Tram Terminus


In the beginning....  ...(Chart)

I decided at the outset to allow 3 to 4 years for this project . I began with an attic full of all the usual junk one hoards from all the past hobbies and every day useful (someday ?) items. By New Year 1998 I had managed to sort and clear the majority, but there are always some things you won't part with, plus acquire and lay the floor. Twelve months later I had managed to construct the baseboard at waist height with back boards and lay the track (see current project). By March 2000 I had completed 400 hours of scratching cobbles into the roadway and had to ensure that all the point-work still functioned. Alas not all was well and rectification had to be undertaken  including relaying parts of the roadway. The next task was to be applying scenic work to the back boards before I could construct any overhead wires?

Update Choice
Update 1 15/06/2000 Update 2 06/08/2000
Update 3 20/10/2000 Update 4 12/01/2001
Update 5 01/06/2001 Update 6 06/08/2002
Update 7 01/01/04 Update 8 13/07/06
Update 9 due course
Update 10 due course

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