Most of his early childhood was spent staring at blank walls, interacting with hallucinations, and occasionally bursting into violent temper tantrums and rages that would last for hours, regardless of discipline or attempts to understand what he needed. After multiple pediatricians failed to give answers, insisting that "Einstein didn't talk until he was older!" Aldous was diagnosed at a pediatric hospital with Autism. Therapy being extremely expensive, our savings were depleted within 4 months. Early intervention was not entirely possible due to ongoing financial difficulties.

Aldous doesn't qualify for most resources because his verbal IQ is too low to be diagnosed with "Asperger's" but his above average performance IQ shuts him out of any Developmentally Delayed funds, grants or programs. Sadly, he falls through nearly every crack in the system and has no siblings.   Our family has limited resources and, without consistent interventions such as Camp AweSum, he has been given the grim prognosis of adult homelessness.

As frustrating as it has been to find therapies and resources for which he qualifies, it has been financially challenging to keep one parent dedicated full-time to his care and keep afloat on one income.   We are privileged to have the love and emotional support of extended family and if he's able to succeed behaviorally in school this year, we hope to add a part-time income to our household resources.

While we can provide Aldous' basic physical needs, our dream for him is to be able to continue attending camp each summer, maintaing that consistency that is vital for Autistic children to grow and reach a higher potential.

Please take a moment to read about the effect that this amazing camp has had on his life.


[email protected]

This site made on a Mac by Aldous' Papa.



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