The Aldous Project is an ongoing child-specific fundraising effort privately created for the specific goal of gathering enough money to send Aldous, a boy with Autism, to a specific annual out-of-state camp for Autistic children. The Aldous Project is NOT a tax-exempt non-profit organization or charity. 100% of the funds donated to the Aldous Project are deposited into secure account created specifically for Aldous' needs, with Aldous being the primary name on the account. Should we be so fortunate as to raise funds beyond the immediate cost for camp this year as outlined on the "Brass Tacks" page, and surplus funds will be kept in Aldous' account for future years of camp (ending in 2015). If funds are raised beyond this (which would be INCREDIBLE!), we will close down the Aldous Project website, retain the surplus in his account and use those funds for a Special Needs Trust Fund that will be used to help him adjust to adult living in the future.

Aldous' last name and the location of the camp are kept anonymous on this site to protect the privacy of Aldous and his fellow campers. All photos used on this site are the property of Aldous and his parents and are intentionally non-specific with regard to location or co-camper identification.

This private project-specific fundraising is in accordance with Colorado regulations.

*Due to an online security concern, please do not donate to the Aldous Project if you heard about the Aldous Project from a member or clergy of the East Gate Alliance Church in Marshfield, WI in December 2008.    If you are a current member or clergy and do not fall into this slim category, we appreciate and welcome your support!

Thank you for cooperating and protecting the Aldous' camp fund from harm.
[email protected]

This site made on a Mac by Aldous' Papa.



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