Graphic of Bear
Excerpted from
"They Took The Typewriter Today"

( A Personal Assassination Forecast )

peace pipe

	 The U.S. Government will kill me
	                  in their Iron Houses
 	   where they have killed many 
	                    Warriors before me
	                       but I smile a smile
	                          for I know 

	Not an Army,
		certainly not death,
      	      no one can keep her away from me 
            	   while I bleed and die 
                  	and my blood covers
                        	      Mother Earth

	My dreams  
   		My hopes 
        		Live forever,
                 		In the People, 
                 		     In the Village,
                        	   In the Children.
-Taken from the poem "They Took The Typewriter Today" by Bobby Gene Garcia November 8, 1980


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