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The Lifesaver, a poem written by Kevon Moran in 1993

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A Question of Attitude

False Bay SLC Homepage




When storms roll, I will come
When waves crash, I will come
when help is needed, I will come
. . . I am your Lifeguard . . .

When currents are ripping, swells are forming, and you are far, far from
Your body aches, your arms are tired, and safety is just a closed door,

I am here, I am your Lifeguard . . .

Where ever hearts are mourning over the loss of loved ones, mine mourns as
for I know the power of her mighty waves and the ferocity of her swells,

I am here, I am your Lifeguard . . .

Black Death looms over your head as a giant wall of water,
in your mind your end is near, so you paddle oh so harder.
But in your despair as if merely a glare the heavens open wide,
You reach for my arm as I pull you from harm -- You can trust me,

I am here . . . I am your Lifeguard.

by Kevon Moran, EMT, Lifeguard


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