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Communism – New Vision of the Old Goal, and New Tasks.


By Andrei Shkarubo.


Political, i.e. practical, setbacks of the Russian communists once again make them return to theoretical issues: review of their party program which, in turn, is impossible without any revision of their world outlook and ideology.


First of all, one should stress that realities of life have only confirmed the truth of Marx and Lenin’s communist teaching; but these realities have also confirmed their warning not to turn their teaching into dogma.


Which raises a question: What is modern Marxism to become so as to respond adequately to the present challenges of Time?


First of all, it must have a new, qualitatively improved methodology of analyses of processes and phenomena, i.e. a new dialectics, the dialectics of new vision, - <the long overdue attempts to create which have been repeatedly undertaken around the world.


Unlike the old, ‘descriptive’ dialectics comprising a few postulates capable of only explaining a process or phenomenon, post factum too, the new dialectics should become a universal methodology based on the universal measure, Time, a methodology capable of not just explaining a process or phenomenon, but making forecasts about their development.


In other words, the new dialectics should become a working model which could help form a new world outlook, on the basis of which new values could be defined, as well as goals and means for their achievement, i.e. a new ideology could be created.


The hopes of those incapable or unwilling to look for new paths, claiming that the course of history would inevitably lead us to socialism-communism, citing the rise of class struggle, the general swing to the left indicated by opinion polls, and the socialists’ rise to power in Latin America, are illusory.


They ignore the fact that Russia, despite its speedy degradation and fairly good chance of disintegration, is nonetheless a grade higher in its social development than the third world countries, including Latin America, - and if a person has lost his teeth and is gradually sliding back into childhood, it doesn’t mean that he’ll need a baby’s dummy soon.


It’s time they knew that the baby’s dummy of socialism cannot solve Russia’s problems, being only a transitory period from capitalism to communism. A period which we have covered the whole way and scampered back, being frightened by the Unknown looming ahead.


The fact that socialism cannot solve our problems is becoming increasingly clear because the problems of the modern world are not limited to the problem of exploitation of man by man.


The problem of exploitation of the planet Earth by human race is becoming more acute; its inevitable outcome is getting increasingly clear and imminent.


Struggling with the parasites of our ruling classes, we ourselves, nonetheless, remain parasites, taking part in the ruthless exploitation, destruction of the planet’s living organism. And the fate of all parasites is involution, i.e. degradation and death.


The fate of the present-day Russia and its people is a good case in point: One cannot serve two masters, God and Mammon; one cannot set two opposing goals, fulfillment of spiritual and material needs, - the way it was done in the former USSR communist party manifesto of building communism. As we all witnessed, such mesalliances can breed only hypocrisy, lies and ruin.


The cult of rabid material consumption is increasingly and blatantly running into conflict with the limited natural resources of the planet Earth. If we cannot solve this conflict first, there’ll be no lasting solution to the conflict of collective production and private acquisition.

In other words, unless we voluntarily curb our material desires, the fight for the re-division of the public pie is inevitable. Our past socialist experience testifies to this.


This task of voluntary restriction of material consumption can be solved only by a highly integrated, communist, society – a society with the high level of nationalization in which the relative deficit of material comforts is compensated by their relative accessibility – cheap public transport is a good illustration.


The high level of nationalization, which is actually conscious necessity of sharing bequeathed by our Lord, is possible only when spiritual, not economic, growth becomes the priority of our development.


This doesn’t mean, of course, that the left should forsake political economy and rush en masse to places of worship – the Church has long become a state institution ministering to the interests of the ruling parasites, and selling its religious opium to the people.


This means that moral-ethical values should become a priority in the construction of a new communist society. That the hierarchy of social relations there should be based not on the supremacy of power, wealth, nor even intellect – every smart ass has its follies – such relations should be based on spiritual authority. Which means that in this sort of society power must be void of privileges.


This not a revelation of any kind: everything new is created through self-sacrifice and selfless service. What remains is to make this principle a top priority at every stage of further social development so that the bitter irony of saying that “Revolutions are conceived by idealists, implemented by fanatics and profited from by scoundrels” could be lost on the upcoming generations.


If the left succeed in this issue, our society, civilization would manage to rise to a new step in their development. If not – well, at the present stage in our development communism is unavoidable prospect anyway, but in this case instead of a new stage in our development, we would slide back to the old one, primitive communism.


We would be brought back to it by our Mother Nature which is no longer capable of satisfying the whims of our parasitic consumer civilization.

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