
Why?: This webpage and all related articles are the direct result of a research project in my world geography class. The purpose of its construction is to convey much information about my chosen topic, immigration. The above mentioned research project has been an ongoing one, lasting an entire semester and containing very few parameters. A simple summary of its instructions would be that I was to take a topic of my choice (immigration), and collect research for it throughout the course semester. This topic then had to be incorporated in some fashion with world geography. As a final product I had to choose a way to present it to the class and teacher, hence the creation of this webpage. In the subtopic below I will discuss how to use this webpage although you could probably figure it out on your own.

How to Use: I believe that this webpage is a fairly easy one to use and most people should have little trouble with it, however here are some helpful hints. First of all, determine what kind of information you would like to have about immigration (in relation to the U.S.). After doing this, please look to the bottom of any page and find a list of navigational buttons. Find the button that you think will best serve your needs and click it. Easy as that! I told you it was simple.

Other Immigration Features

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Or, if you feel like it, Chat. Blah, blah, blah

Of course you could always join an Immigration Discussion.

[Types of Immigrants] [Destinations/Locations] [Reasons for Immigration]
[Illegal Immigrants] [Immigrants in America] [Entering the U.S.] [Charts and Graphs]
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