The Survivors Page

I am going to dedicate this page to Martin Kruz of Toronto Canada. Martin survived the only way he trusted, by committing suicide. Unfortunately Martin wasn't able to trust the system. The publicity he received by exposing the sexual abuse at Maple Leaf Gardens only helped destroy him in the long run.

Oct 31, 1997 from The Toronto Star

Kruze reached out in death

The sun would have been in Martin Kruze's dear face yesterday morning when, shortly before 11 o'clock, he jumped the concrete barrier on the Bloor St. Viaduct and leaped to his death. He had been there before, literally on that ledge, metaphorically on the edge, ready to die. This, by the accounts of his life that he himself gave reporters after he went public with his sordid story of abuse at Maple Leaf Gardens, was his seventh go at suicide

This page is a large part of my recovery. Reading the pages of other survivors listed here, makes one realize that some are worse off than ourselves. Others, are further along in their recovery, and give us hope in what seems to be a never ending battle. These links are only Male survivors, its not that I don't recognize females but there are so many pages for them and I was having a tough time finding males who would talk about it.While finding these web sites, many like Robbie have become good friends



If you are a survivor and have a web page that is not listed here please e-mail

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&COPY [email protected]
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