Johnny Roxbury...

Johnny Roxbury: Sup?

Clark Addison: Saying good night!

(Camera fades to black with Bill Davies and Jobbercho standing above Shane Montez)

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