Illegal Immigrants in the U.S.

How Many: Most Americans would consider illegal immigration to be a large problem in our country. While this concern is merited, it could probably not be farther from the truth. There are only a relatively small number of immigrants to enter our borders each year. This number is between 250-300,000 immigrants with the average being about 275,000. The current estimate of the number of illegals in the United States is 3.2 billion. While this seems a large number, they make up only about 1% of the population and are actually very few.

How Do They Get Here?: It is the common misbelief that almost all of the illegal immigrants in our country arrive by crossing the Mexican and Canadian borders. While some do this, 6/10 arrive legally. They enter our country commiting no violations with a student, tourist, or business visa and stay in the country after it expires. It is then that they are said to be illegal and can be deported.

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