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- SCW Forums

How to Compete

  • There will be 10 questions every week, which will be posted on site and sent out with the Newsletter. Answers must be sent to [email protected] with the name of your wrestler in the subject line, or you will not recieve credit.
  • The answers must be recieved by Saturday Midnight est. time. This gives us Sunday & Monday to work on results and get them out Monday Evening.
  • If there is a tie, the match will end in a draw unless otherwise said on the card there has to be a winner. The other exception to this is title and gimmick matches at a PPV, there must be a winner.
  • The quickest way to get into a feud and get a push, is to roleplay and cut promos. You can either do this on the Promo Board or you can write an interview and send it in to [email protected] for us to put it into the weekly results.


  • If you default (not answer), you will be removed from the next card until you answer again and will then be put into a match.
  • You will not be able to hold more then one title. The only exception is holding a singles title and a tag title. If you win more then one singles title, you will be forced to vacate one.
  • Each member of SCW can only be one wrestler in the fed. If it is found out you have two wrestlers in the fed, both will be fired.
  • We encourage that you write stuff and send it in for the results, it helps add to the fun of the fed and develop feuds. You can send in interviews of your wrestler, backstage attacks, how you want your match to end or any other angles.
  • The SCW can fire you for whatever reason we want, this is OUR fed. If you give us problems, we will not need you anymore.
  • Most importantly, have fun, it's just trivia.

Promo Board Rules

  • The promo board is password protected, so each person has their own password. To obtain one, you must be in the SCW for two weeks. DO NOT give your password to others, or you will be held responsible for what they do.
  • If you continously break the rules, your promo board privelage will be taken away.
  • Please do not slip out of character in your promos, or they will be removed. Also two line 'You suck, I'm going to beat your ass' promos will be removed.
  • Make sure that the name you register to the forum under is your wrestlers name, or it will be deleted.

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