For the past 2 years (2008 and 2009), Aldous has had the privilege of attending Camp AweSum -a summer camp designed specifically for children with Autism. The therapies employed at this special camp are precisely the therapeutic approaches that have proven to be the most effective with Aldous. Finally, a place where he doesn't fall through the cracks!   Camp AweSum is Aldous' only opportunity to be in an environment that not only revolves around his needs but provides necessary therapy and encourages him to build ongoing friendships with the other campers from one year, to the next.

After his first year, we saw so much progress in his language, behavior, and motivation to reach out socially, that we started the Aldous Project to make sure that he can return every year to continue to cultivate those fragile yet important friendships. At the very least, Aldous deserves to spend a week among those who accept him for who he is in an environment that supports his needs. Truly, picking him up at the end of the week is like entering "Autism World" where we were the oddballs, unsure of how to behave or what to do to connect!


The only obstacle that stands between Aldous and the lifelong benefits of camp is funding.           

Grant monies are not available to Aldous (see his Back Story and even if awarded the ASD grant (he's waitlisted for 2-3 years), it would not be able to be used for camp, but only for physical needs such as therapy tools and a few pre-selected services that may or may not serve Aldous' needs.

Your donations and support (by telling others about the Aldous Project and Camp AweSum) will affect this child's ability to achieve a functional, productive, and meaningful life.

You CAN make a difference!


[email protected]

This site made on a Mac by Aldous' Papa.



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