Kevon Homepage

Updates & Anecdotes from Jack Moran

The Lifesaver, a poem written by Kevon Moran in 1993

Letters of support from around the World

Photographs of Kevon

IMPORTANT: Contact Information and Address for Jack Moran

A Question of Attitude

False Bay SLC Homepage



Letters of support received for Kevon

Scott, thank you so much for your message and encouragement.
The past three years have been the most difficult of my life, I know; however, my son's profession and his peers make me proud!
I am an "Old" Lifesaver and EMS person, from the mid-fifties.  I went to National Aquatic School under Bob Ellis back then!  The profession has advanced so far, it amazes me.  How far we have not advanced amazes me also. 
I think that there may be certain common mission goals and economies to merging administration of Fire Rescue and Ocean Rescue, however I don't know that I agree with the proposal to merge Fire Department and Ocean Rescue department personnel, IF that is the proposal.  The specialization involved in being a Fire Fighter (I have been one also), an EMS, AND a Lifesaver is a bit much for one individual to be really excellent at all three.  Although possible, I believe that the BEST Paramedics should be PARAMEDICS, the BEST Fire-Persons should be primarily Fire & Rescue, and the BEST Lifesavers should be Lifesavers, EVEN though all should DEFIANTLY be cross trained in all three.  These are some of the issues that face us in the next few years, training, management and allocation of resources.
The mission of what we are trying to accomplish is to elevate both the real and public perception of professionalism of Lifesavers, specifically Aquatic, but ultimately ALL in our Uniformed Civil Corps (which includes LEO's also).  We hope to establish true professional educational credentials - degrees - that can be afforded to Aquatic Recreation Professionals (as a Criminal Justice degree does for LEO's), and with that the respect, authority, and compensation commensurate with someone who places their life on the line daily.  In most states, beauticians and cosmetologist have licensing, education and credentialing requirements that are much more strict than Aquatic Lifesavers, and generally they get paid more also.  Go figure on that.
I will add you to our Lifeguard-EMS Professionals list, and will be looking forward to hearing from you again soon.
----- Original Message -----
From: ruth
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 1999 5:19 PM
Subject: Kevon
Mr. Moran:
My name is Scott Montgomery and I am the Aquatic manager for Saraosta County, being responsible for beach and pool lifeguards here for the past 6 years. I have been a Beach Lifeguard here in Sarasota since 1983, but have beeninvolved with Lifeguarding at pools/lakes since 1976.
I write to you, as I am crying, because I have a 10 year old son and have visited your web page, because Rich Connell e-mailed me your message about Kevon's Endowment Fund. You are a brave man and a dedicated Father--and I hope I can be as strong as you if circumstances you had to endure happened to me with my son or daughter. You touched me.
Here in Sarasota I have a proposal to merge the Beach Lifeguards from Parks and Recreation to the Fire Department due to the differences in responsibilities--but also the opportunities it gives to my staff, Fire Department employees, and the public we serve. I am happy that you made contact with the individuals you have as it is time for Beach Lifeguards to be considered as professional as a fireman and a police officer, as we Lifesavers have to were their hats--and ours--daily.
Thank you for your time and what you do. 
Scott Montgomery, Aquatic Manager
Sarasota County Government

I just received this email, and this Link
It is really worth checking out.


-----Original Message-----
From: John David Schrader <
[email protected]>
[email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Thursday, August 27, 1998 8:39 PM
Subject: Unsung Heroes

Hi all........
My name is John Schrader......I just read Kevon's story. My prayers are with him and you all. I had cancer when I was 21 years old so I may understand a little of you all may be going through....or have gone through. I am very glad things seem to be working out for Kevon. I just got involved with a start-up company called Unsung Heroes Productions. We just put out our first tribute cd for EMT's and firefighters. I want to send Kevon a free copy from our executive producer. It's not much , but it may do wonders for his spirit. God bless.........

John Schrader
Unsung Heroes Productions

-----Original Message-----
From: ADventures <
[email protected]>
To: Jack Moran <
[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 1998 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: Thanks from a Proud, but humble father . . .

CONGRATULATIONS!!!  Good does overcome . . . the power of prayer is sooooo awesome.  It is hard to be on the receiving side.  It definitely teaches us a few things.  Cancer teaches alot of things.  Be thankful as you are and enjoy every minute of every day God gives us here on earth.  Words cannot say how happy I am for you and Kev.  Thanks for keeping us all updated. 
Sincerely,  Judy Broyles

(Judy is an awesome cancer survivor!)

-----Original Message-----
From: shelly fairly <
[email protected]>
[email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 1998 2:54 PM
Subject: thoughts to Kevon

My name is Shelly and I work at the Joe Arrington Cancer Research and Treatment Center at St. Mary's Hospital in Lubbock, Texas.  I have been very fortunate to meet and get to know many people just like Kevon.  I have the opportunity to be inspired every day by folks who are fighting the battle against cancer.  I found your website while I was looking for screen backgrounds on a site by Lollie Mclain.  The little prayer that was included just really touched me and I decided to read about Kevon.  He has got to be one of the strongest men I have ever heard of.  God Bless his strong heart!!!  He will be in my thoughts and prayers from now on and I will be keeping up with his progress!!!  Kevon can do it!!!  Thank you for touching my heart.

Shelly at
[email protected]

-----Original Message-----
From: Aimee Shule <
[email protected]>
To: Jack Moran <
[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 1998 2:37 PM
Subject: Re: Thanks

I would be honored to have you share it with some of his friends.  Thank you for asking.  Your family continues to be in my prayers.
A Proud Friend,
Aimee Shule :o)

At 02:17 PM 4/15/98 -0500, you wrote:
That is such a nice letter.
May I share it with some of Kevon's Friends?

"There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
-Edith Wharton

-----Original Message-----
From: Aimee Shule <
[email protected]>
To: Jack Moran <
[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 1998 1:13 PM
Subject: Congratulations Kevon!!!!

I was so glad to hear that the surgery went very well.  I knew you could do it.  I am so glad that your spirts have remained throughout this trying ordeal.  It is always important to keep a smile on your face and take what life throws at you.  Even if it is something as awful as what you have had to deal with.  You are a VERY strong person to have handled this situation the way you have. I am very proud of you.  I don't have no idea how I would have handled it.  I look forward to getting more updates and information. Hang in there and don't ever give up.  I am a big poem fanatic, so here is one of my favorites.  I think of you when I read it.

"I Said A Prayer for You Today"

I said a prayer for you today
and know God must have heard,
I felt the answer in my heart
although He spoke no word.
I didn't ask for wealth or fame,
I knew you wouldn't mind,
I asked Him to send you treasures
of a far more lasting kind.

I asked that He'd be near you
at the start of each new day,
to grant you health and blessings
and friends to share the way.

I asked for happiness for you
in all things great or small,
but it was for His loving care
I prayed the most of all.

A Proud Friend,
Aimee Shule :o)
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life:  It goes on."
-Robert Frost

-----Original Message-----
From: Jessica Sun <
[email protected]>
[email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 1998 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: Prayer for Devon -Reply

Good Morning Mr. Moran:

CONGRATULATIONS on Kevon's successful operation! This must be one of the happiest moments for the Moran's. I hope that Kevon will recover soon!  Please keep the page updated.

Keep Smiling...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jessica Sun <
[email protected]>
[email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, April 08, 1998 10:53 AM
Subject: Prayer for Devon

Dear Mr. Moran:

I am writing to send my prayers for Kevon, and wish him best of luck for his operation today.  Kevon is lucky to have a loving father like you!

Best Regards,


Here is a letter via email that I just HAVE TO SHARE with you all --

Dear Mr. Moran,
Thank you very much for replying to my email... I would be honored to
be added to Kevon's update list.

I very much took to heart the writing of that message. Much pain and
heartache have encountered my short life in the past few years.
Without the FFA, my loving family and friends I'm not sure where I'd
be today.

My father past away when I was only seventeen, and then a few months
later, actually while I was attending the 1995 Nat'l FFA Convention
I received news that my grandfather was dying of cancer. At the stage
he was in, he was given three months to live, and inevitably he died
the January following. It still seems crazy to me, losing two of most
important men in my life at nearly the same time. I still don't
understand any of it, but I do know that both my father and
grandfather were loved, respected and are forever alive in my
memories and in my heart. Ironically, my father Kevin Plante will
have been turning 49 in just a few days... and it is with love and
laughter that I'll remember him forever.

Thank you again for writing me back, it truly touches my heart,
more than I can say. Please keep me updated, I look forward to
smiling as I hear good news.

Keep Smiling!
A Caring Friend,

"Keep your face to the sunshine, and you cannot see the shadows"
                                                         Helen Keller

The future belongs to those,
  who believe in the beauty
   of their dreams...

From: JACK G DOLES <[email protected]>
[email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Sunday, January 18, 1998 4:14 PM
Subject: Kevon's Condition

Dear Kevon,
     Although much time has passed since you were a student in class under me, I feel that I am just as close to you today as I was then.  I learned of your condition from Henry Herford, who keeps me informed by forwarding his e-mail to me.
Today, I want you to know that you are in my prayers daily and that I remember the great times we had kidding around after class.  To me, I am there in spirit with you as if we saw each other yesterday.
    I have always admired and respected your tremendous personality and the ring of your laughter.  How could I ever forget the shrine that you so carefully designed and made for me.  I can still see the surprised looks on the faces of the students and their almost looks of envy when you presented this "gift" to me in class.  You knew that I would go along with all of the chatter that would follow.     I gave the shrine to my grandsons for play, but I still have the sword that went with it.  To me, it was and is something that is very special.  It reminds me of all the good times that we shared.  I want to be able to share more good times with you.
   With your courage to fight, with the prayers that are prayed for you, with all of the love and concern of  everyone who knows you, with the tremendous effort that your dad has put forth, and the miracles of modern-day medicine and skilled physicians, you have an arsenal to help you throught this.  Remember the key to life is our Heavenly Father.  Knowing you, you already know this.    I will keep in contact with you frequently. 
       With much love to you, Kevon,
           Love, Your Mrs. Doles

Thanks to one of Kevon's former teachers:

Dear Henry,

I finally got around to sending you JUST A FEW OF THE DOZENS of responses we
have received, both FFA and Mason's.
Thanks for helping.  Kevon spends a lot of time reading EVERY SINGLE ONE,
though he can't respond to each of them, of course.  However, each one is
planting a seed of success and a grain of courage.  You have truly been a
friend over all of these years.  I appreciate your support of Kevon as his
teacher and mentor, and even more now.  Thanks!  We love you, even if you
are from TEXAS and make such a big deal out of it, like it is a "whole
'nuther country".

Thanks, Henry!
Give Debbie and the kids my love, too.

W.D."Jack" Moran

Hi, I got your address off of one of the FFA lines.  Your advisor said
you have a form of cancer.  I hope you fight it and live on a happy life
and a healthy one.  I also noticed your last name, mine is Moran too. 
Where are you from?  If you have enough energy to e-mail back

Please get better,
Sarah Moran

Dear Sarah,

This is Kevon's Dad,
Our Moran's are from Ireland, of course, by way of Nebraska -- somewhere we are probably related.   As I understand it, the O'Moran Clan were the last of the Great Celtic Warrior Kings of Ireland.   On our family crest, the herald is "Lucent en Tenebris", meaning from the Latin: "From Darkness, the Light" or " He who brings Light from the darkest of times" or "Light of Hope in the Darkest Hour". 

You have brought your Light to us in the Grand Tradition of the Clan. 

Thank you for your care and support.  It is good to have the support from another of the Clan O'Moran!

W.D."Jack" Moran

Dear Jack,

I have been thinking about your a lot, I worry that you and your family are
in such a terrible situation. I just want you to know we are praying for
you and you family to not just Kevon.It is a very trying time for you. I
know that you have to be brave for Kevon.  I know also that it is tearing
you up on the inside.  I want you to know I am praying for you. I don;t
think I have had anything pull at my heart like this since the death of my
mother in 1992 she had a malignant brain tumor.I wish I had, had the
support that she had. I just want you to know that you have support too,
Just like Kevon does. 
All My Love And Prayers
Sue Carter EMT-I
Hugoton Ks.

From: Brantley High School <[email protected]>
[email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Thursday, January 22, 1998 1:38 PM
Subject: Kevon

Dear Mr. Jack,

My name is Jesse Jones. I am from Brantley, AL. I am 16 years old and I
read about your sons tumor. I really cannot tell you that I understand,
but there's hope.  I really want your son Kevon to hang in there
because, you see, I had a wreck on May 29 of last year (1997), and I
just started walking again on the 19 of January. To cut a long story
short, I really think that the lord can help you to overcome this
ordeal. I overcame odds that say I'm supposed to be dead, but only by
trusting in God. If you need anything don't hesitate to get in touch
with me, please. My address at home is:  Rt. 3 Box 242-1
Opp, AL  36467
My phone number is (334) 493-4271

my e-mail address at school is:
[email protected]

I'm planning on sending you some stuff as soon as I get it.

I'd love to hear from you  so write soon.
I'll get my church to pray for you, and get a prayer chain going.

Love in Jesus name,
Jesse Jones

P.S. Remember that whatever happens you can handle but only with the
lord's help. Something good will come out of this.

From: M. J. LeBlanc <[email protected]>
To: Jack Moran <
[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 1998 5:15 AM
Subject: Re: Kevon UpDate -- The Second Chemo

Jack, your email about the hugs brought tears to my eyes. I think of
Psalm 133 and realize even this morning how much more it means. I lost
my Dad when I was 14 and I always encourage other men my age to "enjoy"
the fellowship of their Dad's and spend as much time as practical with
them. I am jealous in a way because you seem to have that special
relationship which I so much miss. Three years ago, I found myself
taking care of my little sister who had a brain tumor and spent many,
many hours just staying at her side and doing anything she asked that
made her happy. I  DO NOT regret any of time and cherish those memories
of her that made her a special person.
Keep it up and always remember that we are never alone; GOD is always
carrying us and when we reach rock bottom remember that it is GOD who
made the rock.

From: Aimee Lynn Shule <[email protected]>
[email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, January 21, 1998 5:42 PM
Subject: Hang in there!! :o)

Dear Kevon,
You don't know who I am, but you can just call me a friend.  You see I was
reading through the FFA guestbook and came across your teacher's letter.
I thought to myself "Aimee, you should write him a few words of
encouragement, afterall, you would people to do the same thing for you."
I know, what you and your family are going through.  Two of my very good
friends had tumors.  Both of them had a tumor on their brain.  One of my
friends was given two months to live because it was that far gone.  She
went through Chemo and a life threatening surgery.  Through all this and
knowing that she could possibly have only two months to live, she NEVER
gave up.  Now, she is doing great and the doctors expect a full recovery.
We were all very worried and scared for her.  Her friends, family, and her
positive thinking and good spirits are what got her through the tough
times.  So, the best thing that I can tell you is to think positive and
NEVER EVER GIVE UP!!!!  You will be in my prayers.
Yours truly,
Aimee L. Shule
Ashkum, Illinois

"Where there is great love there are always miracles."
-Willa Carter

All things are possible to him that believes.  -Mark 9:23

Dear Jason,
I am Kevon's Dad.
Thank you so much for writing Kevon.  It is the care and support from people
like you, your prayers and love that will help him to fight this thing, get
through it, win and go on with his life.  I can tell you are a good son too.
Kevon has always been able to maintain a balance in his life; not taking it
or himself too seriously -- having fun, while at the same time doing
everything with the best effort and commitment possible.  You learn to do
that in FFA, and to support and give of yourself.  A lot of the foundation
of courage and responsibility, the roots of commitment to finish that Kevon
is drawing on now, began in the FFA, Boy Scouts and his early Lifeguard
Training.  Heaven forbid that you or anyone close to you should have to face
what he is going through; but if you do, I pray that you will have his
strength, courage and support from all of the friends you have made growing

Thank you again, Jason
Please give our thanks to your Chapter also.

I am my son's PROUD father,

Jack Moran

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Evanson <
[email protected]>
[email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Saturday, January 31, 1998 9:04 PM
Subject: Keep Fighting! Never Give up!

My name is Jason Evanson from the Santa Maria FFa Chapter out of Santa
Maria, California.  This is my fifth year of FFA and I love the FFA and
try to represent it with the best Image that I can.
  You are a former FFA Member and I heard that you are fighting Cancer.
I feel sorry that you have got this disease and I hope that they can
cure it for you.
  My advice and feelings for you and anyone else that has cancer is to
"Stop, take a look around you and see the good things and people in your
life.  Then appreciate those things the most.  You should do the things
that you like to do and don't ever give into the cancer.  Fight the
cancer and you will win!!!  You must be happy and live your life to the
fullest because then, and only then will your life be worth while and
enjoyable.  I wish you the best of luck and hope that you enjoyed
reading this."
Jason Evanson
Santa Maria FFA

P.S.  My prayers are with you and remember that you will beat it if you fight it.

We got an email from John in So. Africa with the following:
Hi Jack

I thought I would let you know - a chauffeur that works for us at Shell SA was shown the Kevon information that you originally put on my guestbook. He is an elder in his church, a coloured gentleman by the name of Patrick Petersen - the likes of which you wont find anywhere, and his church are having prayers for Kevon this evening.    There you go.

I tell you what - Kevon has brought a large volume of people together from around the world.    Isn't it truly amazing that people have to suffer to do that.

When you guys come over to South Africa, and I am still here, you make sure that when you're in Cape Town you come and stay with us - I will make room. If ya don't I am gonna plant a firm lifesaving foot on your behind.

Seeya, Your friends
John, Cheryl and family

Please, Friends, Add Janet's brother to you list of prayer and support. I received this email from her.

-----Original Message-----
From: GALA4 <mailto:
[email protected]>
[email protected] <mailto: [email protected]>
Date: Tuesday, January 13, 1998 4:11 AM
Subject: Prayers for Kevon

I said a prayer for Kevon's speedy, complete recovery so he can continue on with his dreams.   I've recently retired from the military and now live Navarre Beach.  I read of Kevon's plight on the web and it touched me deeply; not only because he is a "neighborhood boy" but also because my brother is currently undergoing treatment for lung cancer.   Cancer is no match for your unending love and support of your son, and his couragous spirit.  Fight to win!
God Bless You!

-----Original Message-----
From: Team LGS <
[email protected]>
To: Jack Moran <
[email protected]>
Date: Monday, January 12, 1998 4:44 PM
Subject: To Dream and grow !

Subject: To dream and grow
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 16:49:03 -0500
From:  Team LGS <
[email protected]>
Organization: TEAM LGS
To: Jack, Moran

To Dream,
In 1984 My son was 16 years old and we discovered he had cancer of the >scrotum, the next three years were END LESS, in 86 we found he had >cancer of the lymph nods.  As I read your message, a message from a father who understood his son needed to seek his own dreams I was holding my 19 month old grand son, a reality that only a few years past I could not have even imagined.
Like your Kevon, our lives are dedicated to saving others, yet some times we do not remember how powerful a few simple words can be. I am not sure if it is a process of life or simply what I have convinced myself of at this point in my own life.     In the beginning we think how could this be happening to us or me, well it is not, it is happening to him, my son.   I can only do my best to be there for him. Help both of us understand that this is part of life today and we have done nothing to deserve it but rather we need to survive it and grow through it.
Today cancer is often just a little worst than a badly broken leg, it is true. Jack, surround him with people who have survived similar health problems and have gone on to live normal full unhampered lives.   Find people who have for health or other personal reasons changed their life carriers.
Sometimes life changes us in spite of ourselves, Kevon my be destined to do more for the human race or the safety of others than he could have in the limited capacity of a surfguard or PJ EMT-P, We at LGS would be more than happy to send him a hat or a shirt however I do not believe that, these will help him on his way to his next stage of life or of his lives development.
So rather I will offer this, Ask him to write an article of 1000 to 1200 words on how to keep children safe around the water or better how to train parents how to be more understanding of the dangers of accidental drowning. The number 3 cause of accidental death to children in the US and CAN. Safety of children and would be rescuers is the key. We will help him edit it and see to it that it is published in a national water rescue/ safety magazine.
Jack be sure Kevon understands he may need to write and re-write, published articles do not come easy, my staff and I will guide him, SORTIE, mag has already agreed to give Kevon a portion of my editorial space.
As a father, your first hour is the worst the rest need to be full of energy and positive direction for all around you as well as yourself.
Think first  Walt 'Butch' Hendrick
GOD Bless you
Butch @ Team LGS.
914-331-3383 phone / Fax

From: Stuart M Fisher <[email protected]>
[email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Tuesday, January 13, 1998 6:34 AM

Gday Kevon,

Mate I hear you are having a little problem health wise, so I thought I would send you a message from all the way down under, which is of course to get well.

I know you may be going through some pain and tuff times at the moment, but think of it as a test, because if you ever get to the dizzy heights of management within the emergency services you will go through a hell of a lot more pain when it comes to budget time and when dealing with the local governments not to mention the public.

Mate, take it all in your stride, keep smiling and like a famous Australian once said, dont let the bastard beat you.

All the best
Stuart Fisher
Senior Deputy Captain
Glenhaven Fire Station

John's Letter to Kevon

P. O. Box 183
Winnipeg Stn.,Winnipeg MPO
Winnipeg, MB
R3Y 3Y5

January 9, 1998

Dear Kevon,
I’m John Kelly, National Administrator for the Civil Air Search and Rescue Association (CASARA) in Canada. Prior to taking this job over a year ago, I was in the Military. I was a SARTECH, which stands for Search and Rescue Technician. The equivalent to that in the American Military is Pararescue man or PJ. As you may already know, my main job was to help people in distress. Many times my life was put on the line to help others but that didn’t seem to matter at the time. What mattered most to me was to help those who were powerless to help themselves, this gave me a tremendous felling of accomplishment and strengthened my desire to do better. I’m  sure you know the feeling. Everything was going well for me, but unfortunately at the height of my career I was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor and required surgery. I got through the operation and felt everything would be all right. However, three months later I was notified that the surgery was unsuccessful, therefore, I had to under go radiation treatment. I too lost much of my hair but eventually it grew back. After radiation treatment I was required to take medication and will have to do so for the rest of my life. Currently, I feel O.K. and things look good. Just as I feel will turn out for you. You’re obviously a kind person who has always helped others and I believe that this will be in your favor as time goes on. Hang in there, keep your chin up and soon you’ll be back on the job using your expertise so “That Others May Live”.
The President of CASARA Mr. Mike Daniels and all 4300 members here in
Canada wish you a speedy recovery. I’ve enclosed a few stickers and a crest
of the organization and hope that you enjoy them.

Best wishes,
John M. Kelly
National Administrator
Civil Air Search and Rescue Association

Dear Friends,
We have received some of the most wonderful Letters!  I can't share them all with you, but there are some that I must. Here is one of those.  My special THANKS(!) to Lollie McLain for this one.
-----Original Message-----
From: Lollie McLain
[email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
Date: Friday, January 09, 1998 10:00 PM
Subject: Just some thoughts....
Remember Apollo13? Not just the movie... but the real occurance? If you'll remember, the news men kept telling us all the reasons we couldn't expect them to make it back. Obstacle mounted on obstacle till only a fool could believe sincerely they'd make it home alive. It was impossible. At the same time, remember how they showed us people praying all over the world for their safe return? Thousands upon thousands of them. And they came home safe. Impossible doesn't hold a chinaman's chance against a lot of people praying the same prayer with faith. The more people that pray, the more faith. I've been contacted by two different webrings about Kevon. It might seem that asking people to pray goes without saying. For some it does... but might as well get all of them. Also you might think that it goes without offering people a specific prayer to go over... well some folks won't unless the words are already there and some pray with pure doubt. But the next best thing to real belief from the gut is visualization... "seeing is believing." Besides... just all of us knowing that most of us are praying with faith increases the faith of each of us. Just some thoughts....
Taken from the letter and refined for power:

His dreams of becoming a para/rescue nurse, and bringing EMS and Lifeguard training and services closer together, have been put on hold, while he takes a combination of chemo therapy, radiation and surgery, in a struggle to save his life -- hopefully, his leg too. (Not "his" tumor....  "the" tumor) It's a small difference and yet a big difference. The tumor is necrotic and is about 8" X 4.5" X 2.25". (and "has been" [rather than "is"] about 8" X 4.5" X 2.25.") Again... a small yet significant difference. Because prayer has been proven scientifically effective we're also including prayer therapy. The prayer is a simple one.

"The prayer that Lollie sent has been inserted at the very top of the page

Thank you for sharing this prayer with your webrings, social and religious groups. Thank you for saying it with faith, for as you all know, faith is the power behind prayers. Then throw in that quote... I'll get it wrong here because I don't remember the scripture. May not have ever known it. 'Wherever two or more of you are gathered together in my name, I am with you also...' (It goes something like that.) I don't know exactly how you can tack all or part of these ideas together in a followup letter, Jack or even if you'll want to. All I know is that I used to get a maximum of 1 prayer answered for every ten prayed. Now for the last few years, I can't remember a prayer not being answered. I think the biggest key is refusing to worry about anything you've prayed for. When I first heard about Kevon, my very first thought was "Thank God neither of my kids ever got a cancer before I learned how to pray effectively. Then... thank God they won't now." Then it hit me that even >most people who go to church a lot pray without faith and/or leach the power out of their prayer with worry simply because they don't know how to do it to get the highest return. If I were in your shoes and you were in mine, I'd want you to hit with a brick if you had to.... just so long as you made sure I could connect the dots before you quit. Faith works. Even when it's faith in the worst. Thats why it's so important. So.. hey - I have to give it this shot.
See ya,

(then again, you may have known all this already in which case I'll look a  little stupid, but I hope you forgive me.)

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