Basic Attacks

The core of any kombatant's fighting style are the basic attacks. Basic attacks are the kick, punch, and throw attacks available to every fighter. Below is a listing of all 16 basic attacks. Each basic attack may be used up to 2 times during a match.

Reading Move Listings

Jab - (h, h, 5, 2)
Crouch Punch - (h, l, 5, 2)
Ankle Kick - (h, l, 5, 2)
Body Kick - (h, m, 4, 2)
Hop Punch - (h, h, 4, 2, airborne attack)
Hop Kick - (h, h, 4, 2, airborne attack)
Sweep Kick - (h, l, 4, 2, opponent falls)
Head Kick - (h, h, 4, 3)
Throw - (h, m, 4, 3, unblockable, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Guard Break - (h, m, 4, 3, unblockable)
Light Jump Punch - (r, h, 3, 2, airborne attack)
Heavy Jump Punch - (r, h, 3, 3, airborne attack, opponent falls)
Jump Kick - (r, h, 3, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Roundhouse - (h, h, 3, 4, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Thrust Kick - (h, m, 3, 4, opponent is knocked back and falls, +1 speed against airborne attacks)
Uppercut - (h, m, 3, 4, opponent is knocked back and falls, +1 speed against airborne attacks)

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