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Native American Indian header

I have made this webpage to show some areas that will help to learn more about Native American Indians. Below I have an area to learn more about Native Americans in general that contain links to information that pertains to Native Americans today, Chief Seattle's Words, Links to learn more about my Native American Heritage, a picture of what my father had given me, and my Native American crafts. Each big box contains related information of the smaller boxes within it.

Native American Indians

The link in this box HERE describes what a Native American Indian is and how we came to be here. It is a good place to get a general idea of Native Americans and it also has other great links too.

Pow wows are a gathering of all of the Native American peoples who want to come to the event. At the pow wows we have dancers, drummers, crafts shows, and many other things. There are dance contests at the pow wows too, and each person entered into the contest represents their tribe.To learn more about the types of men and women dances, or the songs, and more about the pow wow events go to the links to the right that are in this box--->Gathering of Nations
This is one of the biggest pow wows in the United States.
Both sites are great places to view pictures of the costumes at the different pow wows, to hear music, and to learn more about the pow wow events.
Pow Wow Site 1
Pow Wow Site 2

The link in this box leads to a webpage that shows some of the current events for Native American Indians today.
Indian News Today

This site contains a links to languages of some of the different tribes, they have videos on Pow wows, Craft and beading, and Cultural videos.
Speakers of the Earth
This site contains an index of most tribe languages.
Native American Resources

Chief Seattle's Words

One of the things I like to remember are Chief Seattle's Words. The words which some of us know and think are his own are in reality not. As with all things in history it sometimes gets altered and changed. The words which most of us believe to be his are inspiring and that is why I am including the revised version of his letter here. Below is his letter and I a link so you can see the original context of Chief Seattle's letter.

Chief Seattle's Letter
The original version of Chief Seattle's Letter

My Heritage

I am about a quarter Navajo (also spelled Navaho). This comes from my fathers part of the family. My father was half Navajo while my grandfather was full blooded Navajo. My grandfather was raised on the Indian reservation in New Mexico. I had never grown up learning about my heritage, so I am still learning about it today. Below is a link that describes Navajo culture and the language.

Navajo Culture
Navajo information and language
Navajo Language
Navajo Culture, language, crafts, and government
Navajo Nation Information
Navajo Code Talkers Information

I am also about an eighth Apache Indian. This comes from my mothers side of the family. I have also been trying to find out more about this tribe because I had not grown up in this culture either. This part of my heritage is the hardest to find anything on because there are not many sources about Apaches in todays time period. To me it is one of the dying tribes today. The links below tell a little about the Chiricahua Apache's culture and about the Apache language.

About the Apache Language
Chiricahua Apache Information

My father

Below is where you can view a picture of an item that my father had given me a long time ago. He had made it for me. I wanted to show it to you because I like it and it has a Native American girl on it.

View the picture

My Crafts

Below you can view a picture of a beaded bracelet that I'm doing. I wanted to show this picture so that others may get an idea of what Native American Beading is. Native American Beading is usually done to decorate the clothes for Pow Wows. I do other Native American crafts but I am unable to currently show them. However, when I am able to I will be putting up more pictures.

View the picture of my bracelet

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This page last updated on July 14, 2001

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