Resource Links

I have tried to keep the links on this page favoring Male Victims, for biased reason. The common complaint I have heard in my short time in recovery are all the same. " There are very few resources for adult males". As you can see my list is by no way exhausting. The one good thing about my list is that listings such as Jim Hoppers are some of the best in the world. I will keep looking for pages dedicated to the abused adult male and post them as I find them. If you know of any please feel free to mail the links to me.

Anonymous Sexual Abuse Recovery (Canada) lots of links here

Christian Recovery International

Jim Hopper's Home Page this is one of my favorite pages. There is so much I could say about what Jim has written I could go on for ever. This is a must place to start for anyone.

M.A.L.E. Men Assisting Leading and Educating very informative page with a monthly news letter. It also has its own chat line for anyone wanting peer support and many members are listed on the ICQ.

  A Resource on Kids, Abuse and the Occult this is a kid resource, but many of us still have a child in us that was destroyed years ago. The author has helped me a lot.


NOMSV The National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization new listing

Warriors of the Heart a page dedicated to Male survivors of sexual and incest abuse.


Male Abuse Survivors Support Forum wow I just found this site, it has lots of links , a chat, message board etc.


MenWeb - Men's Issues Male Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors

Soul's Self-Help Central

The Blue Maxwell Awards

The Center Post-Traumatic & Dissociative Disorders Program

The International Society for the Study of Dissociation

Welcome to AReASON

The Morris Center

 Please E-mail me and if you want to tell other survivors there is hope please sign my book  



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