Touch me, feel me!
Ohh Rob! I feel soooo gooood!
How do i title this?

Rob and me


Me and Rob


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i feel like i have another mission here. i have been doing everything that i can to promote bondage (which is good), but now i feel like i have something else that is more important to promote....
People in Bondage!
The people are more important than the bondage. i hope that i have been saying that all along. What i want to do is relate the ongoing relationship with Rob.

If you don't know who Rob is then let me say that he is my real-time lover. If that comes as news to you then you need to read about how we got started here. Its been four weeks now as i write this that we have been together. Maybe when i do this i will come off as less of a sex-addled airhead. i'm a real person and this is really my life, not some story, ok?

Life with a guy is a lot different than being with another woman - not that i have moved in with Rob - yet! Everything is a little more exciting. i heard one woman say something once that really stuck with me, "Why did God make the male of every species more beautiful than the female? Just look at the Peacock, he looks a lot better than the female! Even the common Roaster has it all over the hen."

Rob sets me on fire just to look at him and when he touches me - look out - i melt! From the momment i wake i have a smile on my face, all i need to know is that he is out there. Thing don't bug me like they used to and when i get a moment to think i think of him - automatically!

Just ridding with him in the car (usually my Chevette) is different, an adventure! To see him drive The Mighty Chevette just makes me so proud that i could burst!

Now comes the part that you are probably wanting to hear about - the sex! Well surprise surprise, we have only done it less than a handful of times! Honest! When we do it is... sweet, wild, huge, tender, overwhelming, fire and ice, strong, intoxicating, and different (from when j and i were getting off our jollies.)

Week One The first week after we had consumated our relationship we were inseperatable. This, i guess, is normal. Aside from all the usual sharring of experiences we had something else in common - well, two things in common.

Not only are we both very much into Bondage (thank you Lord), we are also both subs! He wants to be ruled by a woman just as much as i want to be ruled by a man. At first this sounds like oil and water, but its not, at least not in our case. While Rob would be wonderfully happy to have me tying the knots all the time (and i still want him to be tying me up 100% of the time) it is a mutual kind of relationship. "You tie me up and i'll tie you up!"

If bondage was not involved we would still be falling in love. That's a paradox i see a lot in the mail from the site. People fall in love either because their partner is into bondage or people who are in love find out their partner WON'T do bondage. My heart goes out to those who find themselves in such a predicament.

Now things could go sour for Rob and me - i know that already. What i intend to do is to keep the lines of communication open. Just as people are more important than Bondage so is love more important than Bondage. What lies ahead for Rob and me is listening to our hearts. If he decides he doesn't like bondage anymore will i still go on loving him? Will i get to a point where i just can't tie him up anymore?

It could happen!

If either of us can't go on, either because the bondage isn't there or because there's too much bondage, are we going to be strong enough to break the connection? If not then are we going to be able to put aside our own prefference and give the other what they need? If it gets to the point where i just can't force myself to tie up Rob will i be strong enough to do it anyway and keep loving him, or will i be strong enough to 'jump ship'? If that happens i'll have to do one or the other. i could not refuse to tie him up and hope that he would be willing to forgo his own pleasures and still be willing to tie me up, now could i?

i keep this in mind....
What shall we do first?!

The Candy Store Episode:

This is a happy site where you and i can come to celebrate and promote bondage! ;)
AND people!

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