Graphic of Bear

History of
Leonard Peltier, Standing Deer
Bobby Gene Garcia

Leonard Peltier is a Sioux-Chippewa man serving two consecutive life sentences in federal prison for defending women, children, and elders when two FBI agents, followed by a SWAT team of BIA police, attacked a spiritual Indian encampment on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota on June 26, 1975. Along with the two agents, one Indian man, Joe Stuntz, was also killed in the attack. There has been no investigation into his death. On that same day, corrupt tribal chairman Dick Wilson illegally signed away 1/8 of the reservation to the U.S. Government. This land is rich in uranium deposits.

The FBI issued warrants for AIM activists on the reservation charged with "aiding and abetting" in the deaths of the agents. Two co-defendants were, in a separate trial, acquitted on the grounds of self-defense and all charges were dropped against Jimmy Eagle. When Leonard was tried, the judge ruled inadmissable 80% of his defense, including all the evidence used to win the acquittals in the earlier trials. Federal authorities have since conspired to murder him in prison. The Government had sought out and gained the cooperation of another prisoner. The prisoner's name was Robert Hugh Wilson, aka Standing Deer. Standing Deer's job was to take part in the "neutralization" of Leonard Peltier. Instead of "neutralizing" Leonard, he neutralized the Government's plan by informing Leonard of the plot. With the knowledge of the attempt on his life, Peltier escaped from Lompoc Federal Prison with Dallas Thundershield and Bobby Garcia. Dallas was killed in the escape, Bobby was captured outside of the prison, and Leonard was captured 5 days later.

In Memory Of Bobby Gene Garcia

On December 8th, 1980, we received a letter from Standing Deer in which he wrote: "I have some bad news. Bobby Gene was locked in the hole Dec. 1 and I have asked the Captain, the psychologist Dr. Ramer and a Lt. why he was locked away but nobody will tell me. I am very worried about his safety because he is in much danger in the hole. I hope you will contact a lawyer and check on his welfare. Piease see what you can do for him."

Five days later on Saturday the 13th Bobby was found dead in Terre Haute Federal Prison. Since then Standing Deer has been transferred to the Federal Correctional Medical Center at Springfield, Missouri, and prisoners that were in the unit where Bobby was killed have also been transferred to other institutions.

Bobby was found hanged to death in what prison officials claim was a suicide. No, Bobby didn't commit suicide any more than did Angel Rodriguez Cristohal, or Andres Baader, or Steve Biko. The word "suicide" and what it implies is used internationally to disguise the execution of a Political Prisoner, or P.O.W., by the state, whether they be North American, South American, Israeli, or West German...

"The U.S. Government will kill me
in their Iron Houses where they have killed many
Warriors before me..."

-Taken from the poem "They Took The Typeewriter Today" by Bobby Gene Garcia-
November 8, 1980


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