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PART 2 - The Answer

This is the answer i sent to the guy who wrote the really wild letter in Part One. If you haven't read that yet then please click here to read a really enjoyable letter!

i think you will all love him!

My dear Shevette-

Hi Sir [name maimed]!

Thank you very much for confirming the addr before you sent a reply of a more sensitive or delicate nature. That was very considerate of you, and I should have realized my request was a little unusual. I was on a friend's computer, and did not want her to get e-mail intended for me. I know most systems simply allow you to reply to the addr that the message ORIGINATED from, and it was not mine to give out.

No problem. i'm glad that you wrote back! Excellent letter - i was so impressed that i put it on my site. i am even posting this reply which i am writting from the site. You will find your letters posted on my soapbox.html page and this reply on the soapbox2.html page. Despite the fact that you were willing to let me put your true name on the site i used brackets [] to maim everything. i believe in discretion.

i would love to be able to put up a hotmail address for you so people can write to you. Would you be willing to do that? i think everyone's going to love you as much as i do!

I have visited your site 4 times over the last 2 days, and have still not read everything. I have many comments and questions, as your stuff has brought all kinds of thoughts and emotions bubbling to the surface.

Four times! Thank you! Makes a girl feel good!

I'll be writing to "ava" too. (I don't know if you are still screening her email or not.)

No, she got a special email account at hotmail just to talk to the people from my site. i haven't heard from her in a bit so i don't know if she's busy or what. Go to my NEW STUFF page and find the stuff for Ava. One of the links gets you to her email addy.

1) I give you full and complete permission to use anything I ever send or say to you in any way shape or form you see fit. Post it on your net, talk it over with Ava Chris & j, flush & forget, whatever.

So it'd be ok if i posted it on my site? giggle

2) None of the things I say should be taken as judgements


3) In any return you can say anything you want

Thank you.

1) I loved your site. Loved it, loved it. It's the kind of thing that gives me strength to keep doing what I do, just knowing there are people out there like you who keep doing what you do. It's very strange but the nicest people I have ever met work in the fields of
---A)writing horror fiction
---B)making country music &
---C)promoting BDSM.

i'm glad that you liked the site so much. Its a labor of love... (yes i'm keeping my answers short)

2)What is your marital status?

Single. Never married. Dating a man that i am head over heels in love with - Rob!

3) How old are you?

i'm still 32. You mentioned an article written a few months ago.

4) Where are you? At various points I see references to the west coast, NY, and the Bible Belt. and Ava is mysteriously "Somewhere in the Midwest".

i live in North Carolina - and that's as much detail as anyone ever gets!

5) WHat is j's current status?

There was an incident about a year and a half ago when j was writting to a guy on the net, her cyber Master. One of the girls in the office found one of their letters and did everything except post it on the bulletin board. j was (and is) new to bondage so she felt very ashamed to have been 'caught'. She quit coming into work here (we pretty much all work for gratis here, part-time.) Her cyber Master still writes and he and i come up with plans to get j back in here. She keeps saying she'll come in, but she never does.

j and i live together which may change since Rob has come into the picture. i don't know what's going to happen there. It pains me to think of j moving back to her place, alone. She does date and has a guy here, but so far nothing too serious.

6)Ok- enough grilling the hostess. Loved your artwork. I need a ruler to draw a straight line, so you're way better than I am.

Thank you - all this bondage just needs to come out, so i draw and i write...

7)Minor point- I always spelled them "stretched" and "ankle".

i am trying to maintain a tradition of bad spelling... giggle. Thanks, need a job?

8)I am extremely fortunate in being able to use my real name, etc; for the following reasons: I am "out of the closet" to anyone who matters, those that don't already know about my "tastes", either had their suspicions or wouldn't be that surprised. Tales of my "outings":(oh, I am straight, I use "out of the closet" in the bondage sense only.)

i consider myself to be open about my interest in bondage, but i don't announce it and i like to know who knows about me, y'know?

*You say your boss knows about your "hobbies"? I got to handcuff one of my supervisors (female) at my current job, and use security ties to bind the wrists of my supervisor (male) at a previous job.

i'm glad you didn't name names...

One time j had me all tied up. Then she found out that i was suposed to go to work so what does she do? She calls in to see if it would be alright for me to stay home - then she puts me on the phone with my boss! i'm all tied and Gagged! We had a pleasant conversation where most of what i said was, "mmmmph - mmph!" He made sure that j hadn't flipped on me and that i was safe and said, "Ok, see a tomorrow." The next day he had me describe it to him - i gave only the minimum of details...

*I handcuffed my current supervisor when I brought one pair of my cuffs in to work to loan to a co-worker as a prop for a play. It was at her request that I cuffed her.

Ever follow up on that? If i were her i'd be wondering why...

*My roommates know because we compared "porn" collections when I moved in- and while his was varied (but did include some bondage) mine was almost completely bondage.

Porn collections? Guys!

*My friends who have visited my room may have seen a carelessly left magazine, pair of handcuffs, or feather in plain view.

A friend might come to my place and find some gear laying out - never carelessly though.... giggle

*My Father found a pair of my handcuffs in my car after I got my license. My mom found a "detective" magazine in my nightstand, and probably put 2+2 together.

My folks know about me. Usually they just don't talk about it - to me. My family disscusses it frequently - when i'm not around. j's family suspects and are hostile towards me - because they blame her interest on me.... Poor woman! She has desires of her own! They do the same thing to whoever she gets involved with so i don't see much point in worrying about them.

*Just after I compared porn collections with my roommate, we were out with some other friends and My roommate said they could easily bait a trap for me, because my likes and dislikes are so well known: "We would need a lighter, because you like fire...we would need a cat, because you like puss...we would need some chocolate, something green..." and at this point one of my other friends said "...and the cat would have to be tied up, because he's into bondage..." My eyes must have gotten round like saucers as I looked at my roommate- because I hadn't said anything about my "hobbies" to this other friend.

Apparently word of my "hobbies" was making its way around. After everyone had left, I cornered my roommate and said, "Not that it's any big secret, but I was surprised when [another name maimed] threw in the part about bondage". He said it just slipped out in conversation.

But here's the thing: being unexpectedly "outed" was not the worst thing that ever happened to me. So some of my friends knew a "secret" about me that really wasn't any of their business. Guess what? No one treated me any different than they ever had. I wasn't mocked or scorned or teased about it.

Its happened to me too. i've never been caught nicely tied up or anything though - just in conversation. i guess that's a big part of why i started admitting to bondage. It starts up some good conversations and even dates sometimes!

Actually, it comes in pretty handy having my roommate know about it- he's actually saved stuff from magazines and the internet for me, and come to get me when a "good scene" was on tv.

After that, there were 2 really big influences on me "coming out"- one was you,

Awww..... thank you. That's sweet!

and the other was my hero, Jay Wiseman, author of S&M 101. He is so candid and up front about it, the way you are, that it's sort of inspiring to do the same.

I do use my code name of [codename maimed] a lot on the net- it's very useful in places where I might not know who's reading. But I'm not really afraid of letting anyone who might read your stuff know who I am. If they don't get it- their loss.

Amen! i've been the represion route - it sucks!

**More about my other "outing" experiences later. I have to say this: While I am very happy you have Master Chris (or whoever)

Master Chris and i are no longer an item. When i started getting serious about Rob i felt like it was wrong to be a slave to Master Chris on the net. We worked it out and he gave me my freedom - which is kinda scary...

and I am pleased about your site, at the same time it does make me sad. It is extremely rare that I bump into someone who "gets my drift". And every time I do, it seems they are with someone else. The things I read in your site make you sound like you were practically designed for me

i agree - i mean, you do sound like you were made for me, really - but i am a one-man woman and Rob has my dance card now.

(just as the smallest example: you feel most comfortable wearing jeans and keds while in bondage. I happen to think that is a very sexy combination. Seriously. I have always felt that someone who is wearing something they feel comfortable in, is more likely to relax and enjoy bondage, while often I feel the rubber or latex suits, the lingerie, the leather, the stiletto high heels- these things sometimes seem artificial, forced, contrived. It's kind of like getting an operating room and full team of nurses just to pull a hangnail- it's not necessary. Now don't get me wrong: these things can all be fun, at one time or another. But I just don't think I would feel right getting all dressed up or having some elaborate apparatus ALL THE TIME).

Amen! That needed saying. Thank you, i couldn't have put it better myself.

WHere was I? oh, yes- anyway, it almost seems like you've gone out of your way to be perfect, and while I do like you that way, I also can't help but be sad that someone else got you first. And not just you, but every woman that I really like has already been tagged. I feel like I have a fork and a napkin in hand, and I am wading thru a sea of empty pie plates- someone has already eaten all my desserts! Sigh.

So get that email account right away and to be sure some available woman wandering my site will see how perfect you are. You sound dreamy!

I am also sad, not just for myself, but for all those dudes out there who haven't even found sites like yours. Many sad deaths have come from people trying to do "self-bondage" and going tragically wrong. It can be a really private and lonely thing, not knowing if you're a freak or not, not having anyone you can really turn to about it.

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt! When i began this site it was a way for me to express myself, now i see it as a way to reach out to those people who are like i was before many helping hands got me to where i feel safe and good about bondage. i am glad to be a slave! Estatic!

So, that's kind of why I'm writing. I don't have a fancy web page or anything, but I'd like to help you promote bondage too, and get some of these people out of the closets. If you want to add my email addr as a contact, or need help answering your voluminus "viewer mail" or whatever, I'd be happy to do whatever I can.

Did i mention getting an email account so people can write to you?


Bio on [name maimed]:
30 years old, single white male, gainfully employed, 4 days off a week. Located in [city maimed], Ga. Devout Christian (but non-judgemental), non-smoker, takes the occasional [intoxicant maimed] but never from strangers and never ever in conjunction with bondage. Firmly devoted to safe, sane & consensual. Reads science fiction, horror, and fantasy, and likes some of the "Role-playing" aspect to bondage, and other role-playing games. Discreet, good listener. ...Who is going to get an email account so everyone can write him...

And as long as I'm "outing" myself, I'm also a virgin.

i used to be one of those...

Even my friends who don't know about my taste for bondage know that I'm a virgin. I can't help but be who I am- and I don't believe in sex without love. So when someone wants to talk to me about loneliness and not being understood- trust me, I've got some experience.

We all were...


I think I have spent a lot of my life entering some very dark areas, to see if I can find my way out again. And I have spent a lot of free time getting into trouble to see how much is too much. And I spend a lot of time trying to convince myself I'm not crazy. Sometimes I'm successful. And I hope to live long enough to come to terms with the evil that's in me. If I can learn to love myself, it should be a piece of cake for everybody else.


Anyway, this may have hit the mark for "too much of a good thing". I didn't really mean to ramble like this (and I didn't say a tenth of what I could have) but you of all people should know that there's nothing like bondage to make people wax philosophical. I hope to hit every inch of your website. It may give me some answers, but more likely it will hit more questions.

If you ever find the answer to bondage then tell me.... Wait! No, don't tell me - the mystery is better!

i've enjoyed your letter very much and i hope to hear a lot more from you.

i feel as if i may have gyped you with this letter because i didn't give the usual long answers. i apploigize for that and my excuse is that i was putting this on the net as i wrote. i don't do that for everyone! i can't tell you how much i enjoyed your letter - maybe if i beg for more you will know that your thoughts were well recieved... ok?


Anyway, if you can accept love from a stranger, I love you. For everything you've tried to do here. God bless your little heart, Shevette. you know where to find me.

i accept, share, and give you love in return. You sound like a really great guy and i do hope you get that email acount so everyone can write to you. i know they are going to love you as much as i do - maybe you'll have Mrs. Right contacting you... i hope so! - for her sake as much as yours!

Greet all the strangers there by name. There is no eternal reward that will ever forgive us for wasting the dawn. -[full name maimed]

A full house always beats three of a kind. -shevette

[phone number maimed]/ [email address maimed]

Great big wet kisses


Hey! i love this guy!

No, its not Rob! And i don't love him like i love Rob, but i do love the way this guys just opens up! i'm gonna write him and see if i can set something up where all of you can write to him - wouldn't that be great?

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