Update 5 @ 01/06/01

Slow progress with the Tram stop shelters due to outside influences ( the wife and decorating the Bathroom ). However now suitably roofed and painted they are complete.

The Overhead was strung down the promenade and under the footbridge into Manchester's Portland Street, hopeful of the event in actually getting something to run on the Blackpool section.
Alas unsuccessful so far despite having retro-modified Balloon 710's running gear to a reasonable ride height involving cutting into the lower saloon ceiling but not affecting the upper deck at all. (Phew!).

Other external forces have been preventing me from getting much done lately, especially computer orientated. Firstly my Web host informed me that a 12 month trial period I knew nothing about was coming to an end and money would be required to preserve it. - Sorry I don't submit to blackmail ( that's why I'm unemployed at present). So the search for a new host was on. Downloading all the current data onto my home set up required the addition of a new Hard drive (10Gig - a birthday present from my son). Now that was done a new site [http://www.Geocities.com/tram_shed ] was set up - a copy of the original. Now I thought is the time to revamp the site and am currently doing so when time permits particularly with the Photographs.

Throw in at the same time an unexpected email from my course tutor telling me the goal posts for the course have been moved and I need to write an assessment into the latest website to be up to spec. [http://www.forumlearning.com ]  Checkout the Students work I have 2 sites here - Unit 1 is an earlier version of this site and Unit 2 is a different site on Manchester's Public Transport.

Update 6 coming soon ? >>>>>>

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