" Whatever Satan uses for evil, God can use for good"

These organizations are for those wanting help with, but not exclusively, the effects of Sexual Abuse. Some of these will include homosexuality, sexual dysfunction, many addictions, pedophilia, and incest, The difference I have found with Christian Organizations and non-Christian, is that the ones who include God leave you with faith and hope. It is very interesting that many survivors ran away from the Church. In many cases like my own, we were hurt by the Church. Its is great to see these organizations are now backed by a variety of Churches.


Christian Coalition for Reconciliation

Courage [Roman Catholic]

Desert Stream, California

Eagle, Minnesota

Elutheros, Florida

Exodus International an umbrella organization for several of these listed here

First Stone, Oklahoma

Free!, Pennsylvania

Harvest USA, Pennsylvania

Hero Ministry, South Africa

HA Fellowship Services

Isaiah 56 Ministries

Keys Ministry, Minnesota

Love in Action, Tennessee

LifeGuard Ministries, Texas

Living Hope, Texas

Mastering Life Ministry


New Direction for Life, Canada ,my favorite since they have helped me the most.

New Hope Ministries, California

Outpost, Minnesota

The Portland Fellowship, Oregon

Recovery House, North Carolina

Safe Passage, California

Sexual Wholeness Ministries, Texas

Straight Paths, California

Trailblazers, South Africa

Transformed by Grace, Illinois

True Freedom Trust, England


If you are aware of any more links please e-mail them to me so I may include them. If you have any personal experience that you would like to share about these groups, don't be shy.

Please E-mail me and if you want to tell other survivors there is hope please sign my book   


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