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Issues Surrounding Mumia Abu-Jamal: Voice of the Voiceless

October 26, 1999

I heard today that Mumia's death warrant that Governor Tom Ridge signed on October 13th has been put on hold so that the federal court can review his habeas corpus petition and hold hearings next February. After breathing a sigh of relief, we must vow to work harder than ever to save him from the executioner.

Make no mistake about it, just as the JUST US cyst"m has ignored the innocence of Leonard Peltier for 24-years, they will ignore the frame-up sham trial that Mumia had and they will kill him next year without a qualm. Only we the people have the power to keep this horrible injustice from taking place.

Tom Ridge, exists as a little freckle of a power player because he is part of a cyst'm that allows 358 of the richest people in the world to amass a combined net worth of 760 billion dollars, more than the combined net worth of the poorest 2 and a half billion people put together. In order to preserve this insane form of social organization, 12 million children under the age of 5 die from malnutrition and easily preventable diseases each year. That's 32,000 a day. But Tom Ridge doesn't see these deaths that he contributes to as the result of criminal behavior. He does, however, see a journalist who writes about and exposes these injustices as worthy of being murdered by the enforcers of the slave master state.

I don't know how Mumia feels about it, but I'd rather see him living on a barren rock in the ocean existing on a cup of oatmeal and a quart of water a day until we can get him out of that no-life prison he's in and into the free world. Because there ain't no cure for being dead. When you're not here no more there ain't gonna be no turning point. There ain't gonna be any when-I-get-out-it'll-all-be-better, or next month or next year cause you ain't got even a next five seconds cause you're gone. Kaput. You ain't there no more. We have the power to keep this from happening, but it is going to take more effort than we ever imagined we could put forth.

The days grow shorter, so we have to make every hour of every day count. We must make our voices rise to the heavens until they become as mighty as an earthquake's rumble. They want to silence the voice of the voiceless forever. We simply can't let them do it. Give them no rest, my sisters and brothers, until our brother Mumia is free.


In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,

Standing Deer

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