
Weapons play a deadly role in MK Online. They can deliver some of the most devastating attacks in the game. Below is a list of the weapons in MK Online. The first three attacks are the attacks that can be done while holding that weapon and the last is the attack if the weapon itself is thrown at an opponent. Refer to the character profiles to see which weapon your character begins with.

Reading Move Listings

Axe | Ball and Chain | Bear Claw | Bladed Staff | Boomerang | Crossbow | Crowbar | Demon Sword | Electric Sword | Gun | Hammer | Hatchet | Hook Sword | Ice Mace | Knife | Mimic Sword | Netherrealm Staff | Pole-Axe | Sais | Scimitar | Shaolin Sword | Smoke Mace | Spiked Club | Spiked Mace | Spinning Blades | Straight Sword | Whip

Axe - A double bladed war axe.
Axe Chop - (h, h, 3, 4)
Axe Smash - (h, m, 4, 4, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Axe Spin - (h, m, 4, 4, may use 2 tech points for +2 damage)
Thrown - (r, h, 5, 2, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Ball and Chain - A heavy metallic ball attached to a chain.
Chain Smash - (h, m, 3, 5)
Chain Trip - (h, l, 3, 4, opponent falls)
Chain Swing - (h, h, 2, 6, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Thrown - (r, h, 2, 5, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Bear Claw - 3 pronged claw strapped to the hand.
Claw Punch - (h, m, 5, 3)
Claw Strike - (h, l, 4, 3, opponent falls)
Claw Spin - (h, m, 3, 4, may use 2 tech points for +2 damage)
Thrown - (r, h, 5, 2, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Bladed Staff - A wooden staff with a small blade attached to one end.
Staff Swing - (h, h, 5, 3)
Staff Trip - (h, l, 4, 3, opponent falls)
Staff Strike - (h, m, 6, 2)
Thrown - (r, h, 5, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Boomerang - A metallic boomerang with sharpened edges.
Slice - (h, m, 4, 3)
Upward Slice - (h, h, 3, 3, +1 speed against airborne attacks)
Downward Slice - (h, l, 3, 3, opponent falls)
Thrown - (r, h, 4, 4, opponent is knocked back and falls, boomerang returns to user unless it's blocked)
Crossbow - A standard looking crossbow that fires green energy bolts.
Shot - (r, m, 4, 3)
Upward Shot - (h, h, 4, 3, +1 speed against airborne attacks)
Downward Shot - (h, l, 4, 3, +1 speed against low attacks)
Thrown - (r, h, 3, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Crowbar - A basic tool used as a crude but effective weapon.
Face Smash - (h, h, 4, 3)
Crowbar Uppercut - (h, h, 3, 4, +1 speed against airborne attacks, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Disarm - (h, m, 4, 0, unblockable, causes opponent to drop whatever weapon they're holding)
Thrown - (r, h, 4, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Demon Sword - A fine edged sword that radiates with demonic energy.
Sword Slash - (h, m, 5, 3)
Downward Slash - (h, l, 5, 2, opponent falls)
Flaming Slash - (h, h, 3, 4, unblockable)
Thrown - (r, h, 4, 2, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Electric Sword - A sword whose blade is actually a column of electricity.
Straight Slash - (h, m, 5, 3)
Overhead Slash - (h, h, 4, 4)
Electrocute - (h, m, 3, 3, unblockable)
Thrown - (r, h, 4, 2, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Gun - NYPD issue handheld sub-machine gun.
Straight shot - (r, m, 4, 4)
Spread shot - (r, m, 4, 3, undodgeable)
Disarm - (r, m, 5, 0, causes opponent to drop any weapon that they're holding, unblockable)
Thrown - (r, h, 3, 2)
Hammer - A very large wooden war hammer.
Forward Pound - (h, m, 4, 4, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Upward Pound - (h, m, 3, 5, +1 speed against airborne attacks, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Overhead Pound - (h, h, 4, 3, opponent falls)
Thrown - (r, h, 3, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Hatchet - An old looking Native American style hatchet.
Hatchet Uppercut - (h, m, 3, 4, +1 speed against airborne attacks, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Downward Hit - (h, h, 3, 4, opponent falls)
Energy Ball - (r, h, 4, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Thrown - (r, h, 5, 2, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Hook Sword - A long sword with one sharp edge and a hooked end.
Chest Slash - (h, m, 5, 3)
Hook Trip - (h, l, 5, 2, opponent falls)
Sword Uppercut - (h, m, 3, 4, +1 speed against airborne atacks, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Thrown - (r, h, 5, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Ice Mace - A flanged mace with an icy blue glow coming off of the end.
Upward Smash - (h, m, 4, 4, +1 speed against airborne attacks, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Mace Trip - (h, l, 4, 3, opponent falls)
Freeze Strike - (h, m, 4, 0, follow up even if you trade hits)
Thrown - (r, h, 4, 4, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Knife - A small knife with a curved blade.
Knife Strike - (h, m, 5, 3)
Overhead Stab - (h, h, 4, 4)
Jumping Stab - (r, h, 3, 4, airborne attack)
Thrown - (r, h, 6, 2, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Mimic Sword - A standard looking sword at first, but it soon takes on a different form. The mimic sword has no attacks of it's own, but instead takes on the form of the opponent's weapon. The thrown value for the mimic sword always stays the same, but the other attacks change depending on what weapon your opponent has. If your opponent is also using a mimic sword, both mimic swords take on the attacks of a straight sword.
Thrown - (r, h, 4, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Netherrealm Staff - A dark staff with a strange device attached to one end.
Staff Hit - (h, h, 3, 5)
Staff Trip - (h, l, 4, 3, opponent falls)
Energy Bolt - (r, m, 4, 3)
Thrown - (r, h, 4, 4, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Pole-Axe - a long metallic pole with a small single bladed axe fixed to the end.
Axe Swing - (h, m, 3, 4)
Pole Trip - (h, l, 4, 3, opponent falls)
Axe Spin - (h, h, 4, 3, may use 2 tech points for +2 damage)
Thrown - (r, h, 3, 5, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Sais - Two Japanese style three prong sais.
Sai Stab - (h, m, 5, 3)
Sai Strike - (h, h, 3, 4, opponent falls)
Sai Beam - (r, h, 4, 4)
Thrown - (r, h, 4, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Scimitar - A large bladed scimitar.
High Slice - (h, h, 4, 4)
Mid Slice - (h, m, 4, 3, may use 3 tech points for +3 damage)
Overhead Slice - (h, h, 3, 4, opponent falls)
Thrown - (r, h, 3, 4, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Shaolin Sword - A jagged edged sword bearing a dragon symbol on the handle.
Straight Slash - (h, m, 5, 3)
Overhead Slash - (h, h, 4, 4)
Multi Slash - (h, h, 5, 2, may use 1 to 4 tech points for +1 to +4 damage)
Thrown - (r, h, 5, 2, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Smoke Mace - A flanged mace that constantly has smoke rising off of it.
Upward Smash - (h, m, 4, 4, +1 speed against airborne attacks, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Mace Trip - (h, l, 5, 2, opponent falls)
Smoke Screen - (h, m, 3, 0, unblockable, opponent is at -1 speed on the next 3 turns)
Thrown - (r, h, 3, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Spiked Club - A large wooden club with several sharp spikes on all sides.
Club Smash - (h, h, 4, 3)
Underhand Smash - (h, m, 3, 5, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Downward Smash - (h, h, 4, 3, opponent falls)
Thrown - (r, h, 4, 4, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Spiked Mace - A straight handled mace with a rounded end and multiple spikes.
Straight Hit - (h, h, 4, 4)
Overhead Hit - (h, h, 3, 4, opponent falls)
Mace Block - (the same as a normal block except the player attacking takes 1 damage instead of the player defending)
Thrown - (r, h, 5, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Spinning Blades - A series of razor like blades spinning on the end of a metal handle.
Gut Slice - (h, m, 3, 5)
Overhead Slice - (h, h, 4, 4)
Foot Slice - (h, l, 4, 3, opponent falls)
Thrown - (r, h, 4, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Straight Sword - Just a standard straight sword.
Straight Slash - (h, m, 5, 3)
Downward Slash - (h, h, 4, 4)
Spin Slash - (h, l, 4, 3, may use 2 tech points for +2 damage)
Thrown - (r, h, 4, 3, opponent is knocked back and falls)
Whip - A medium length whip made of tough leather.
Whip Crack - (h, h, 5, 3)
Leg Trip - (h, l, 4, 4, opponent falls)
Neck Grab - (h, h, 3, 3, follow up)
Thrown - (r, h, 4, 1)

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